Chapter points:
two types of sentences
the particle إِنَّ
the particle لََعَلَّ
the word ذو
the word أَمْ
the words مائة and ألف
the word غالٍ
الجُمْلَة الاِسْمِيَّة - Nominal sentence
Nominal sentences begin with a noun (اِسْم)
الدرس سهل → The lesson is easy
starts with a noun - الدرس
A nominal sentence has two parts: المُبْتَدَأ (mubtada) and خَبَرَ(khabar)
mubtada is the subject (a noun or اِسْم) and khabar is the predicate/verb
الجملة الفعلية - Verbal Sentence
Verbal sentences start with a verb (الفعل)
خرج بلال → Bilal went out
starts with a verb - خرج
إِنَّ: accusative particle
nouns after إِنَّ are in the accusative case and are mansub (fatha)
Sentences with إِنَّ are made up of ismu inna and khabaru inna
إِنَّ الكتاب سهل → Indeed the book is easy (or the book is easy but emphasizing this)
إِنَّ الكتاب - ismu inna
سهل - khabaru inna
لََعَلَّ acts the same as إِنَّ (gramatically) and is known as one of the “sisters of إِنَّ”
لََعَلَّ الجوّ جميل → I hope the weather is fine
لََعَلَّ المدرسَ مريض → I’m afraid the teacher is sick
ذو is mudaf and the word following is mudaf ilayhi (the thing possessed)
the following word is majrur (kasra/kasratain)
ذو مالٍ → possessing wealth
ذو خولقٍ → having manners (well-mannered)
masculine plural: ذوُو
feminine: ذاتُ
feminine plural: ذوَاتُ
هؤلاء الأطباء ذوُو خلقٍ → These doctors have manners
هؤلاء طبيبات ذوَاتُ خلقٍ → These doctors (female) have manners
هؤلاء طبيبة ذاتُ خلقٍ → This doctor (female) has manners
Only used in interoggative sentences
أَطبيب انت ام مهندس؟ → Are you a doctor or an engineer?
أَ precedes the first option (طبيب) and ام precedes the second (مهندس)
In non-interogative sentences أَوْ is used:
خذ هذا أو ذاك → Take this or that
the alif in مِائةٌ is not pronounced
مائة كتابٍ → one hundred books
ألف كتابٍ → one thousand books
مائة امرأةٍ → one hundred women
ألف مسلمةٍ → one thousand muslims (female)
madud(thing counted) is singular and majrur
هذا الكتاب غالٍ → This book is expensive
Even though it has kasratain, غالٍ is not in majrur form. The original form of غالٍ is غاليٌ but the letter ya is omitted and the tanween is transferred to the letter lam.
Similar examples:
أنا محامٍ → I am a lawyer
هو قاضٍ → He is a judge
مُهْجَعٌ : dorm/hostel
كَوْكَبٌ : star
فَرِيقٌ : team
شَقِيْقٌ : full brother
في النَائِمْ : in dream
نَافِذَةٌ : window
نَوَافِذُ : windows
سِنٌّ : age
شَهْرُ : month
لَاعِبٌ : player
وَاسِعٌ : spacious
شَهِيْرٌ : famous
ثَمَنٌ : price
كَسْلَى : lazy(fem.)