The Abdication of the Kaiser and the German Revolution of 1918–19;
The strengths and weaknesses of the new Republic and its Constitution;
Reactions to the Treaty of Versailles;
Challenges from Right and Left, including the Kapp Putsch and the Spartacist uprising;
French occupation of the Ruhr;
Causes and effects of hyperinflation
The work of Stresemann;
Rentenmark, Dawes and Young Plans;
US loans and the recovery of the German economy;
Successes abroad – League of Nations, Locarno Treaties and Kellogg-Briand Pact
Hitler and the German Workers’ Party. Changes to the party (1920–22);
Causes, events and results of Munich Putsch, (1923);
Reorganisation of the Party (1924–28);
Impact of the Great Depression. Nazi methods to win support;
The role of the SA. Events of 1932 to January 1933, including the role of von Papen, von Schleicher and von Hindenburg
Setting up the Nazi dictatorship through the Reichstag Fire, Enabling Act, Night of the Long Knives and Hitler as Führer;
The methods of Nazi control and the extent to which they were successful, including the police state, censorship and propaganda;
Nazi policies towards education, women, the young, the Churches and their impact;
Nazi racial policies and increasing persecution of Jews;
Policies to reduce unemployment and their impact;
The Labour Service, the Labour Front and Strength Through Joy.
Nazi policies towards the Jews, including ghettos, death squads and the Final Solution;
The Home Front, including changing role of women, ‘total war’, rationing and the effects of allied bombing;
The growth of opposition to Hitler, including the Edelweiss Pirates, the White Rose Group and the July Bomb Plot (1944);
Hitler’s death and the end of the Third Reich.