These help structure essays and conversations smoothly.
En primer lugar – In the first place
Para empezar – To begin with
Antes que nada – First of all
Cabe mencionar que – It’s worth mentioning that
Además – Moreover / Furthermore
Aparte de eso – Aside from that
No solo… sino también – Not only… but also
De hecho – In fact
Sin embargo – However
Por otro lado – On the other hand
Aunque – Even though
A pesar de – Despite
Por lo tanto – Therefore
Como resultado – As a result
Debido a – Due to
En consecuencia – Consequently
Por ejemplo – For example
Es decir – That is to say
Dicho de otro modo – In other words
En resumen – In summary
En fin – All in all
Para concluir – To conclude
Al fin y al cabo – After all
Use these instead of basic verbs like hacer, decir, tener, ser, estar.
Afirmar – To state
Sostener – To argue / maintain
Destacar – To highlight
Recalcar – To emphasize
Demostrar – To demonstrate
Probar – To prove
Refutar – To refute
Opinar que – To be of the opinion that
Parecer que – To seem that
Es evidente que – It is evident that
Exigir – To demand
Rechazar – To reject
Lograr – To achieve
Sugerir – To suggest
Aconsejar – To advise
Amenazar – To threaten
Strong adjectives make your speech/writing more vivid.
Inigualable – Unmatched
Sobresaliente – Outstanding
Relevante – Relevant
Contundente – Forceful / Convincing
Fidedigno – Reliable
Sumamente – Extremely
Notablemente – Notably
En gran medida – To a great extent
Indudablemente – Undoubtedly
Using these will make you sound more natural and fluent.
Ser pan comido – To be a piece of cake
Estar entre la espada y la pared – To be between a rock and a hard place
No tener pelos en la lengua – To be very direct/blunt
Más vale tarde que nunca – Better late than never
Hacerse la vista gorda – To turn a blind eye
Tirar la toalla – To throw in the towel / give up
Estar en las nubes – To be daydreaming
Echar leña al fuego – To add fuel to the fire
Meter la pata – To put your foot in your mouth
Estar hasta las narices de… – To be fed up with…
Ponerse las pilas – To get your act together
No ver la hora de… – Can’t wait to…
No cabe duda de que… – There’s no doubt that…
A duras penas – Barely / With great difficulty
Helpful for essays about literature, history, and current events.
Derechos humanos – Human rights
Desigualdad social – Social inequality
Cambio climático – Climate change
Pobreza extrema – Extreme poverty
Obra maestra – Masterpiece
Corriente artística – Artistic movement
Realismo mágico – Magical realism
Trama – Plot
Oferta y demanda – Supply and demand
Desarrollo sostenible – Sustainable development
Globalización – Globalization
Innovación tecnológica – Technological innovation
These can be used in formal and informal settings.
Estoy de acuerdo con… – I agree with…
No comparto esa opinión – I don’t share that opinion
Es un tema polémico – It’s a controversial topic
Si tuviera más tiempo, + conditional – If I had more time, I would…
Si hubiera sabido, + past conditional – If I had known, I would have…
No estoy seguro de que + subjunctive – I’m not sure that…
Es poco probable que + subjunctive – It’s unlikely that…
Desde mi punto de vista… – From my point of view…
Me parece que… – It seems to me that…
Considero que… – I consider that…
These will boost your score!
Subjunctive for opinions & doubts:
No creo que sea necesario… – I don’t think it’s necessary…
Es importante que tomemos medidas… – It’s important that we take action…
Passive voice for academic tone:
El problema fue causado por… – The problem was caused by…
Se ha demostrado que… – It has been proven that…
Impersonal expressions to sound formal:
Es fundamental reconocer que… – It is fundamental to recognize that…
No se puede negar que… – It cannot be denied that…
📌 Flashcard 1: What is the subjunctive?
Answer: The subjunctive is a verb mood used to express doubt, uncertainty, emotions, hypothetical situations, desires, and impersonal expressions.
📌 Flashcard 2: When do we use the subjunctive?
Answer: Use it after:
Wishes (Quiero que vengas.)
