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73. Loquacious Adjectives: talking or tending to talk too much or freely

  1. Lucid Adjective: clear and easily understood

75. Luminous Adjective: full of light

76. Malleable Adjective: capable of being shaped, easily influenced

77. Meticulous Adjective: extremely careful about details

78. Misanthrope Noun: a person who dislikes humankind’s and avoids human society

  1. Mitigate Verb: to make less severe, serious, or painful

  2. Monotony Noun: wearisome uniformity, or lack of variety 81. Naive Adjective: lacking sophistication or experience

82. Obdurate Adjective: stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action

83. Obsequious Adjective: overly submissive and eager to please

84. Onerous Adjective: involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome

  1. Opaque Adjective: not able to see through; not transparent

86. Ostentation Noun: pretentious and vulgar display

  1. paradox: a seemingly absurd or self contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.

88. pedant noun: a person who’s excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning 89. perfunctory adjective: carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection 90. permeate verb: to spread throughout(something); to evade


73. Loquacious Adjectives: talking or tending to talk too much or freely

  1. Lucid Adjective: clear and easily understood

75. Luminous Adjective: full of light

76. Malleable Adjective: capable of being shaped, easily influenced

77. Meticulous Adjective: extremely careful about details

78. Misanthrope Noun: a person who dislikes humankind’s and avoids human society

  1. Mitigate Verb: to make less severe, serious, or painful

  2. Monotony Noun: wearisome uniformity, or lack of variety 81. Naive Adjective: lacking sophistication or experience

82. Obdurate Adjective: stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action

83. Obsequious Adjective: overly submissive and eager to please

84. Onerous Adjective: involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome

  1. Opaque Adjective: not able to see through; not transparent

86. Ostentation Noun: pretentious and vulgar display

  1. paradox: a seemingly absurd or self contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.

88. pedant noun: a person who’s excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning 89. perfunctory adjective: carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection 90. permeate verb: to spread throughout(something); to evade