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Atomic Theory Cheat Sheet

1. Dalton's Atomic Theory (1803):

  • Proposed by John Dalton.

  • Elements are composed of indivisible particles called atoms.

  • All atoms of the same element are identical in mass and properties.

  • Compounds are formed by the combination of atoms in simple, whole-number ratios.

  • Chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms, and atoms are neither created nor destroyed.

2. Modern Atomic Theory:

  • Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter.

  • Atoms are composed of subatomic particles:

    • Protons (positively charged) in the nucleus.

    • Neutrons (neutral) in the nucleus.

    • Electrons (negatively charged) orbiting the nucleus in electron clouds or energy levels.

  • Elements are defined by the number of protons, known as the atomic number.

3. Subatomic Particles:

  • Protons:

    • Mass: ~1 atomic mass unit (amu).

    • Charge: +1.

  • Neutrons:

    • Mass: ~1 amu.

    • Charge: 0.

  • Electrons:

    • Mass: ~1/1836 amu (negligible).

    • Charge: -1.

4. Atomic Structure:

  • Atomic Number (Z): The number of protons in an atom.

  • Mass Number (A): The sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

  • Isotopes: Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.

  • Atomic Mass: Weighted average of the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of an element.

5. The Periodic Table:

  • Organizes elements based on atomic number and chemical properties.

  • Groups (columns) have similar chemical properties.

  • Periods (rows) represent the number of electron shells.

6. Atomic Models:

  • Thomson's Model (Plum Pudding Model): Electrons embedded in a positively charged sphere.

  • Rutherford's Model: Discovered the atomic nucleus, where most of the mass is concentrated.

  • Bohr's Model: Electrons orbit the nucleus in discrete energy levels or shells.

  • Modern Quantum Mechanical Model: Describes the behavior of electrons as waves and particles in electron clouds or orbitals.

7. Quantum Numbers:

  • Principal Quantum Number (n): Represents the energy level or shell (n=1, 2, 3, ...).

  • Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l): Determines the shape of the orbital (s, p, d, f).

  • Magnetic Quantum Number (m_l): Specifies the orientation of an orbital in space.

  • Spin Quantum Number (m_s): Describes the spin of an electron (up or down).

8. Electron Configuration:

  • The arrangement of electrons in energy levels and orbitals.

  • Follows the Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, and Hund's rule.

9. Periodic Trends:

  • Atomic radius: Increases down a group, decreases across a period.

  • Ionization energy: Decreases down a group, increases across a period.

  • Electronegativity: Decreases down a group, increases across a period.

10. Chemical Bonding:

  • Atoms form bonds to achieve a stable electron configuration.

  • Types of bonds include covalent, ionic, and metallic.

11. Molecules and Compounds:

  • Molecules are formed when atoms share electrons (covalent bonding).

  • Compounds are substances composed of different elements in fixed ratios.

12. Nuclear Reactions:

  • Involves changes in the nucleus.

  • Examples include nuclear decay, fusion, and fission.

13. Modern Advances:

  • The discovery of subatomic particles beyond protons, neutrons, and electrons, such as quarks and neutrinos.

  • The development of quantum mechanics and its application to atomic theory.

Structure and Bonding Cheat Sheet

1. Types of Chemical Bonds:

  • Covalent Bonds:

    • Formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms.

    • Can be polar (unequal sharing) or nonpolar (equal sharing).

    • Examples: H2 (hydrogen gas), O2 (oxygen gas).

  • Ionic Bonds:

    • Formed when electrons are transferred from one atom to another, resulting in ions.

    • Ions are held together by electrostatic attractions.

    • Example: NaCl (sodium chloride).

2. Lewis Dot Structures:

  • Diagrams representing the valence electrons of atoms.

  • Useful for predicting and understanding bond formation.

  • Follows the octet rule: Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of 8 electrons (2 for hydrogen).

3. VSEPR Theory (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion):

  • Predicts molecular geometry based on the arrangement of valence electron pairs around the central atom.

  • Minimizes repulsion between electron pairs.

  • Helps determine molecular shape (e.g., linear, bent, tetrahedral).

4. Intermolecular Forces:

  • Forces of attraction between molecules.

  • Types:

    • London Dispersion Forces: Present in all molecules; temporary fluctuations in electron distribution.

