
Background of Oedipus Rex

  • Written by Sophocles.

  • Sophocles lived from circa 496 BCE - 406 BCE.

  • Innovations in tragedy:

    • Added the third actor.

    • This reduced reliance on the chorus by developing characters more deeply.

Greek Theater History

  • Dithyrams were the precursor to tragedy.

  • Vespas introduced the first actor who would speak alone.

  • Aeschylus added the second actor.

  • Sophocles' introduction of a third actor allowed for more complex narratives.

Major Playwrights and Context

  • Notable playwrights include:

    • Aeschylus - Known for the trilogy Oresteia:

      • Agamemnon: Agamemnon is killed by his wife Clytemnestra.

      • Libation Bearers: Orestes kills Clytemnestra.

    • Euripides: Did not connect plots like Aeschylus.

Key Elements of Oedipus's Backstory

  • Laius: King of Thebes, received a prophecy about his son.

  • Prophecy states that Laius' son will kill him and marry his mother.

  • Laius and Jocasta abandon their newborn child to prevent the prophecy.

  • The child is raised by Polybus and Merope, the king and queen of Corinth, who name him Oedipus (meaning clubfoot).

Oedipus's Journey

  • At adulthood, discovers his true identity and the prophecy.

  • Visits the oracle at Delphi, learns he will kill his father and marry his mother.

  • Attempts to avoid fate by leaving Corinth.

  • Kills his biological father Laius unknowingly at a crossroads.

  • Solves the riddle of the Sphinx to become king of Thebes and marries Jocasta.

  • Tragedy begins with a plague affecting Thebes.

Structure of Greek Tragedy

  • Prologue: Exposition and background information provided.

  • Parodos: Chorus comments on the situation.

  • Episodes: Main action/plot events, details of the story unfold.

  • Odes: Chorus reflects on the events occurring in episodes.

  • Exodus: Conclusion of the play, often involves wisdom or moral advice from the chorus.

Scenic Devices in Greek Theater

  • Panakis: Wooden frame with cloth or stone for decoration.

  • Periaktoi: Triangular structure with three panakis for scene changes.

  • Ekkakuma: Platform on wheels to display aftermath of violence offstage.

  • Machina: Crane for lifting actors to represent flight or divinity.

  • Deus Ex Machina: Concept of a sudden, unexpected resolution to a plot, originally refers to gods appearing via the machina.


  • This overview provides context for understanding Oedipus Rex and the structure of Greek tragedies, alongside the innovations brought by playwrights like Sophocles.