Emotions (Me alegra que estés aquí.)
Impersonal expressions (Es importante que estudies.)
Requests/recommendations (Te sugiero que leas.)
Doubt/Denial (Dudo que sea verdad.)
Ojalá (Ojalá que apruebe el examen.)
📌 Flashcard 3: How do you conjugate verbs in the present subjunctive?
Answer: Start with the yo form of the present tense, drop the -o, and add:
AR Verbs | ER/IR Verbs |
e | a |
es | as |
e | a |
emos | amos |
éis | áis |
en | an |
Example: Hablar → hable, hables, hable, hablemos, habléis, hablen
Example: Tener → tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos, tengáis, tengan
📌 Flashcard 4: What are some irregular verbs in the present subjunctive?
DISHES (common irregulars)
Dar → dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den
Ir → vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan
Ser → sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean
Haber → haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
Estar → esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén
Saber → sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan
📌 Flashcard 5: How do you form the imperfect subjunctive?
Start with the third-person plural (ellos/ellas) form of the preterite.
Drop the -ron ending.
Add these endings:
All Verbs |
ra |
ras |
ra |
ramos |
rais |
ran |
Example: Hablar → hablara, hablaras, hablara, habláramos, hablarais, hablaran
Example: Tener → tuviera, tuvieras, tuviera, tuviéramos, tuvierais, tuvieran
📌 Flashcard 6: When do we use the imperfect subjunctive?
Answer: Use it in past WEIRDO situations and hypothetical clauses.
Quería que tú vinieras. (I wanted you to come.)
Si tuviera más dinero, viajaría. (If I had more money, I would travel.)
📌 Flashcard 7: What is the conditional tense?
Answer: The conditional is used to express what would happen under certain conditions.
📌 Flashcard 8: How do you conjugate verbs in the conditional?
Answer: Take the infinitive and add these endings:
All Verbs |
ía |
ías |
ía |
íamos |
íais |
ían |
Example: Hablar → hablaría, hablarías, hablaría, hablaríamos, hablaríais, hablarían
Example: Tener → tendría, tendrías, tendría, tendríamos, tendríais, tendrían
📌 Flashcard 9: What are the irregular verbs in the conditional?
Answer: They have the same irregular stems as the future tense:
Tener → Tendr- (tendría, tendrías…)
Poner → Pondr- (pondría, pondrías…)
Hacer → Har- (haría, harías…)
Decir → Dir- (diría, dirías…)
Salir → Saldr- (saldría, saldrías…)
Venir → Vendr- (vendría, vendrías…)
Poder → Podr- (podría, podrías…)
Querer → Querr- (querría, querrías…)
Saber → Sabr- (sabría, sabrías…)
📌 Flashcard 10: When do we use the conditional?
Hypotheticals: Si pudiera, viajaría a España. (If I could, I would travel to Spain.)
Polite requests: ¿Podrías ayudarme? (Could you help me?)
Speculation in the past: ¿Dónde estaría Juan ayer? (I wonder where Juan was yesterday.)
📌 Flashcard 11: What is the past perfect subjunctive?
Answer: Used for hypothetical situations in the past (especially in "si" clauses).
📌 Flashcard 12: How do you conjugate it?
Answer: Use haber in the imperfect subjunctive + past participle.
Haber | + Past Participle |
hubiera | hablado, tenido, salido |
hubieras | hablado, tenido, salido |
hubiera | hablado, tenido, salido |
hubiéramos | hablado, tenido, salido |
hubierais | hablado, tenido, salido |
hubieran | hablado, tenido, salido |
Example: Si hubiera estudiado, habría sacado una A. (If I had studied, I would have gotten an A.)
📌 Flashcard 13: What are the common "si" clause structures?
Si + present → future
Si estudias, sacarás buena nota. (If you study, you’ll get a good grade.)
Si + imperfect subjunctive → conditional
Si tuviera dinero, viajaría. (If I had money, I would travel.)
Si + past perfect subjunctive → conditional perfect
Si hubiera estudiado, habría aprobado. (If I had studied, I would have passed.)