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Music History

Music Appreciation Study Guide

Music Theory:

  • Rhythm:

    • Eighth Note - ½ beat

    • Quarter Note - 1 Beat

    • Half Note - 2 Beats

    • Dotted Half Note - 3 Beats

    • Whole Note - 4 Beats

  • Define:

    • Rhythm? 

      • A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

    • Beat?

      • The pulse of music

    • Melody?

      • Melody is a linear sequence of notes the listener hears as a single entity

    • Tempo?

      • Speed of a beat

    • Harmony?

      • A harmony differs from a melody in the way that it stacks multiple notes on top of one another to create a sound.

    • Time Signature?

      • Tells you how many beats per measure

  • Identify:

    • All the pitches on the staff

      • ABCDEFG

    • Measure

    • Grand Staff

    • Staff

    • Bar Line

    • Double Bar Line

    • All the notes

    • Time Signatures

      • 2/4, 3/4 , and 4/4\

Music History:

  • Composers:

    • Hildegard von Bingen

      • She is a saint

      • She had visions from God

      • Had pope beef but she won the battle to create medical textbooks, music, other stuff

      • She grew up the church and was given to the church as child as was custom for the 14th kid

      • Composed with the plainchant style

      • She was a singer

    • Palestrina

      • Essentially established the rules of music for his time

      • Almost became a priest but instead married a woman who settled his debts

      • Is from Italy

      • Wrote a ton of sacred music

      • Used polyphony in his music

      • Played the organ

    • Tomas Luis de Victoria

      • He was from Spain

      • Composed music for the Spanish monarchs

      • He studied under Palestrina

      • Composed during the Spanish Inquisition

      • His mother was a converso (a Catholic convert)

      • His instrument the organ

    • Barbara Strozzi

      • Four kids and they all illegitimate 

      • Her music directly led to influence opera

      • She never married but her bf was her dad’s best friend

      • Composed 8 volumes of music

      • Composed during the Baroque era

      • Played the viola da gamba sang

    • Antonio Vivaldi

      • Was nicknamed the Red Priest

      • Composed the Four Seasons Concerto

      • Was famous in his lifetime but died relatively penniless

      • Was one of the first composers to play and compose for the violin

      • Is one of the most prominent composers of the Baroque period

  • Time Periods

    • Medieval

      • Lots of torture devices

      • Catholic church was in power

      • Plague and childbirth was killing everyone

      • Monophonic music was the only kind

      • The great powers France, Spain, Italy, England

    • Renaissance

      • Means Rebirth - rebirth of science, music, art, humanism

      • Protestant reformation happened

      • Polyphonic music becomes primary method of music composition style

      • Art becomes more detailed, realistic, complex

        • DaVinci

        • Michelangelo

        • Donatello

        • Rafael

      • Secular music becomes more popular 

    • Baroque

      • Means misshapen pearl

      • Art becomes more complex, ostentatious, and “extra”

      • Kings get absolute power 

      • Architecture features more gold, stronger design, more palaces

Music History

Music Appreciation Study Guide

Music Theory:

  • Rhythm:

    • Eighth Note - ½ beat

    • Quarter Note - 1 Beat

    • Half Note - 2 Beats

    • Dotted Half Note - 3 Beats

    • Whole Note - 4 Beats

  • Define:

    • Rhythm? 

      • A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

    • Beat?

      • The pulse of music

    • Melody?

      • Melody is a linear sequence of notes the listener hears as a single entity

    • Tempo?

      • Speed of a beat

    • Harmony?

      • A harmony differs from a melody in the way that it stacks multiple notes on top of one another to create a sound.

    • Time Signature?

      • Tells you how many beats per measure

  • Identify:

    • All the pitches on the staff

      • ABCDEFG

    • Measure

    • Grand Staff

    • Staff

    • Bar Line

    • Double Bar Line

    • All the notes

    • Time Signatures

      • 2/4, 3/4 , and 4/4\

Music History:

  • Composers:

    • Hildegard von Bingen

      • She is a saint

      • She had visions from God

      • Had pope beef but she won the battle to create medical textbooks, music, other stuff

      • She grew up the church and was given to the church as child as was custom for the 14th kid

      • Composed with the plainchant style

      • She was a singer

    • Palestrina

      • Essentially established the rules of music for his time

      • Almost became a priest but instead married a woman who settled his debts

      • Is from Italy

      • Wrote a ton of sacred music

      • Used polyphony in his music

      • Played the organ

    • Tomas Luis de Victoria

      • He was from Spain

      • Composed music for the Spanish monarchs

      • He studied under Palestrina

      • Composed during the Spanish Inquisition

      • His mother was a converso (a Catholic convert)

      • His instrument the organ

    • Barbara Strozzi

      • Four kids and they all illegitimate 

      • Her music directly led to influence opera

      • She never married but her bf was her dad’s best friend

      • Composed 8 volumes of music

      • Composed during the Baroque era

      • Played the viola da gamba sang

    • Antonio Vivaldi

      • Was nicknamed the Red Priest

      • Composed the Four Seasons Concerto

      • Was famous in his lifetime but died relatively penniless

      • Was one of the first composers to play and compose for the violin

      • Is one of the most prominent composers of the Baroque period

  • Time Periods

    • Medieval

      • Lots of torture devices

      • Catholic church was in power

      • Plague and childbirth was killing everyone

      • Monophonic music was the only kind

      • The great powers France, Spain, Italy, England

    • Renaissance

      • Means Rebirth - rebirth of science, music, art, humanism

      • Protestant reformation happened

      • Polyphonic music becomes primary method of music composition style

      • Art becomes more detailed, realistic, complex

        • DaVinci

        • Michelangelo

        • Donatello

        • Rafael

      • Secular music becomes more popular 

    • Baroque

      • Means misshapen pearl

      • Art becomes more complex, ostentatious, and “extra”

      • Kings get absolute power 

      • Architecture features more gold, stronger design, more palaces