Achilles' heel-weakness a person may have. Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel (achilles tendon).
Adonis - handsome younger man; Aphrodite loved him.
Apollo a physically perfect male; God of music and light; known for his physical beauty
Cassandra a person who continually predicts misfortune but often is not believed; from Greece
Erotic - of or having to do with sexual passion or love; Greek god of love, Eros
Harpy - a predatory person or nagging woman; from harpy, a foul creature that was part woman, part bird
Helen - symbol of a beautiful woman; from Helen of Troy.
Morphine - alkaloid used to relieve pain and induce sleep; Morpheus was a god that could easily change shape
Muse - some creature of inspiration; the daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, divine singers that presided over thought in all its forms
Narcissism - being in love with our own self-image; narmed for Narcissus, a handsome young man who despised love but fell in love with himself instead.
Odyssey - a long journey; named for Odysseus, the character in The Odyssey, by Homer. Odysseus makes his long journey back from the Trojan War.
Pandora's Box - Something that opens the door for bad occurrences, opened by someone known for curiosity; named for Pandora who opened a box of human ills.
Phoenix - a symbol of immortality or rebirth; named after a long bird that consumed itself in fire, rising renewed from the flame to start another long life.
Psyche - the human soul, self, the mind; named after Psyche, a maiden who, after undergoing many hardships reunited with her love.
Pygmalion - someone who tries to fashion someone into the person he desires; from a myth adapted into a play by George Bernard Shaw.
Sibyla - a witch or sorceress; a priestess who had the gift of prophecy.
Tantalize - from King Tantalus, who reigned on Mt. Sipylus and was condemned to a river but couldn't eat the beautiful food around him.
Titanic - grand and enormous; after Tityus, the son of Zeus and Elara whose body covered nearly two acres.
Volcanoes - originated from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.
Babbitta - a self-satisfied person concerned chiefly with business and middle-class ideals like material success; from Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis.
Cinderella - one who gains affluence or recognition after being treated poorly.
Don Juan - a libertine, profligate, a man obsessed with women.
Don Quixote - someone overly idealistic to the point of being unrealistic. From the Cervantes story and The Man of La Mancha.
Frankenstein - Anything that threatens or destroys its creator; from Mary Shelley's novel.
Jekyll and Hyde - A capricious person with two sides to his personality. From the novel of the same name.
Lothario - used to describe a man who seduces women; from The Fair Penitent by Nicholas Rowe.
Scrooge - a bitter and/or greedy person; from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
Svengali - a person with an irresistible hypnotic power, from 1984 by George Mauriers.
Absolom - a son who brings heartache to his father.
Alpha and Omega - The beginning and the end, from a quote in Revelations
Daniel - one known for wisdom and accurate judgment.
David and Bathsheba - represents a big sin; from King David's affair with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah.
Eye of the Needle - A very difficult task; from famous narrow gateway called "the needle." Goliath a large person; from the giant from the Philistine city of Gath, slain by David.
Ishmael - one who is cast out as being unworthy.
Job - who who suffers a great deal but remains faithful.
Jonah - one who brings bad luck.
Judas - a traitor
Original Sin - the idea that all men are innately sinful as a result of Adam and Eve's fall.
Prodigal Son - a wasteful son who disappoints his father.
Samson and Delilah - Treacherous love story.
Scapegoat - one that is made an object of blame for others
Solomon - an extremely wise person.
Attila - barbarian, rough leader; King of the Huns from 433-453.
Berserk - destructively or frenetically violent, from mental upset.
Boycott - to act together in abstaining from using a specific item. From Charles C. Boycott who refused to charge lower rents and his staff boycotted.
Canopy - an overhanging protection or shelter, to cover.
Casanova - a man who is amorous to women; based on the Italian adventurer.
Chauvinist - one who has a militant devotion to and glorification to country or gender; Nicolas Chauvin.
El Dorado - a place of reputed wealth; from the legendary city in South America.
Machiavellian - characterized by expedience, deceit and cunning; after Niccolo Machiavelli.
McCarthyism - modern witch hunt, the practice of publicizing accusations without evidence; after Joseph McCarthy.
Nostradamus - fortune teller; (1503-66) French physician and astrologer who wrote a book of rhymed prophecies.
Stonewall - hinder or obstruct by evasive, delaying tactics from Stonewall Jackson.
Thespian - having to do with the theater or acting; from Thespis, an attic poet and father of Greek tragedy.
Uncle Sam - government of people of the United States; derived from Uncle Sam, a business man in the 1900s