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Vocabulary 1

Habitat - (he/she/it) lives etiam - also Sub - under Scribit - (he/she/it) writes ubi - where Quis - who? Sedet - (he/she/it) sits quod - because Quid - what? Legit - (he/she/it) reads et - and Cur - why? Facit - (he/she/it) does dum - while Est - (he/she/it) is iam - already, now

Ten Nouns List - First ever vocab list for Latin One. Yay.

Patria, patriae F. - country Italia, Italiae F. - Italy Provincia, provinciae F. - province Gallia, Galliae F. - Gaul (France) Via, viae F. - road, way terra, terrae F. - land Villa, villae F. - country house Agricola, agricolae M. - farmer Puella, puellae F. - girl rosa, rosae F. - rose


Cornelia, Corneliae F - Cornelia (a girl’s name) Flavia, Flaviae F - Flavia (another girl’s name) Romanus, Romana - Roman Europa, Europae F. - Europe

Romanus, Romana Roman

equus, equi M horse

lupus, lupi M wolf

Lesson 2 Vocabulary

amica, amicae F     (girl) friend

hodie           today                    quoque        also

tandem        at last                   sed              but

non  not                        non iam       no longer

lente            slowly

faciunt (they) do

sunt   (they) are

currit (he/she/it) runs

ambulant (they) walk

Lesson 3 vocabulary

puer, pueri M. boy vir, viri M. man hortus, horti M. garden servus, servi M. slave

Minime! No Ita vero! Yes Subito suddenly -ne Indicates yes or no question

iratus, irata angry molestus, molesta annoying, pesky, troublesome

solus, sola alone

Laborant they work rident they laugh Clamant they shout

Lesson 4 Vocab List

ramus, rami M branch

semper always magnus, magna big, great igitur therefore sollicitus, sollicita worried, anxious furtim stealthily, sneakily infirmus, infirma weak tum then

amare to love vexare to annoy ascendere to climb vidēre to see terrēre to scare dormire to sleep Cave!/Cavete! Watch out! Be careful! conspicere to catch sight of audire to hear

Lesson 5 Vocab List

paro, parare – to prepare rivus, rivi M stream specto, spectare- to watch silva, silvae F woods, forest porto, portare – to carry repello, repellere- to drive away

numerus, numeri M number peto, petere – to look for

copia, copiae F supply timeo, timēre – to fear

cibus, cibi M food terreo, terrēre –to scare

respondeo, respondēre- to respond

neque.. neque neither…nor Neque and... not statim immediately si =if ibi = there e or ex + abl case = out of, from

Vocab 6

Verbs: necesse est It is necessary adiuvo, adiuvare help doceo, docēre teach curo, curare look after, take care of reprehendo, reprehendere scold, blame surgo, surgere get up, rise

Nouns: aqua, aquae F water ancilla, ancillae F slave woman nauta, nautae M. sailor pecunia, pecuniae F money (mater, matris F. mother) (pater, patris M father)

Others: tamen nevertheless nondum not yet nunc now strenue strenuously, hard mox soon

Lesson 7 Vocabulary:

Verbs: venio, venire, veni, venturus come duco, ducere, duxi, ductus lead

Revoco, revocare, revocavi, revocatus call back Saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus greet Dono, donare, donavi, donatus give

inquit he/she says Nouns: Nuntius, nuntii M. messenger femina, feminae F woman Princeps, principis M. emperor, leader dominus, domini M. master urbs, urbis F. city amicus, amici M. friend


victoria, victoriae F - victory pugna, pugnae F. - fight, battle iniuria, iniuriae F - injustice, injury gladius, gladii M. – sword animus, animi M – spirit, courage, mind

age/agite - come on! intro, intrare, intravi, intratus - enter surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrecturus – wake up servo, servare, servavi, servatus- guard, save arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus- seize, grab

deinde -thenceleriter – quickly iterum – again

Vocab Lesson 9:

ianua, ianuae F door hora, horae F hour meus, mea, meum my filia, filiae F daughter tuus, tua, tuum your filius, filii M son miser, misera, miserum sad

tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatus - try maneo, manēre, mansi, mansurus- stay teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentus- hold mitto, mittere, misi, missus- send sum, esse, fui, futurus- to be

