Involves two parents, leading to offspring with genetic variation.
Involves a single parent producing genetically identical offspring (clones).
Separation of a parent plant into parts that can regenerate into whole plants.
Commonly seen in many species where adventitious shoots develop.
Production of seeds without meiosis or fertilization.
Involves a diploid cell in the ovule forming an embryo, leading to the maturation of seeds (e.g., dandelions).
Both sexual and asexual methods contribute to plant population adaptation to environments.
Generates genetic variation, which can be advantageous in changing environments.
Seeds that are produced can disperse to new locations, enhancing colonization potential.
Effective in stable environments, allowing rapid cloning and expansion of successful traits.
Progeny are mature fragments, unlike seedlings that might be fragile.
Promotes genetic diversity via outbreeding; often arises from self-incompatibility.
Mechanisms can include timing issues or complexity in pollen tube formation and fertilization.
Example: Incompatibility among various apple varieties.
Description of how pollen and stigma can recognize genetic similarity, blocking fertilization.
Plants capable of self-pollination leading to offspring from one plant without cross-fertilization.
Development of fruit without fertilization (e.g., seedless fruits like bananas, cucumbers).
Can be induced using plant growth regulators (PGRs).
Plants with more than two sets of chromosomes.
Diploid (2n) is the basic form in higher plants formed from the fusion of gametes. Haploid (n) is restricted to gametes.
Hybrids from species crossing can often be sterile due to meiotic chromosome pairing challenges.
Polyploidy might overcome hybrid sterility by providing extra chromosome sets for pairing during meiosis.
Over 40% of existing flowering plants have arisen via polyploid processes.
Aneuploidy involves plants with extra or missing chromosomes, leading to phenotypic variations due to genetic composition differences.
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase: key stages with specific events like chromosome alignment and separation.
Halves the chromosome number through two divisions (Meiosis I and II).
Differences from Mitosis:
In Meiosis, DNA duplication does not occur during the second division.
Over time, mutations occur within chromosome pairs.
Beneficial mutations improve survival chances; deleterious mutations may have negative effects.
Mutations can lead to dominant and recessive gene expressions.
Radish: 18 chromosomes
Machaeranthera gracilis: 4 chromosomes
Tropical adder’s tongue fern: over 1000 chromosomes
Humans: 46 chromosomes.
Polyploid plants tend to be larger and higher-yielding compared to diploid counterparts.
Cultivated polyploid plants include potato, cotton, peanut, wheat, oats, and sugar cane.
Notable features: bigger flowers, ornamental qualities, and seedless fruits (e.g., bananas).
Chromosomes coil, pair up, and swap segments; nuclear envelope disintegrates.
Homologous chromosomes align at the cell equator; spindle fibers form.
Chromosomes migrate to poles without chromatids separating.
Two nuclei form; cells can partially revert to interphase or proceed to Meiosis II.
Prophase II to Telophase II: Similar to mitosis with continued chromosome segregation and formation of new nuclear envelopes, resulting in four haploid cells.