Chapters 7 + 8 Microbio flashcards

DNA is a double-stranded structure composed of a chain Deoxynucleotide subunitsĀ 

  • Each nucleotide contains a 5-carbon sugar

  • Phosphate groupĀ 

  • 4 different nucleotides AT GCĀ 

RNA is also composed of nucleotidesĀ 

  • Ribose sugarĀ 

  • Phosphate groupĀ 

  • Contains oxygen atomĀ 

  • AU GCĀ 

  • Shorter, linear single-strandedĀ 

2 Tasks to be completed to multiply

  1. Replication: Double-stranded DNA must be duplicated for information to be encoded to be passed onĀ 

  2. Gene Expression: The encoded information must be decoded so it can be synthesized

    1. Transcription: DNA information is encoded, copied and changed to RNAĀ 

    2. Information carried by RNA and interpreted and synthesized to encode proteinĀ 

Origin of Replication in prokaryotes = the point at which DNA opens upĀ Ā 

DNA is semiconservative; each strand acts as a template for synthesis of a new complementary strandĀ 

  • 1 starting molecule to 2 daughter moleculesĀ 

  • New DNA is made by DNA polymeraseĀ 

    • Leading stand is read 5 prime to 3 prime (continuous pieces)Ā 

    • Lagging strand is read 3 to 5 or backwards (small pieces)Ā 

      • Forms in okazaki fragmentsĀ 

  • A primer or short stretch of nucleotides is required to start making a DNA chainĀ 

    • RNA primase starts the action of the primerĀ 

  • A DNA molecule lacking the proper sequence will not replicateĀ 

  • The proteins that bind to the bacterial origin of replication are the DNA gyrase and helicasesĀ 

    • Enzymes breaks the DNA helix at the siteĀ 

    • The region is exposed and acts as a templateĀ 

DNA Primase: Synthesize the RNA primers complimentary to the exposed templateĀ 

DNA ligase: glue to attach the Okazaki fragments. Also repairs irregularities or breaks.Ā 

  1. Seals repairs in the DNAĀ 

  2. Seals recombination fragments. For example, a repair is made where an entire segment is cut out, so it will have to repair that stretch of information.Ā Ā 

  3. Connects Okazaki fragmentĀ 

DNA topoimerase: relieving the coiling of the double-stranded DNA. Stretches out the DNA so the helicase can do itā€™s workĀ 

DNA-Binding proteins: Attach to the DNAĀ 

  • Bind to single- or double-stranded DNAĀ 

  • Involved in transcription, packaging, rearrangement, replication, and repairĀ 

Helicases: Opens the DNA helix by breaking hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases


  • Begins at the site of origin and creates a replication fork by separating the two sides of the parental DNAĀ 

  • Stretch the DNA into single strands to be copiedĀ 

Primer RNA: initiates DNA synthesis. Required for dna synthesis because DNA polymerase needs to initiate polynucleotide synthesisĀ 

  • RNA primers are used by all living organisms.Ā 

DNA polymerase requirementsĀ 

  • Always needs a templateĀ 

  • Can only add nucleotides to the 3ā€™ endĀ 

  • Require a pre-existing chain or primerĀ 

  • Proofread and check their work and correct incorrect nucleotides

The 3 DNA polymerasesĀ 

  1. DNA Polymerase IĀ 

    1. ProofreadingĀ 

    2. In the lagging strand, will fill up any gaps between oazaki fragmentsĀ 

  2. DNA Polymerase IIĀ 

    1. Proofreading

  3. DNA polymerase IIĀ 

    1. DNA polymerase III is most important because itā€™s required for DNA synthesis.Ā 

Codon: A triple sequence of DNA and RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid

Start codon and stop codonĀ 

Anticodon: A section of transfer RNA (tRNA) is a categorization of 3 bases that are corresponding to codons in messenger RNA (mRNA).Ā 

  • The function of anticodons is to take the correct amino acids together to create a protein based on the instructions carried in the mRNa.Ā 

