Central Processing Unit (CPU/Processor)
Memory where both data and instructions can be stored
Input devices such as keyboards
Output devices such as monitors
Storage ,such as HDD and SSD
Processor able to access the memory directly
Computer memories that could store programs as well as data
Stored programs made up of instructions that could be executed in sequential order
Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU)
Performs mathematical and logical operations required while running a program
Has an “Accumulator”
A temporary register used when carrying out ALU calculations.
Control Unit (CU)
Reads an instruction from memory and interprets it
During this process, signals are generated and are sent on the control bus to tell the other components of the computer on what to do
Ensures synchronisation of data flow and program instructions throughout the computer
System Clock
produces timing signals which are sent on the control bus to ensure the synchronisation take place
Without it, computer would crash
Immediate Access Store (IAS)
holds all the data and programs that the CPU needs to access
CPU takes data and programs held in backing store and puts them in IAS temporarily
This is done because read/write operations using IAS is faster compared to the backing store
Referred to as random access memory
temporary storage in the CPU which can either be general or specific in its use to hold data and instructions in the fetch and execute cycle
General Purpose Registers
holds data that is frequently used by the CPU
Ex: Accumulator
Register | Abbreviation | Function |
Accumulator | AC | Holds processed data temporarily from ALU |
Special Purpose Registers
specific function within the CPU and holds the program state
Register | Abbreviation | Function |
Current Instruction Register | CIR | Stores the current instruction being decoded and executed |
Index Register | IX / IR | used when carrying out index addressing operations (assembly code) |
Memory Address Register | MAR | stores the address of the memory location currently being read from or written to |
Memory Data Register / Memory Buffer Register | MDR / MBR | stores data which has just been read from memory or data which is about to be written to memory |
Program Counter | PC | stores the address where the next instruction to be read can be found |
Status Register | SR | contains bits (flags) which can be set or cleared depending on the operations |
Status Register
= used when an instruction requires some form of arithmetic or logic processing
Carry Flag (C)
Set to 1 if there is CARRY in the following an addition operation
Negative Flag (N)
Set to 1 if the result of a calculation has a negative value
Overflow Flag (V)
Set to 1 if an arithmetic operation results in an overflow
Zero Flag (Z)
Set to 1 if the result of an arithmetic operation is ZERO
used in computer as a parallel transmission component
Each wire in the bus transmit one bit of data
Address Bus
caries data throughout the computer system (CPU and memory)
Unidirectional (travel in one direction only)
Prevents addresses being carried back to the CPU
Data Bus
Bidirectional (allows data to be sent in both directions along the bus)
Data can be carried from CPU to memory and to/from input/output devices
Data can be an address, an instruction, or a numerical value
Carries word lengths the greater the width of the bus the larger the word length which improves the performance of the computer system
word is a group of bits regarded as a single unit e.g. 16-bit.
Control Bus
Carries signals from CPU to all other components
8 bit wide and only carry control signals .i.e timing signals and interrupt signals
Width of a bus
wider it is, the more memory locations which can be directly addressed at any given time
Larger word length.
can improve computer’s overall performance.
Clock speed
The number of pulses the clock gives out per unit time
The increase in clock speed reduces execution time and the increase in number of fetch execute cycle per unit time
increasing speed by accessing the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), processing speed also increase
Can lead to unsynchronized operations (unable to complete on time)
Overheating the CPU = unreliable performance
Number of cores
Each core can independently carry out a process at the same time so more instructions are executed improving performance of computer system
dual core (CPU made up of 2 cores)
Has one channel and needs the CPU to communicate with both the cores, not really affect performance
Quad core (CPU made up of 4 cores)
Has 6 channels and need the CPU to communicate with all 4 cores, reducing a lot of performance
Cache Memory
using cache can improve performance
Cache have faster access time
Stores frequent instructions that is used by CPU
Contents lost when power is turned off similar to R.A.M
= an asynchronous serial data transmission method How does a USB port transfer data *It transfers data one bit at a time * in an asynchronous way |
= allow output from a computer to an HDMI-enabled device HDMI increases bandwidth making it possible to supply high quality sound and visual effects |
= older version of HDMI |
*Double Brackets = data stored at the address shown in MAR is copied to MDR
= a signal sent from a device or software to the processor
Caused By:
= a low level machine specific programming language that uses mnemonics
= the programming language that the CPU uses
Sometimes displayed on a screen as hexadecimal so user can understand machine code instruction more easily
Very time consuming and error problem
Each instruction of assembly language and machine code have:
Opcode = identifies the operation to be carried out by the CPU
Operand = identifies the data to be used by opcode
shorten development time for writing computer programs
Instructions to be easier to learn and understand
Before a program written in assembly language (source code) can be executed, it needs to be translated to machine code. This is performed by an Assembler
Translates each assembly language instructions into machine code instruction
Checks syntax of the assembly language program to ensure that only the appropriate machine code instruction set are used
This speeds up the development time as some errors are identified during translation before the program is executed
One Pass
Removes white lines.
