Jacksonian Era

  • The political parties during the Jacksonian era were Democratic and National Republican

  • Democratic Party: Founded by Andrew Jackson, it emphasized the common man's rights and a weak federal government.

  • National Republican Party: Emerged in opposition to the Democrats, advocating for a strong federal government.

  • Henry Clay (compromise master) used his influence in the House of Representatives to get Adams in office so Adams could become the sixth president and Henry Clay could become the Secretary of State

  • John Quincy Adams won the election of 1824

  • Mudslinging- attempts to ruin an opponent’s reputation

  • Andrew Jackson won the election of 1828 by a landslide.

  • The election of 1828 marked a significant shift in American politics, as Jackson's victory represented the rise of the common man and a rejection of elitist politics.

  • Nullify: to cancel

  • Abomination: a feeling of hatred/loathing

  • Secede: to break apart

  • Andrew Jackson was the seventh president, self made, self taught, orphaned, and believed in shifting the political power from the wealthy and educated elite to the common man.

  • Voting restrictions were lifted and white men without property could now vote.

  • Spoils system: a system in which promotion is based on loyalty and not expertise; Jackson fired over 200 government employees to give members of the Democratic Party government jobs.

  • Nullification Crisis: Congress passed a high tariff (nicknamed the “Tariff of Abominations) that was over fifty percent.

  • South Carolina wanted to nullify the tariffs and even threatened to secede

  • A compromise was made so that the tariffs would gradually decrease over the course of seven years.

  • Indian Removal Act of 1830: allowed the federal government to pay eastern Native Americans to give up their land and move West.

  • The Cherokee took the matter to the Supreme Court in the case of Worcester v. Georgia.

  • The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee, however Jackson disagreed with the court’s ruling and refused to prevent Georgia to make the Cherokee move.

  • Treaty of Echota: Members of the Cherokee council decided to sign the Treaty of Echota, the treaty stated that the U.S would compensate the Cherokee for land and would relocate them.

  • Present-day Oklahoma was established as the Indian Territory.

  • The path the Natives took to get removed was known as the Trail of Tears.

  • The Seminoles in Florida refused to move and decided to fight. This resulted in a long and bloody fight called the Seminole Wars.

  • Martin Van Buren won the election of 1838; becoming the eighth president

  • The Panic of 1837 was a financial crisis that severely damaged the economy

  • Due to the eradication of the National Bank, state banks began loaning large sums of money, leading to an increase in inflation.

  • Van Buren worked with Congress to create a federal treasury in which the federal government could keep its money.It was caused by Jackson’s decision to withdraw funds from the National Bank.
