Germany 1918-45

The establishment of the Weimar Republic and its early problems

  • The Abdication of the Kaiser and the German Revolution of 1918–19;

  • The strengths and weaknesses of the new Republic and its Constitution;

  • Reactions to the Treaty of Versailles;

  • Challenges from Right and Left, including the Kapp Putsch and the Spartacist uprising;

  • French occupation of the Ruhr;

  • Causes and effects of hyperinflation

The recovery of Germany, 1924–29

  • The work of Stresemann;

  • Rentenmark, Dawes and Young Plans;

  • US loans and the recovery of the German economy;

  • Successes abroad – League of Nations, Locarno Treaties and Kellogg-Briand Pact

The rise of Hitler and the Nazis to January 1933

  • Hitler and the German Workers’ Party. Changes to the party (1920–22);

  • Causes, events and results of Munich Putsch, (1923);

  • Reorganisation of the Party (1924–28);

  • Impact of the Great Depression. Nazi methods to win support;

  • The role of the SA. Events of 1932 to January 1933, including the role of von Papen, von Schleicher and von Hindenburg

Nazi Germany, 1933–39

  • Setting up the Nazi dictatorship through the Reichstag Fire, Enabling Act, Night of the Long Knives and Hitler as Führer;

  • The methods of Nazi control and the extent to which they were successful, including the police state, censorship and propaganda;

  • Nazi policies towards education, women, the young, the Churches and their impact;

  • Nazi racial policies and increasing persecution of Jews;

  • Policies to reduce unemployment and their impact;

  • The Labour Service, the Labour Front and Strength Through Joy.

Germany and the occupied territories during the Second World War

  • Nazi policies towards the Jews, including ghettos, death squads and the Final Solution;

  • The Home Front, including changing role of women, ‘total war’, rationing and the effects of allied bombing;

  • The growth of opposition to Hitler, including the Edelweiss Pirates, the White Rose Group and the July Bomb Plot (1944);

  • Hitler’s death and the end of the Third Reich.