read the assembly language program one line at a time
Ignore anything not required: comments
Allocate a memory address for the line of code
Check the opcode is in the instruction set
Add any new labels to the symbol table with the address, if known
Place address of labeled instruction in the symbol table
Two Pass
read the assembly language program one line at a time
Generate object code, including opcode and operand, from the symbol table generated in one pass
Save or execute the program
Data Movement Instructions
Input and Output of Data Instructions
Arithmetic Operation Instructions
Unconditional and Conditional Instructions
Compare Instructions
ABSOLUTE ADDRESSING | the contents of the memory location in the operand are used |
DIRECT ADDRESSING | the contents of the memory location in the operand are used |
INDIRECT ADDRESSING | the contents of the contents of the memory location in the operand are used |
INDEXED ADDRESSING | the contents of the memory location found by adding the contents of the IR to the address of the memory location in the operand are used |
IMMEDIATE ADDRESSING | the value of the operand only is used |
RELATIVE ADDRESSING | the memory address used is the current memory address added to the operand |
SYMBOLIC ADDRESSING | used in assembly language programming, where a label is used instead of a value |
= moving the bits stored in a register a given number of places with the registers
LOGICAL SHIFTS | bits shifted out of the registers replaced with 0 | 10101111 Shifted left 3 places 01111000 |
ARITHMETIC SHIFTS | the sign of the number is preserved | 10101111 Shifted right 3 places 11110101 |
CYCLIC SHIFTS | no bits are lost, bits shifted out of one end of the register are introduced at the other end of the register | 10101111 Shifted left 3 places 01111101 |
LEFT SHIFTS | bits are shifted to the left | 10101111 Shifted left 3 places 01111000 |
RIGHT SHIFTS | bits are shifted to the right | 10101111 Shifted right 3 places 11110101 |
In monitoring and control, each bit in a memory location can be used as a flag and would need to be tested, set, or cleared separately
= software that provides an environment in which applications can run and provides an interface between hardware and human operators
Memory Management
Memory optimization = determine how comp memory is allocated and de allocated when a number of applications are running simultaneously
To maintain optimization, swap data to and from the HDD or SSD
Memory organization = determines how much memory is allocated to an application, and how the memory can be split up in the most appropriate and efficient way
Partitioned allocation =. Memory is split up into contiguous blocks and memory management then allocates a block into an applications
Memory protection = ensures that two competing applications cannot use the same memory locations at the same time
If not done, data could be lost, security issues, computer can crash
Security Management
to ensure integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data
Carry out OS updates when they’re available
Ensure that anti-virus software is up to date
Maintaining access rights for all users
Offering recovery of data (in case of lost or corrupted)
Process Management
allocating resources and permit the sharing and exchange of data, thus allowing all processes to be synchronized
Hardware Management
Controlled by queues and buffers
Communicating with all input and output devices using device drivers
Translating data from a file into a format that the input/output device can understand using device drivers
Ensuring each hardware resource has a priority so that it can be used and released as required
File Management
Defining the file naming convention which can be used (.exe, .xls, etc.)
Performing specific tasks (copy, open, create)
Maintaining the directory structures
Hard Disk Formatter
OS need to know how to store files and where the files will be stored on the hard disk
Will organise storage space by assigning it to data blocks
Disk surface may have a number of partitions
Note that partitions are contagious blocks of data
Once partition created, they must be formatted
Done by writing files which hold directory data and tables of contents at the beginning of each partition
Allows OS to recognise a file and know where to find it on the disk surface
Also have a checking tool for each sector
If bad = sector will be flagged as ‘bad’ and the file tracking records will be reorganised
Replacing bad sectors with new unused sectors
Virus Checker
check software or files before they are run or loaded on a computer
Compare possible viruses against a database of known viruses
Carry out heuristic checking
Checking software for types of behaviour that could indicate a possible virus
Put files or programs which may be infected into quarantine
Automatically delete the virus
Allow user to decide whether to delete the file
Defragmentation Software
When HDD become full, blocks used for files will become scattered all over the disk surface
Happens when files are, extended, etc
Cause slower data access time
HDD read-write head requires several movements just to find and retrieve the data making up the required file
Better if files could be stored in contiguous sectors, hence reducing HDD head movement
Disk Content Analysis/Repair Software
used to check disk drivers for empty space and disk usage by reviewing files and file folders
Can led to optimal use of disk space by removal of unwanted files and downloads
Disk Compression and File Compression
File Compression = to save storage space and make it quicker to download/upload files and quicker to send files via email
Disk Compression = compresses data before writing it to hard disk and decompressed again when reading
High priority and will override all other OS routines
Do not uninstall — will make any previously saved data to be unreadable
Back-Up Software
allow a schedule for backup files to be made
Only carry out a back-up procedure if there have been any changes made to a file
when software is under development and programmer can utilize pre-written subroutines in their own programs (save development time)
Help software developer who wishes to use Dynamic Link Library (DLL) subroutines in their own program
When software routines are written, they are saved in a program library (Library Program) for future use by other programmers
*Library Routines = described routines which could be used in another piece of software under development
Benefits of Developing Software this way:
Removes the need to rewrite the many routines every single time (save time and money)
Leads to modular programming = several programmers can be working on the same piece of software at the same time
Allows continuity with other games that may form part of a whole range
Allows to maintain eye of a ‘corporate image’ in all the software being developed by a company
Saves development time Ching to test each routine since the routines are all fully tested in other software and should be error free
Static Library
software being developed is linked to executable code in the library at the time of compilation
Library routines would be embedded directly into the new program code
Dynamic Link Library Files (DLL)
= software being developed is not linked to the library routines until actual run time
Executable code of the main program is smaller since DLL files are only loaded into memory at run time
Possible to make changes to DLL files independently and won’t be necessary to recompile the main program
Save memory and execution time
executable code is not self-contained, therefore all DLL files need to be available at run time otherwise error or crash
Any DLL linking software in the main program needs to be available at run time to allow links with DLL files to be made
Risk of DLL having a malware which can be a risk to the main program when linking
What is DLL?
Instructions in a program can only be executed in machine code, hence need to be translated
Source program translated to... | assembly language - machine code | high level language to machine code | high level language to machine code |
Machine dependent | yes | yes | no |
Object Program is stored on... | disk or in main memory | disk or in main memory | every line of program are interpreted then executed each time the program runs and its under the control of interpreter |
Each line of the source program generates... | one machine code instruction (one to one translation) | many machine code instructions, instruction explosion | many machine code instructions, instruction explosion |