Definition: Texts not included in the canonical New Testament; often related to early Christian teachings.
Definition: Non-canonical texts associated with the Old Testament, found in the Septuagint but absent from the Hebrew scriptures.
Book of Enoch
Books of Maccabees (Jewish history during Roman times)
Book of Judith (story of Judith and her victory over evil)
Overview: Greek translation of Hebrew scriptures, began under Ptolemy Philadelphus in Alexandria.
Significance: Includes additional Greek texts without Hebrew equivalents, referred to as the Old Testament Apocrypha.
Categories: Two main categories identified for New Testament apocrypha:
First Category: Early gospels reflecting teachings of Jesus and the apostles.
Examples: Gospel of the Hebrews, Gospel of the Ebionites
Second Category: Texts that fill in gaps about Jesus' life not covered in the canonical gospels (e.g., his childhood).
Notable text: Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Description: Focuses on Jesus' early years, often portrayed negatively (e.g., using miracles for personal gain).
Significance: Provides insight into early Christian interest in Jesus' early life.
Definition: "First Gospel" concerning the life of Mary, attributed falsely to James, brother of Jesus.
Content: Describes Mary's birth, upbringing, betrothal to Joseph, and the infancy of Jesus.
Key Characters:
Mary (dedicated to God at the Temple)
Joachim (Mary's father)
Joseph (selected to marry Mary through a miraculous sign)
Event: Joseph is given a rod which produces a dove, marking him as Mary's betrothed.
Cultural Context: Betrothal at age 12, a common practice for girls during ancient times.
Definition: Spiritual movement within early Christianity emphasizing secret knowledge (gnosis) and often deemed heretical.
Beliefs: Separation of good and evil, with matter considered evil and spirit seen as good.
Demiurge: Term used by Gnostics to describe the Creator God as a craftsman, separate from the spiritual Supreme God.
Types of Texts: Includes gospels, acts of apostles, and revelations.
Notable Figures:
Basilides: Claimed to have teachings from Jesus' disciples, wrote a gospel (now lost).
Valentinus: Important teacher in Rome, possibly linked to the Gospel of Truth.
Nag Hammadi Library: Discovered in 1945 in Egypt, containing 13 books and 52 texts of Gnostic writings.
Significance: Provided scholars access to primary Gnostic writings previously thought to have been lost or suppressed.
Content: Includes gnostic gospels and acts that eschew traditional teachings and narratives found in the New Testament.”,
Overview: Unearthed in 1978, presents Judas as the most trusted disciple rather than a betrayer.
Revelation: Depicts a secret agreement between Judas and Jesus regarding the betrayal necessary for salvation.
Importance of New Testament Apocrypha: They reveal the diversity of early Christian beliefs and the complexities surrounding the formation of the biblical canon.