All living things are made up of cells, some are only made up of one cell and others of many cells.
There are 2 types of organisms based on how many cells they have; unicellular, and multicellular
Cells are the building blocks of life and they are the most basic structural and functional units of our life. They form the tissues, organs, and organ systems in organism’s
If the average adult human has around 37.2 trillion cells
Cells are called the building blocks of life because they are the basic structural and functional units of an organism.
Robert Hooke named the cells after tiny boxes that monks lived in, after he cut thin slices from cork and looked at them under a microscope. They were named cells in the year 1665
Carries the genes
Regulates cell’s activity
Constructs ribosomes
Arranges important protein to the destination
Constructs protein from amino acids
Attached to ribosomes
Produces protein needed for the cell to function
No ribosomes attached
Makes lipids in the cell
Helps detoxify harmful substances found in cell
Cells powerhouse
Produces energy
Breaks down large molecules
Helps cell division
Holding all the organelles together
Protects organelle from damage
Protecting the cell
Regulates transport of materials (enter/exit)
Provide structural strength and support
Prevents osmotic bursting
Protecting the cell
Regulates transport of materials (enter/exit)
Carries the genes
Regulates cell’s activity
Constructs ribosomes
Holding all the organelles together
Protects organelle from damage
Attached to ribosomes
Produces protein needed for the cell to function
No ribosomes attached
Makes lipids in the cell
Helps detoxify harmful substances found in cell
Arranges important protein to the destination
Cells powerhouse
Produces energy
Contains chlorophyll
Place where photosynthesis takes place
Stores nutrients and water
Helps maintain water balance