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The Crucible Act 3 Notes:


The scene is set in court, where Judge Hathorne is asking questions and Martha Corey is answering them.

  •    Hathorne accuses Martha Corey of being a which, she denies it

  •     Giles shouts out that he has evidence against the accusation that his wife is a witch, and therefore Hathorne orders that Giles should be arrested

  •     Hale enters the court room and helps defend Giles, in order to save his wife

  •    Francis Nurse, who's wife was condemned that morning, states that the girls that are making the accusations are a fraud.

  •     Mary Warren and Proctor enter the court scene and defend Elizabeth, who has also been accused of witchcraft.

  •   Therefore, Proctor denies that his wife has anything to do with witchcraft and Mary Warren admits that she had previously lied in court about the presence of the Devil and witches.

  • We find out that Elizabeth Proctor is pregnant and therefore is allowed to live another year, until she has the baby.

  •      Proctor presents a letter which has been signed by 91 people, stating that they have seen so sign of witchcraft in Elizabeth. Parris thinks this is an attack upon the court, and wants all these people to be questioned.

  •     Proctor and Giles continuously attempt to prove their wives' innocence, yet are accused of being a threat to the court.

  •        Danforth attempts to show logic in their accusations by calling witchcraft an 'invisible crime.'

  •   Abigail and the other girls are brought into the court scene.

  • Abigail manipulates Danforth and the court, Proctor jumps at her and calls her a whore

  • Proctor admits to his affair with Abigail to the court, and so his wife is brought in in order to question her whether this claim is true, as Proctor states that Elizabeth has never lied in her life

  •    However, Elizabeth lies and states that her husband has never committed the crime of lechery, in order to protect Proctor's name.

  •      Suddenly all the girls start pointing to the ceiling, as if they were seeing a yellow bird and pretend that they are controlled by Mary Warren.

  •    Mary Warren accuses Proctor of being the 'Devil's man'.

  •    The scene ends in chaos, Hale quits the court.

Questions that may be asked:

  • why does Hale quit the court?

    • Reverend Hale quits the court at the end of act three because he thinks it is childish,immature and he loses faith in their justice system. Hale sees that the town has gone mad and realizes that Abigail and the others are lying about witchcraft. He is annoyed and taken back by the fact that no one will listen to him and decides to quit the court as he sees no further purpose.

  • What happens to the 91 people who sign the petition

    • Proctor, presents to the court a petion that him and 91 other people have signed. This petition states that they have seen signs of witchcraft in Elizabeth. Parris sees this as an attack upon the court and wants all these people questioned

  • What are the conflicts between Danforth and Hale

    • Hale is asking Danforth to reason, but Danforth is too stubborn to budge.

  •  Mary’s Confession and why does she confess

    • Mary didn't do it, she says. Abigail made me do it. Then Abigail starts faking. and trying to accuse her.

    • Mary also accuses Proctor as being a devil’s man and switched up on John

    • Mary prosecutes John, and Danforth sends EVERYONE to jail.


The Crucible Act 3 Notes:


The scene is set in court, where Judge Hathorne is asking questions and Martha Corey is answering them.

  •    Hathorne accuses Martha Corey of being a which, she denies it

  •     Giles shouts out that he has evidence against the accusation that his wife is a witch, and therefore Hathorne orders that Giles should be arrested

  •     Hale enters the court room and helps defend Giles, in order to save his wife

  •    Francis Nurse, who's wife was condemned that morning, states that the girls that are making the accusations are a fraud.

  •     Mary Warren and Proctor enter the court scene and defend Elizabeth, who has also been accused of witchcraft.

  •   Therefore, Proctor denies that his wife has anything to do with witchcraft and Mary Warren admits that she had previously lied in court about the presence of the Devil and witches.

  • We find out that Elizabeth Proctor is pregnant and therefore is allowed to live another year, until she has the baby.

  •      Proctor presents a letter which has been signed by 91 people, stating that they have seen so sign of witchcraft in Elizabeth. Parris thinks this is an attack upon the court, and wants all these people to be questioned.

  •     Proctor and Giles continuously attempt to prove their wives' innocence, yet are accused of being a threat to the court.

  •        Danforth attempts to show logic in their accusations by calling witchcraft an 'invisible crime.'

  •   Abigail and the other girls are brought into the court scene.

  • Abigail manipulates Danforth and the court, Proctor jumps at her and calls her a whore

  • Proctor admits to his affair with Abigail to the court, and so his wife is brought in in order to question her whether this claim is true, as Proctor states that Elizabeth has never lied in her life

  •    However, Elizabeth lies and states that her husband has never committed the crime of lechery, in order to protect Proctor's name.

  •      Suddenly all the girls start pointing to the ceiling, as if they were seeing a yellow bird and pretend that they are controlled by Mary Warren.

  •    Mary Warren accuses Proctor of being the 'Devil's man'.

  •    The scene ends in chaos, Hale quits the court.

Questions that may be asked:

  • why does Hale quit the court?

    • Reverend Hale quits the court at the end of act three because he thinks it is childish,immature and he loses faith in their justice system. Hale sees that the town has gone mad and realizes that Abigail and the others are lying about witchcraft. He is annoyed and taken back by the fact that no one will listen to him and decides to quit the court as he sees no further purpose.

  • What happens to the 91 people who sign the petition

    • Proctor, presents to the court a petion that him and 91 other people have signed. This petition states that they have seen signs of witchcraft in Elizabeth. Parris sees this as an attack upon the court and wants all these people questioned

  • What are the conflicts between Danforth and Hale

    • Hale is asking Danforth to reason, but Danforth is too stubborn to budge.

  •  Mary’s Confession and why does she confess

    • Mary didn't do it, she says. Abigail made me do it. Then Abigail starts faking. and trying to accuse her.

    • Mary also accuses Proctor as being a devil’s man and switched up on John

    • Mary prosecutes John, and Danforth sends EVERYONE to jail.