    • Dipole-Dipole Interactions: Occur in polar molecules due to uneven electron distribution.

    • Hydrogen Bonds: A special type of dipole-dipole interaction involving hydrogen bonded to highly electronegative elements (N, O, F).

5. Valence Bond Theory:

  • Describes chemical bonding in terms of overlapping atomic orbitals.

  • Covalent bonds are formed when orbitals of two atoms overlap.

  • Examples include sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds.

6. Molecular Orbital Theory:

  • Describes the behavior of electrons in terms of molecular orbitals (MOs).

  • MOs are formed by the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO).

  • Predicts bond order, bond strength, and magnetic properties.

  • Examples include bonding, antibonding, and nonbonding orbitals.

7. Ionic Compounds:

  • Composed of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions).

  • Held together by electrostatic attractions.

  • Form crystal lattices.

  • Conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water.

8. Covalent Compounds:

  • Formed by the sharing of electrons.

  • Can be polar or nonpolar based on electronegativity differences.

  • Often exist as discrete molecules.

  • Generally have lower melting and boiling points compared to ionic compounds.

9. Hybridization:

  • The process by which atomic orbitals mix to form new hybrid orbitals.

  • Common in organic compounds and explains molecular geometry.

10. Bond Polarity vs. Molecular Polarity:

  • Bond polarity is determined by the electronegativity difference between bonded atoms.

  • Molecular polarity depends on the shape and polarity of the bonds within a molecule.

Transition Metals Cheat Sheet

1. Transition Metals:

  • Located in groups 3 to 12 on the periodic table.

  • Also known as the "d-block" elements.

  • Exhibit a wide range of properties due to their partially filled d-orbitals.

  • Often form colorful compounds and serve as catalysts.

2. Electron Configurations of Transition Metals:

  • Transition metals have electron configurations that include d-orbitals in addition to s and p orbitals.

  • The filling order follows the Aufbau principle, Hund's rule, and the Pauli exclusion principle.

  • For example, the electron configuration of chromium (Cr) is [Ar] 3d^5 4s^1, and not [Ar] 3d^4 4s^2 as might be expected.

3. Properties of Transition Metals:

  • Variable Oxidation States:

    • Transition metals can exist in multiple oxidation states due to the availability of d-electrons.

    • Some elements have particularly stable oxidation states, such as Fe(II) and Fe(III) for iron.

  • Complex Formation:

    • Transition metals readily form coordination complexes with ligands (molecules or ions).

    • Ligands coordinate to the central metal ion through dative covalent bonds.

    • Complexes often exhibit color due to electronic transitions.

  • Magnetic Properties:

    • Many transition metal compounds are paramagnetic, meaning they are attracted to a magnetic field.

    • This is due to the presence of unpaired electrons in the d-orbitals.

  • High Melting and Boiling Points:

    • Transition metals generally have high melting and boiling points.

    • Their strong metallic bonding contributes to this property.

  • Catalytic Activity:

    • Transition metals are excellent catalysts for various chemical reactions.

    • They can facilitate reaction pathways by providing alternative mechanisms with lower activation energy.

4. Coordination Complexes:

  • Coordination Sphere:

    • Central metal atom/ion bonded to surrounding ligands.

    • Ligands are Lewis bases (donate electron pairs).

  • Coordination Number:

    • The number of ligands bonded to the central metal.

    • Common coordination numbers include 2, 4, and 6.

5. Crystal Field Theory (CFT):

  • Describes the splitting of d-orbitals in a transition metal ion's electron cloud when it is surrounded by ligands.

  • Two energy levels for d-orbitals: t2g (lower energy) and eg (higher energy).

  • Splitting is determined by the geometry of the complex (tetrahedral or octahedral).

6. Ligand Field Theory (LFT):

  • An extension of CFT that takes into account the nature of ligands and their influence on d-orbital splitting.

  • Strong-field ligands cause larger energy differences between t2g and eg levels than weak-field ligands.

Structure and Shape of Organic Molecules Cheat Sheet

1. Organic Molecules:

  • Compounds primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen.

  • Organic chemistry focuses on the structure, properties, and reactions of these compounds.

2. Functional Groups:

  • Groups of atoms that determine the chemical properties and reactivity of organic compounds.

