Oceanside vs. Landlocked Comparison
More moderate climate
Sea breeze is produced throughout most of the year
Not a lot of variation in weather, stays mostly the same year-round
More extreme climate
Bigger difference in climates between summer and winter
Higher highs and lower lows in temperature
Land breeze, climate is not normalized throughout the year
Case Study: San Francisco, CA (Oceanside) vs. Kansas City, MO (Landlocked)
San Francisco
Location: Coastal
Highest temperature: 22°C (July 1)
Lowest temperature: 10°C (January 1)
Precipitation: Rain (both days)
Other observations: Fog, lots of wind coming in from the ocean
Kansas City
Location: Landlocked
Highest Temperature: 30°C (July 1)
Lowest Temperature: 3°C (January 1)
Precipitation: Rain (July), Snow (January)
Other observations: snow, an occasional land breeze.
Thunderstorms and Fog
Thunderstorms are formed when condensation in cumulus clouds form water droplets or ice pellets that fall to the ground as precipitation. They are more common in landlocked cities (ex. Kansas City).
Fog forms when the difference between air temperature and dew point is between 0 and 2.5 degrees Celsius. This is more common in cities near oceans (ex. SF)
Since San Francisco is near the ocean, the climate is more moderate. Because Kansas City is landlocked, it experiences more extreme weather (higher highs and lower lows). Kansas City also did not see any fog, whereas San Francisco had a lot of it.