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The moral value of the Fundamental Duties does not go against the Fundamental rights

but establishes a democratic balance by making the

people equally conscious of their duties as they are of their rights. This is done in the

following ways:

• For a healthy democracy, rights and duties have to exist together, as rights

without duties will lead to anarchy. The Supreme Court in Javed vs. State of

Haryana (2003), held that the Fundamental Rights cannot be read in isolation

vis-à-vis Fundamental Duties.

• Fundamental Duties are complementary to Fundamental Rights. The Supreme

Court in State of Gujarat vs. Mirzapur (2005), held that that the reasonableness of

any restriction that is cast by the law on the Fundamental Rights can be tested

by taking the Fundamental Duties into account.

The Fundamental Duties help in the following ways with respect to

Fundamental Rights:

• Article 21A of Fundamental Rights related to the education of

children from age of 6-14 years relates to the Fundamental Duty of citizens to

provide opportunities to their ward regarding education under Article 51A(k).

• Promotion of the rights of minorities by making it a duty to promote harmony

and brotherhood amongst people transcending religious and linguistic diversity

and respecting the rich heritage of the country's composite culture.

• Duties also put into limelight some implicit Fundamental Rights like preservation

of dignity of women, right to healthy environment under Article 21 etc.

• According to Mahatma Gandhi, the very performance of a duty secures us

our right. There is a definite association between rights and duties for rights

cannot be divorced from duties.

• Fundamental Duties, despite their non-enforceability, are essential for a

democratic state like India. A democratic state cannot survive unless its people

are able to take an active role in governance and

accept responsibility for the country's best interests.




• Chanakya: “It is a king’s utmost duty to look after the progress and welfare of

the people of his country”.

• Rig Veda: “O, citizens of Bharat! As our ancient saints and seers, leaders and

preceptors have performed their duties righteously, similarly, you shall not

falter to execute your duties”.

• Lord Krishna (In Gita): “One should do one’s duties without expectation

of any fruits”.

• Mahatma Gandhi: “The very performance of a duty secures us our right. Rights

cannot be divorced from duties. This is how satyagraha was born, for I was always

striving to decide what my duty was. If we all discharge our duties, rights will not

be far to seek”.

• Swami Vivekananda: “It is the duty of every person to contribute in the

development and progress of India”.


The moral value of the Fundamental Duties does not go against the Fundamental rights

but establishes a democratic balance by making the

people equally conscious of their duties as they are of their rights. This is done in the

following ways:

• For a healthy democracy, rights and duties have to exist together, as rights

without duties will lead to anarchy. The Supreme Court in Javed vs. State of

Haryana (2003), held that the Fundamental Rights cannot be read in isolation

vis-à-vis Fundamental Duties.

• Fundamental Duties are complementary to Fundamental Rights. The Supreme

Court in State of Gujarat vs. Mirzapur (2005), held that that the reasonableness of

any restriction that is cast by the law on the Fundamental Rights can be tested

by taking the Fundamental Duties into account.

The Fundamental Duties help in the following ways with respect to

Fundamental Rights:

• Article 21A of Fundamental Rights related to the education of

children from age of 6-14 years relates to the Fundamental Duty of citizens to

provide opportunities to their ward regarding education under Article 51A(k).

• Promotion of the rights of minorities by making it a duty to promote harmony

and brotherhood amongst people transcending religious and linguistic diversity

and respecting the rich heritage of the country's composite culture.

• Duties also put into limelight some implicit Fundamental Rights like preservation

of dignity of women, right to healthy environment under Article 21 etc.

• According to Mahatma Gandhi, the very performance of a duty secures us

our right. There is a definite association between rights and duties for rights

cannot be divorced from duties.

• Fundamental Duties, despite their non-enforceability, are essential for a

democratic state like India. A democratic state cannot survive unless its people

are able to take an active role in governance and

accept responsibility for the country's best interests.




• Chanakya: “It is a king’s utmost duty to look after the progress and welfare of

the people of his country”.

• Rig Veda: “O, citizens of Bharat! As our ancient saints and seers, leaders and

preceptors have performed their duties righteously, similarly, you shall not

falter to execute your duties”.

• Lord Krishna (In Gita): “One should do one’s duties without expectation

of any fruits”.

• Mahatma Gandhi: “The very performance of a duty secures us our right. Rights

cannot be divorced from duties. This is how satyagraha was born, for I was always

striving to decide what my duty was. If we all discharge our duties, rights will not

be far to seek”.

• Swami Vivekananda: “It is the duty of every person to contribute in the

development and progress of India”.