
Overview of the Study

  • Title: A Switching-Regime Model for the Spanish Inflation: 1962-1997

  • Authors: Juan Ayuso, Graciela L. Kaminsky, David Lopez-Salido

  • Institution: Banco de España - Servicio de Estudios

  • Document Type: Working Paper

Purpose and Background

  • The paper explores the dynamics of inflation in Spain from 1962 to 1997.

  • Highlights significant inflationary periods during the 1970s and early 1980s, transitioning to a stabilization of approximately 2% inflation by 1997.

  • Reviews monetary strategies and policy measures employed to combat inflation, including:

    • Austere monetary programs.

    • Joining the European Monetary System (EMS) in 1989.

    • Establishing central bank autonomy in 1994.

    • Introducing inflation targets in January 1995.

Abstract Details

  • The research seeks to quantify the impact of various anti-inflation policies on the inflation rate.

  • Introduces a switching-regime model to analyze changes in inflation dynamics.

  • Emphasizes the ability to identify when Spain switched from one inflation regime to another, linking these shifts to policy implementations.

Introduction (Section 1)

  • Discussion of the broader European context, where all economies adopted strict monetary policies post-1970s oil shocks.

  • Spain's inflation issues were addressed with various initiatives:

    • Tight monetary policies.

    • Increased independence of central banks.

    • Adoption of inflation targeting in the 1990s.

  • The paper's goal: to analyze if the shifting fiscal and monetary policies over decades influenced the stochastic process of inflation.

Chronology of Anti-Inflation Strategies (Section 2)

  • Transition to democracy in 1975 led to expansive fiscal policies causing rising inflation.

  • Monetary policies, initially accommodative, adjusted in response to inflation:

    • Introduction of the Pactos de La Moncloa in 1977 to break inflation inertia, linking wage settings to expected inflation.

    • Shift to contractionary monetary policy starting in 1978.

    • Inflation significantly declined by 1984 from previously high rates.

  • Analysis of how monetary policy evolved:

    • Regulatory changes post- deregulation of the banking industry in 1978.

    • Significant capital inflows post Spain's EU membership leading to challenges in monetary control.

    • Introduction of more stringent anti-inflation measures by the mid-1990s.

Methodology (Section 3)

  • Artificial model of inflation established to capture various regimes based on changing fiscal and monetary policies:

    • Inflation modeled as an autoregressive process with regime-dependent characteristics.

    • Markov chain employed to transition between different regimes based on observed inflation values.

    • Implementation of Hamilton's filtering technique to identify and infer regime changes.

Two-Regime Model Estimations (Section 4.1)

  • Key findings from the two-regime inflation estimation:

    • Identified significantly different variability and means between high and low inflation states.

    • High volatility associated with elevated inflation.

  • Results rejected the null hypothesis of a single inflation regime, indicating regime-switching dynamics are present.

Three-Regime Model and Results (Section 4.2)

  • Expansion of the analysis to a three-regime model:

    • Regimes identified as:

      1. High and volatile inflation.

      2. High but stable inflation.

      3. Low and stable inflation.

    • Inflation mean and volatility correlated across regimes, supporting the finding of three distinct states.

  • Transition probabilities were observed, although not all changes in mean inflation were found to be statistically significant.

Conclusions (Section 5)

  • The paper concludes by reinforcing the idea that Spanish inflation experienced distinct regimes influenced by policy changes during key historical moments:

    • Change in perceived inflation volatility around 1978.

    • Established linkages between lower inflation outcomes and significant policy reforms in the late 1980s and 1990s.

  • Discusses implications for forecasting inflation amidst regime shifts, attributing expectation errors to imperfect information rather than agent irrationality.