English Vocab List #12

aegis - protection; support; sponsorship

cower - to crouch in shame or fear

tedium - the quality or state of being wearisome

empathy - Identifying with the feelings and emotions of others

prevalent - widespread; in general use or acceptance

scurrilous - glossly or obsenly abusive; offensive

prudent - wise; careful in providing for the future

blunderbuss - an insensitive, blundering person

gallent - brave, spirtied, noble-minded, or chivalrous

Iambic Pentameter - a line of poetry with ten syllables, accented every second beat

Motif - a repeating idea or theme in a literacy work

Juxtaposition - placing two things side by side for comparison

Threw - tossed or pitched. Mark threw three strikes.

Through - in one side and out the other. The car drove through the intersection.