  • Examples:

    • Alkyl (-CH3, -C2H5)

    • Alkenyl (-CH=CH2)

    • Alkynyl (-C≡CH)

    • Hydroxyl (-OH)

    • Carbonyl (C=O)

    • Amino (-NH2)

    • Carboxyl (-COOH)

3. Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy:

  • Analytical technique used to identify functional groups in organic compounds.

  • Measures the absorption of infrared radiation by chemical bonds.

  • Different functional groups have characteristic absorption peaks.

4. Alkanes:

  • Saturated hydrocarbons with single bonds between carbon atoms.

  • General formula: CnH2n+2.

  • Named using IUPAC rules.

  • Examples: Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6), Propane (C3H8).

5. Cycloalkanes:

  • Saturated hydrocarbons arranged in a closed ring.

  • General formula: CnH2n.

  • Examples: Cyclopropane (C3H6), Cyclobutane (C4H8), Cyclopentane (C5H10).

6. Alkenes:

  • Unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-carbon double bond.

  • General formula: CnH2n.

  • Named using IUPAC rules.

  • Examples: Ethene (ethylene, C2H4), Propene (propylene, C3H6), Butene (butylene, C4H8).

7. Chirality:

  • Property of molecules that are non-superimposable on their mirror images.

  • Chiral compounds have a "handedness."

  • Enantiomers are pairs of chiral molecules that are mirror images but cannot be superimposed.

  • Important in biochemistry and drug development.

8. Molecular Geometry:

  • Determines the 3D arrangement of atoms in a molecule.

  • Influences the molecule's properties, reactivity, and polarity.

  • Common geometries include linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, and trigonal bipyramidal.

9. Isomerism:

  • Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientations.

  • Types:

    • Structural Isomers: Differ in the connectivity of atoms.

    • Stereoisomers: Same connectivity but different spatial arrangement (e.g., cis-trans isomers, enantiomers).

10. Nomenclature: - Use IUPAC rules to systematically name organic compounds based on their structure and functional groups. - Prefixes, suffixes, and numbering systems indicate the type and location of substituents.

11. Bonding and Hybridization: - Organic molecules often exhibit sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds due to the overlap of atomic orbitals. - Hybridization of carbon atoms influences bond angles and shapes.

Cheat Sheet

Atomic Theory Cheat Sheet

1. Dalton's Atomic Theory (1803):

  • Proposed by John Dalton.

  • Elements are composed of indivisible particles called atoms.

  • All atoms of the same element are identical in mass and properties.

  • Compounds are formed by the combination of atoms in simple, whole-number ratios.

  • Chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms, and atoms are neither created nor destroyed.

2. Modern Atomic Theory:

  • Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter.

  • Atoms are composed of subatomic particles:

    • Protons (positively charged) in the nucleus.

    • Neutrons (neutral) in the nucleus.

    • Electrons (negatively charged) orbiting the nucleus in electron clouds or energy levels.

  • Elements are defined by the number of protons, known as the atomic number.

3. Subatomic Particles:

  • Protons:

    • Mass: ~1 atomic mass unit (amu).

    • Charge: +1.

  • Neutrons:

    • Mass: ~1 amu.

    • Charge: 0.

  • Electrons:

    • Mass: ~1/1836 amu (negligible).

    • Charge: -1.

4. Atomic Structure:

  • Atomic Number (Z): The number of protons in an atom.

  • Mass Number (A): The sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

  • Isotopes: Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.

  • Atomic Mass: Weighted average of the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of an element.

5. The Periodic Table:

  • Organizes elements based on atomic number and chemical properties.

  • Groups (columns) have similar chemical properties.

  • Periods (rows) represent the number of electron shells.

6. Atomic Models:

  • Thomson's Model (Plum Pudding Model): Electrons embedded in a positively charged sphere.

  • Rutherford's Model: Discovered the atomic nucleus, where most of the mass is concentrated.

  • Bohr's Model: Electrons orbit the nucleus in discrete energy levels or shells.

  • Modern Quantum Mechanical Model: Describes the behavior of electrons as waves and particles in electron clouds or orbitals.

7. Quantum Numbers:

  • Principal Quantum Number (n): Represents the energy level or shell (n=1, 2, 3, ...).

  • Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l): Determines the shape of the orbital (s, p, d, f).

  • Magnetic Quantum Number (m_l): Specifies the orientation of an orbital in space.

