Unit 5 Thrill Vocabulary


an exciting action, usually in a film, that is dangerous or appears dangerous and usually needs to be done by someone skilled


a person who does dangerous things and takes risks


someone who often takes risks


showing a willingness to take risks or offend people


very dangerous

assess the risk

to judge or decide the danger involved in doing something

minimise the risk

to reduce something to the least possible level or amount

get a real kick out of

to enjoy something


people who are not brave


a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure

He completed a remarkable _______ when he somersaulted from one glider to another at 160 kmph.

the 42-year-old ________ landed in an area containing 18,600 cardboard boxes

He was a _________ by nature.

Jumping from a helicopter without a parachute is extremely _________.

He leapt from a helicopter in a __________ stunt.

We need to ___________ of doing this climb before making the decision to go.

He would never do anything extreme without ____________ beforehand.

The film explains why some people ____________ doing extreme sports.

Sky-diving is extreme, and not for the ___________.

Cautious people shake their heads at what they consider the complete and utter idiocy of risking your life for a short-lived _______.
