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age of exploration


  1. Better ships, sailing tools and weapons

    1. Goal: finding better trade routes

  2. “God, Gold, and Glory” - spread Christianity, get rich, and be famous


  • Prince Henry (1419) - had a school of navigation

  • Bartolomeu Dias (1487) - sailed to South Africa

  • Vasco da Gama (1498) - sailed to India

  • Cristoforo Colombo (1451-1506) - wanted to find a sea route to Asia

    • main voyages: 1492, 1493, 1498, 1502

  • Juan Ponce de Leon (1471-1521) - 1st to try and establish a Spanish colony in the U.S, searched for fountain of youth

  • Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) - where name for America comes from

  • Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1512) - 1st to sail around the world

Spanish Conquests

  • Aztecs (1511) - Hernan Cortes vs Moctezuma II

    • Hernan Cortes - conquered the Aztec empire

    • Moctezuma II - welcomed Cortes

  • Inca (1532) - Pizarro vs Atahualpa

    • Francisco Pizarro - conquered Inca empire aggressively

    • Atahualpa - was forced to convert to christianity

Spanish Economic Policy

  • mercantilism - your power depends on your wealth

  • Triangular Trade & Atlantic Slave Trade - trading network of slaves, tobacco, sugar, and other goods between Europe, Africa, and the Americas

  • New Social Order - caste system

    1. Peninsulares: Spaniards born in Spain

    2. Creoles: born in New World by Spanish parents

    3. Mestizos: born of Spanish and Native American parents

    4. Native Americans and African Slaves

  • Columbian Exchange - global transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe, Africa, and the Americas


age of exploration


  1. Better ships, sailing tools and weapons

    1. Goal: finding better trade routes

  2. “God, Gold, and Glory” - spread Christianity, get rich, and be famous


  • Prince Henry (1419) - had a school of navigation

  • Bartolomeu Dias (1487) - sailed to South Africa

  • Vasco da Gama (1498) - sailed to India

  • Cristoforo Colombo (1451-1506) - wanted to find a sea route to Asia

    • main voyages: 1492, 1493, 1498, 1502

  • Juan Ponce de Leon (1471-1521) - 1st to try and establish a Spanish colony in the U.S, searched for fountain of youth

  • Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) - where name for America comes from

  • Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1512) - 1st to sail around the world

Spanish Conquests

  • Aztecs (1511) - Hernan Cortes vs Moctezuma II

    • Hernan Cortes - conquered the Aztec empire

    • Moctezuma II - welcomed Cortes

  • Inca (1532) - Pizarro vs Atahualpa

    • Francisco Pizarro - conquered Inca empire aggressively

    • Atahualpa - was forced to convert to christianity

Spanish Economic Policy

  • mercantilism - your power depends on your wealth

  • Triangular Trade & Atlantic Slave Trade - trading network of slaves, tobacco, sugar, and other goods between Europe, Africa, and the Americas

  • New Social Order - caste system

    1. Peninsulares: Spaniards born in Spain

    2. Creoles: born in New World by Spanish parents

    3. Mestizos: born of Spanish and Native American parents

    4. Native Americans and African Slaves

  • Columbian Exchange - global transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe, Africa, and the Americas