1. Trips Agreement-free trade agreement that replaced NAFTA
Trade Related preds of Intellectual Property
Governs ip rights & Part of WTO
2. Doha Round-Part of WTO negotiation.
Slash tariffs, strengthen IP Protection
Cut in 2006
1st round to improve
lower arg. subsidies econ dev. in developed countries. to start exports from developing countries.
• Free up trade in services
•Strengthen IP Protection.
3. EU countries,
•THE UK left!!
Austria, Belgium Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Gech Rep., Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Frand, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latina, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
4. Free Trade Area- group of countries w/o trade barriers amongst e/o
or no tariffs. on Goods
Product standards
Fair treatment
Can sell to gov.
more Competitiveness
More efficient
5. Customs union- external Policies on non Participants to stop trade diversion
One step beyond FTA
Group of countries w/one common system for most imports exports
Allows for free movement of goods
Free trade among themselves
6. Monetary Union- agreement btwn 2+ Places to make one currency
Lower transaction costs
more efficiency
7. Schengen Area-Passport free travel zone
Ex: EU
No border checks
8. USMCA-FTA that replaced NAFTA
•US-Mex.- Can-Agreement
• Protects labor, digital trade, Ip
•Bans data localization requirements
9. Andean Community- Customs union in South America
Pro Free trade
Not effective
Only 5-20% is in it
Biggest trading Partner is the USA ***
10. ASEAN-Association of SE Asian Nations
Inspired by EU
Most trade is from out community
Main trading. Partners are US, EU, Japan & Ching
Inside trade <25% of their total
11. Business Procedures
Easy to start in rich country, hard in Poor
Electricity, infrastructure, etc. makes it hard
High income spends 4%. on launch, but poor spends up to 50%
registration, licensing and incorporation.
hard in Poor
Formal institutions are getting lax
FDI-Foreign Dived Investment Proprietary-relating to rights
12. Letter of credit -financial contract that says Importer's bank will pay a specific sum of money to exporter upon delivery of merchandise
transaction costs go down bc less risk
13. FDI Entry Can involve subsidiaries, alliances w/foreign firms, or
acquisitions of foreign firms
14. SMEs in the US
• <500 employees & In EU <250
15. Internationalization Methods
Dual headquarters FDI
16. Export Intermediaries.
Do middleman stuff
17. Control in foreign Markets
Control in franchising is used in service industry
Must have own capital
FDI may have wholly owned subsidiaries, strategic alliances, or acquisition of foreign firms
FDI has less control propriety
Costly & Complex
Licensings Franchising is best for Proprietary
18. Harvest and Geit-selling equity stake or firm to foreign entrants
Helps save business
19. Start up rates
Japan has lowest of developed countries
20. Franchising & Licensing.
licensing is for manufacturing Proprietary tech
Ex: A gives B Patent
Franchising is for service industry.
21. Customer Discrimination
Foreign firms are discriminated against
Formally & informally
most govs discriminate
22. Agglomeration-location specific advantages From clustering in econ. activities in certain locations
Come from spillover knowledge
Pool of suppliers stay in region
if skilled labor force needed, PPI who work for diff firms may help
23. Stage Model-model of internationalization that gives step by step to internationalize
• Firms enter similar cultures in 1st stage of internationalization
24. First Mover advantage
Proprietary tech
Drive comp abroad.
Build relationships w/ customers & gov.
Make Entry Barriers
25-Non Equity Modes - exports & contractual agreements
FDI, Joint Venture,wholly Owned subsidiaries
Exports, Greenfields, acquisition
26. Strategic Alliances-cooperation btwn firms.
Joint Ventures
Turnkey Projects
R&D Contracts
27. Licensing & Franchising
No tight control over Production's marketing
28. Turnkey Projects Clients pay contractors to Design & construct new facilities
Process tech where FDI is restricted
29. Country of Origin Effect- Pos. or neg Perception of firms & product from certain Country
30 Consumer preferences- some PPI will or want buy if from diff country