• Malcolm X took a more militant approach and used violence as self-defense

  • King used a peaceful approach

  • King thought Malcolm was not helping the Black community and was not offering solutions


  • Late 1960s: SNCC turned away from nonviolence and made their organization strictly Black

  • Due to institutionalized racism, Blacks had to make their own institutions and focus on Black interest rather than taking an interracial approach

  • Black Power stood for the self determination of Black people in all organizations


  • 1966: Black Panther party formed in Oakland, California

  • BP aligned with other people of color US was fighting abroad

  • Focused on employment, housing, education, and rehabilitation


  • 1961: National Indian Youth Council founded

  • Advocated for rights of indigenous americans 

  • Start of the Red Power movement which used direct action to protest discrimination


  • Chicano Movement confronted discrimination in schools, politics, agriculture, and institutions

  • Mexican American Political Association and Mexican American Legal Defense Fund took inspirations from Black civil rights movement


  • Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta known for founding the United Farm Workers of America

  • UFWA helped protest Chicano and Filipino working conditions on American soil

  • Chavez led a 300 mile march from Delano, Cali to Sacramento 

  • Robert Kennedy supported this movement


  • Corky Gonzales founded the Crusade for Justice

  • At National Chicano Youth Conference, Plan Espiritual de Aztlan was established which reflected the vision of Chicanos being unified against the US

  • La Raza Unida promoted Chicano nationalism


  • Women participated in civil rights and labor movement but became increasingly aware of gender inequality


  • 1961: JFK establish Presidential Commision on the Status of Women led by Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Fought for changes in the conditions of women’s opportunities in the US

  • Focused primarily on working, middle class, white women


  • Betty Friedan’s the feminine mystique gave a voice to the frustrations of women in America wanting to change the status quo


  • Consciousness-raising groups helped validate women’s experiences

  • The personal is political


  • 1970: Women’s Strike for Equality sponsored by the National Organization for Women

  • Focused on employment discrimination, political equality, abortion, free childcare, and equality in marriage

  • Movement faced opposition from women who valued the traditional homemaker role and was challenged by minority women who opposed white women’s racism, lesbians vied for more prominence within organizations


  • Postwar there was an increase in recreational use of nature

  • Americans became more aware of the consequences 


  • Biologist rachel carson’s Silent Spring book expressed that pesticides threatened food ecosystems and how interconnected agriculture and human health were

  • Book was opposed by chemical industries because she was a woman


  • 1970: Nixon signed National Environmental Policy Act into law, required environmental impact statements for any project directed or funded by the federal government

  • Nixon created Environmental Protection Agency, first agency charged with studying, regulating, and disseminating knowledge about the environment


  • Second Vatican Council called for a more modernized church and bring it closer to the non-Catholic world