  • Spin Quantum Number (m_s): Describes the spin of an electron (up or down).

8. Electron Configuration:

  • The arrangement of electrons in energy levels and orbitals.

  • Follows the Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, and Hund's rule.

9. Periodic Trends:

  • Atomic radius: Increases down a group, decreases across a period.

  • Ionization energy: Decreases down a group, increases across a period.

  • Electronegativity: Decreases down a group, increases across a period.

10. Chemical Bonding:

  • Atoms form bonds to achieve a stable electron configuration.

  • Types of bonds include covalent, ionic, and metallic.

11. Molecules and Compounds:

  • Molecules are formed when atoms share electrons (covalent bonding).

  • Compounds are substances composed of different elements in fixed ratios.

12. Nuclear Reactions:

  • Involves changes in the nucleus.

  • Examples include nuclear decay, fusion, and fission.

13. Modern Advances:

  • The discovery of subatomic particles beyond protons, neutrons, and electrons, such as quarks and neutrinos.

  • The development of quantum mechanics and its application to atomic theory.

Structure and Bonding Cheat Sheet

1. Types of Chemical Bonds:

  • Covalent Bonds:

    • Formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms.

    • Can be polar (unequal sharing) or nonpolar (equal sharing).

    • Examples: H2 (hydrogen gas), O2 (oxygen gas).

  • Ionic Bonds:

    • Formed when electrons are transferred from one atom to another, resulting in ions.

    • Ions are held together by electrostatic attractions.

    • Example: NaCl (sodium chloride).

2. Lewis Dot Structures:

  • Diagrams representing the valence electrons of atoms.

  • Useful for predicting and understanding bond formation.

  • Follows the octet rule: Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of 8 electrons (2 for hydrogen).

3. VSEPR Theory (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion):

  • Predicts molecular geometry based on the arrangement of valence electron pairs around the central atom.

  • Minimizes repulsion between electron pairs.

  • Helps determine molecular shape (e.g., linear, bent, tetrahedral).

4. Intermolecular Forces:

  • Forces of attraction between molecules.

  • Types:

    • London Dispersion Forces: Present in all molecules; temporary fluctuations in electron distribution.

    • Dipole-Dipole Interactions: Occur in polar molecules due to uneven electron distribution.

    • Hydrogen Bonds: A special type of dipole-dipole interaction involving hydrogen bonded to highly electronegative elements (N, O, F).

5. Valence Bond Theory:

  • Describes chemical bonding in terms of overlapping atomic orbitals.

  • Covalent bonds are formed when orbitals of two atoms overlap.

  • Examples include sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds.

6. Molecular Orbital Theory:

  • Describes the behavior of electrons in terms of molecular orbitals (MOs).

  • MOs are formed by the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO).

  • Predicts bond order, bond strength, and magnetic properties.

  • Examples include bonding, antibonding, and nonbonding orbitals.

7. Ionic Compounds:

  • Composed of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions).

  • Held together by electrostatic attractions.

  • Form crystal lattices.

  • Conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water.

8. Covalent Compounds:

  • Formed by the sharing of electrons.

  • Can be polar or nonpolar based on electronegativity differences.

  • Often exist as discrete molecules.

  • Generally have lower melting and boiling points compared to ionic compounds.

9. Hybridization:

  • The process by which atomic orbitals mix to form new hybrid orbitals.

  • Common in organic compounds and explains molecular geometry.

10. Bond Polarity vs. Molecular Polarity:

  • Bond polarity is determined by the electronegativity difference between bonded atoms.

  • Molecular polarity depends on the shape and polarity of the bonds within a molecule.

Transition Metals Cheat Sheet

1. Transition Metals:

  • Located in groups 3 to 12 on the periodic table.

  • Also known as the "d-block" elements.

  • Exhibit a wide range of properties due to their partially filled d-orbitals.

  • Often form colorful compounds and serve as catalysts.

2. Electron Configurations of Transition Metals:

  • Transition metals have electron configurations that include d-orbitals in addition to s and p orbitals.

  • The filling order follows the Aufbau principle, Hund's rule, and the Pauli exclusion principle.

  • For example, the electron configuration of chromium (Cr) is [Ar] 3d^5 4s^1, and not [Ar] 3d^4 4s^2 as might be expected.