Declension work

Legio, legionis F - legion ludus, ludi M - school mora, morae F- delay Magister, magistri M - teacher arbor, arboris F - tree virtus, virtutis F - virtue

pecunia, pecuniae F - money strix, strigis F - owl; vampire Incola, incolae M - inhabitant salus, salutis F - health; greeting Faber, fabri M - engineer nummus, nummi M - coin

tempto, temptare - try PresentTeneo, tenēre - hold Imperfect Mitto, mittere - send Futuresentio, sentire - feel Present Celebro, celebrare - celebrate Imperfmaneo, manēre - stay Future Traho, trahere - drag Presentmugio, mugire - moo Imperfect Clamo, clamare - shout Future

doceo, docēre - teach Presentcano, canere - sing Imperfect Audio, audire - hear Futureadiuvo, adiuvare - help Present Augeo, augēre - increase Imperfect ludo, ludere -play Future Punio, punire - punish PresentHabeo, habēre - have, hold Future Muto, mutare- change Imperfect

Vocab 10 List

NOUNS ADJECTIVES raeda, raedae F carriage paratus, parata, paratum ready equus, equi M. horse alius, alia, aliud other, another cista, cistae F trunk, chest baculum, baculi N. stick ADVERBS liberi, liberorum M children interea meanwhile cras tomorrow

VERBS ubi? Where? habeo, habēre, habui, habitus have, hold iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus throw iubeo, iubēre, iussi, iussus order do, dare, dedi, datus give sto, stare, steti, staturus stand

VOCAB 2nd/3rd Declension NEUTERS

S Pl Praemium, praemii N reward Endings: -um -a Baculum, baculi N stick -i -orum Plaustrum, plaustri N cart, wagon -o -is Signum, signi N sign -um -a Vehiculum, vehiculi N vehicle -o -is Auxilium, auxilii N help -um -a Bellum, belli N war Periculum, periculi N danger Silentium, silentii N silence Aedificium, aedificii N building

3rd Declension Neuters Vocab

Iter, itineris N journey, road Nomen, nominis N name Onus, oneris N load, burden Tempus, temporis N time Caput, capitis N head Flumen, fluminis N river Corpus, corporis N body Vulnus, vulneris N wound Ver, veris N spring (the season) Murmur, murmuris N rumble, murmur

Vocabulary 11:

vilicus, vilici M. overseerporta, portae F. gate ira, irae F anger area, areae F threshing floor, open space

plenus, -a, -um full

quamquam although

absum, abesse, afui, afuturus be away, be absent impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditus hinder, get in the way adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus be present effugio, effugere, effugi, effugiturus run away verbero, verberare, verberavi, verberatus beat, hit

Possum, posse, potui to be able

Vocab 12 :

fossa, fossae F ditch bellum, belli N. war canis, canis M/F dog signum, signi N. sign tunica, tunicae F tunic auxilium, auxilii N. help

convoco, convocare, convocavi, convocatus- call together rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus - ask invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus- find traho, trahere, traxi, tractus- drag, pull

Cum + abl. with Quocum? with whom? Unde? From where? Ubi? Where? Quando? When? Quomodo? How?

Derivatives: Traction - grip or pull “The car lost traction on the ice.” Interrogative - a question word Auxiliary - helping/ assisting/ back-up “auxiliary engine” Convocation - assembly literally - a “calling together”


Civis, civis M/F - citizen rusticus, rustici M - peasant Pars, partis F - part iter, itineris N - journey Vehiculum, vehiculi N - vehicle pes, pedis M - foot

Clarus, a, um - Famous, distinguished

Vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus - avoid Quiesco, quiescere, quievi, quieturus - rest, be quiet Cave! Cavete! - watch out for…! Beware of … !

A or ab + abl. Case - from, away from

Ferociter - fiercely

BOOK Formatting

  1. The Accusative case is the direct object. pg 9 10

  2. The Accusative case is also used after certain prepositions. pg 11 12

  3. The Ablative case shows means or 13 14

  4. Cum + the Ablative shows accompaniment.15 16

  5. The Ablative Case is also used with certain prepositions.17 18

  6. extra credit vocative


Vocabulary 1

Habitat - (he/she/it) lives etiam - also Sub - under Scribit - (he/she/it) writes ubi - where Quis - who? Sedet - (he/she/it) sits quod - because Quid - what? Legit - (he/she/it) reads et - and Cur - why? Facit - (he/she/it) does dum - while Est - (he/she/it) is iam - already, now

Ten Nouns List - First ever vocab list for Latin One. Yay.