Control of Gene Expression in ProkaryotesĀ 

Positive Control of Lac-Operon

Inducer (operator): A small molecule that will bind to the repressor and block the RNA polymerase from transcribingĀ 

  • Will cause the

Promoter: Looking for a specific DNA sequence where the polymerase will bind to start transcriptionĀ 

Negative ControlĀ 

Repressors: Repressing proteins the action of the promoter (bind to the DNA to prevent transcription, block the DNA polymerase from accessing the gene)Ā 

The gene expressed will bind to the repressor and unable to bind to the operator andĀ 

Operon: Group that regulate genesĀ 

Chapter 8: Microbial GeneticsĀ 

Genetic changes in bacteria happens by 2 mechanisms

  1. Mutations (Vertical gene transfer)

    1. Change the nucleotide sequence of the cellā€™s DNA. the daughter cell is altered from the parent cell.Ā 

    2. Spontaneous mutations are random mutations that occur as a part of normal cell division. Every large population has mutants.Ā 

  2. Horizontal Gene transferĀ 

    1. Transfer/movement of DNA through conjugationĀ 

Genotype: Genetic makeup of the cellĀ 

Phenotype: Observable physical properties of an organism. This include the organism's appearance, development, and behaviorĀ 

DNA RepairĀ 

Specific Repair: Targets a single kind of lesion in DNA and repairs only that damageĀ 

Nonspecific: Use a single mechanism to repair multiple kinds of lesions in DNAĀ 

  • 3 stepsĀ 

    • Recognition of damageĀ 

      • When DNA polymerase does the proofreading and something is wrongĀ 

    • Removal of damaged regionĀ 

    • Resynthesis using the information on the undamaged strand as a templateĀ 

Base substitution mutations are the most common type of mutation and occurs during protein synthesis when there is an incorrect nucleotide.Ā 

  • 1 base pair changing is a point mutationĀ 

  • SIlentĀ 

    • Change in the sequence of nucleotide bases which constituted DNA, without a subsequent change in the amino acid or funciton of the proteinĀ 

  • MissenseĀ 

    • Change in one DNA base pair that results in the substitution of the amino acid for another in the protein made by a geneĀ 

  • Non-senseĀ 

    • A change in one base pair but instead of making another protein there will be a signal for the cell to stop building a protein.Ā 

      • Results in a shortened protein that canā€™tĀ 

  • Frameshift mutations: Occurs with the addition or loss of DNA bases changes the genes reading frame.Ā 

    • Insertion: Changes the number of DNA bases by adding a piece of DNA. The protein may not allow the gene to function properly.Ā 

    • Deletion: Changes the number of DNA bases by removing a piece fo DNA.

    • Duplication: consisting of a piece of DNA that is abnormally copied one or more times. This may alter the function of the resulting protein.Ā 

  • Induced Mutation: genetic mutations that occur due to influences outside the cell. The agent causing the mutation is a mutagen.Ā 

    • Chemical mutagens can cause base substitutions, and others cause frameshift mutations.Ā 

      • Base analogs: are molecules which have very similar structure to one of the 4 bases in DNAĀ 

        • Thymine dimers: distort the shape of the DNA molecule. The molecule canā€™t fix properly into the double heli.Ā 

        • If not repaired the cell will die.Ā 

  • Trasposons: Jumping genes or pieces of DNA that move from one location to another in a cellā€™s genomeĀ 

  • Transposition is the process where the jumped gene is inactivated. This disrupts the function of the geneĀ 

Repairs of Errors in Nucelotide IncorpoationĀ 

  • DNA polymerase incorporates the wrong nucleotide as it replicates DNA.Ā 

    • Proofreading and mismatch repair

      • Proofreading: Enzymes back up and excise a nucleotide not correctly bondedĀ 

      • Mismatch repair: Fixes errors missed by the proofreadingĀ 

        • Specific protein bind to the site of the mismatch nucleobase
