Aldermen – a member of a city council
Anathema – someone or something intensely disliked or loathed
Blasphemy – words or acts that speak sacrilegiously about religious figures or God
Boughs – main branches of a tree
Catechism – an elementary book containing a summary of the principles of the Christian religion, in the form of questions and answers
Contemporaries – a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another
Deacons – a subordinate officer in a Christian church
Deputation – a group of people appointed to represent others
Dispensation – giving out in portions
Exhort – urge strongly
Festoon – a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points
Firmament – the sky or the heavens
Forsooth – often used to imply contempt or doubt
Imperviousness – not allowing entrance or passage
Incantations – a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic
Inextricable – impossible to disentangle or separate
Iniquity – sin; wickedness
Jalousies – a blind with adjustable horizontal slats for admitting light and air while excluding direct sun and rain