3. Properties of Transition Metals:

  • Variable Oxidation States:

    • Transition metals can exist in multiple oxidation states due to the availability of d-electrons.

    • Some elements have particularly stable oxidation states, such as Fe(II) and Fe(III) for iron.

  • Complex Formation:

    • Transition metals readily form coordination complexes with ligands (molecules or ions).

    • Ligands coordinate to the central metal ion through dative covalent bonds.

    • Complexes often exhibit color due to electronic transitions.

  • Magnetic Properties:

    • Many transition metal compounds are paramagnetic, meaning they are attracted to a magnetic field.

    • This is due to the presence of unpaired electrons in the d-orbitals.

  • High Melting and Boiling Points:

    • Transition metals generally have high melting and boiling points.

    • Their strong metallic bonding contributes to this property.

  • Catalytic Activity:

    • Transition metals are excellent catalysts for various chemical reactions.

    • They can facilitate reaction pathways by providing alternative mechanisms with lower activation energy.

4. Coordination Complexes:

  • Coordination Sphere:

    • Central metal atom/ion bonded to surrounding ligands.

    • Ligands are Lewis bases (donate electron pairs).

  • Coordination Number:

    • The number of ligands bonded to the central metal.

    • Common coordination numbers include 2, 4, and 6.

5. Crystal Field Theory (CFT):

  • Describes the splitting of d-orbitals in a transition metal ion's electron cloud when it is surrounded by ligands.

  • Two energy levels for d-orbitals: t2g (lower energy) and eg (higher energy).

  • Splitting is determined by the geometry of the complex (tetrahedral or octahedral).

6. Ligand Field Theory (LFT):

  • An extension of CFT that takes into account the nature of ligands and their influence on d-orbital splitting.

  • Strong-field ligands cause larger energy differences between t2g and eg levels than weak-field ligands.

Structure and Shape of Organic Molecules Cheat Sheet

1. Organic Molecules:

  • Compounds primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen.

  • Organic chemistry focuses on the structure, properties, and reactions of these compounds.

2. Functional Groups:

  • Groups of atoms that determine the chemical properties and reactivity of organic compounds.

  • Examples:

    • Alkyl (-CH3, -C2H5)

    • Alkenyl (-CH=CH2)

    • Alkynyl (-C≡CH)

    • Hydroxyl (-OH)

    • Carbonyl (C=O)

    • Amino (-NH2)

    • Carboxyl (-COOH)

3. Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy:

  • Analytical technique used to identify functional groups in organic compounds.

  • Measures the absorption of infrared radiation by chemical bonds.

  • Different functional groups have characteristic absorption peaks.

4. Alkanes:

  • Saturated hydrocarbons with single bonds between carbon atoms.

  • General formula: CnH2n+2.

  • Named using IUPAC rules.

  • Examples: Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6), Propane (C3H8).

5. Cycloalkanes:

  • Saturated hydrocarbons arranged in a closed ring.

  • General formula: CnH2n.

  • Examples: Cyclopropane (C3H6), Cyclobutane (C4H8), Cyclopentane (C5H10).

6. Alkenes:

  • Unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-carbon double bond.

  • General formula: CnH2n.

  • Named using IUPAC rules.

  • Examples: Ethene (ethylene, C2H4), Propene (propylene, C3H6), Butene (butylene, C4H8).

7. Chirality:

  • Property of molecules that are non-superimposable on their mirror images.

  • Chiral compounds have a "handedness."

  • Enantiomers are pairs of chiral molecules that are mirror images but cannot be superimposed.

  • Important in biochemistry and drug development.

8. Molecular Geometry:

  • Determines the 3D arrangement of atoms in a molecule.

  • Influences the molecule's properties, reactivity, and polarity.

  • Common geometries include linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, and trigonal bipyramidal.

9. Isomerism:

  • Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientations.

  • Types:

    • Structural Isomers: Differ in the connectivity of atoms.

    • Stereoisomers: Same connectivity but different spatial arrangement (e.g., cis-trans isomers, enantiomers).

10. Nomenclature: - Use IUPAC rules to systematically name organic compounds based on their structure and functional groups. - Prefixes, suffixes, and numbering systems indicate the type and location of substituents.

11. Bonding and Hybridization: - Organic molecules often exhibit sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds due to the overlap of atomic orbitals. - Hybridization of carbon atoms influences bond angles and shapes.