Patria, patriae F. - country Italia, Italiae F. - Italy Provincia, provinciae F. - province Gallia, Galliae F. - Gaul (France) Via, viae F. - road, way terra, terrae F. - land Villa, villae F. - country house Agricola, agricolae M. - farmer Puella, puellae F. - girl rosa, rosae F. - rose


Cornelia, Corneliae F - Cornelia (a girl’s name) Flavia, Flaviae F - Flavia (another girl’s name) Romanus, Romana - Roman Europa, Europae F. - Europe

Romanus, Romana Roman

equus, equi M horse

lupus, lupi M wolf

Lesson 2 Vocabulary

amica, amicae F     (girl) friend

hodie           today                    quoque        also

tandem        at last                   sed              but

non  not                        non iam       no longer

lente            slowly

faciunt (they) do

sunt   (they) are

currit (he/she/it) runs

ambulant (they) walk

Lesson 3 vocabulary

puer, pueri M. boy vir, viri M. man hortus, horti M. garden servus, servi M. slave

Minime! No Ita vero! Yes Subito suddenly -ne Indicates yes or no question

iratus, irata angry molestus, molesta annoying, pesky, troublesome

solus, sola alone

Laborant they work rident they laugh Clamant they shout

Lesson 4 Vocab List

ramus, rami M branch

semper always magnus, magna big, great igitur therefore sollicitus, sollicita worried, anxious furtim stealthily, sneakily infirmus, infirma weak tum then

amare to love vexare to annoy ascendere to climb vidēre to see terrēre to scare dormire to sleep Cave!/Cavete! Watch out! Be careful! conspicere to catch sight of audire to hear

Lesson 5 Vocab List

paro, parare – to prepare rivus, rivi M stream specto, spectare- to watch silva, silvae F woods, forest porto, portare – to carry repello, repellere- to drive away

numerus, numeri M number peto, petere – to look for

copia, copiae F supply timeo, timēre – to fear

cibus, cibi M food terreo, terrēre –to scare

respondeo, respondēre- to respond

neque.. neque neither…nor Neque and... not statim immediately si =if ibi = there e or ex + abl case = out of, from

Vocab 6

Verbs: necesse est It is necessary adiuvo, adiuvare help doceo, docēre teach curo, curare look after, take care of reprehendo, reprehendere scold, blame surgo, surgere get up, rise

Nouns: aqua, aquae F water ancilla, ancillae F slave woman nauta, nautae M. sailor pecunia, pecuniae F money (mater, matris F. mother) (pater, patris M father)

Others: tamen nevertheless nondum not yet nunc now strenue strenuously, hard mox soon

Lesson 7 Vocabulary:

Verbs: venio, venire, veni, venturus come duco, ducere, duxi, ductus lead

Revoco, revocare, revocavi, revocatus call back Saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus greet Dono, donare, donavi, donatus give

inquit he/she says Nouns: Nuntius, nuntii M. messenger femina, feminae F woman Princeps, principis M. emperor, leader dominus, domini M. master urbs, urbis F. city amicus, amici M. friend


victoria, victoriae F - victory pugna, pugnae F. - fight, battle iniuria, iniuriae F - injustice, injury gladius, gladii M. – sword animus, animi M – spirit, courage, mind

age/agite - come on! intro, intrare, intravi, intratus - enter surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrecturus – wake up servo, servare, servavi, servatus- guard, save arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus- seize, grab

deinde -thenceleriter – quickly iterum – again

Vocab Lesson 9:

ianua, ianuae F door hora, horae F hour meus, mea, meum my filia, filiae F daughter tuus, tua, tuum your filius, filii M son miser, misera, miserum sad

tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatus - try maneo, manēre, mansi, mansurus- stay teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentus- hold mitto, mittere, misi, missus- send sum, esse, fui, futurus- to be

Declension work

Legio, legionis F - legion ludus, ludi M - school mora, morae F- delay Magister, magistri M - teacher arbor, arboris F - tree virtus, virtutis F - virtue

pecunia, pecuniae F - money strix, strigis F - owl; vampire Incola, incolae M - inhabitant salus, salutis F - health; greeting Faber, fabri M - engineer nummus, nummi M - coin

tempto, temptare - try PresentTeneo, tenēre - hold Imperfect Mitto, mittere - send Futuresentio, sentire - feel Present Celebro, celebrare - celebrate Imperfmaneo, manēre - stay Future Traho, trahere - drag Presentmugio, mugire - moo Imperfect Clamo, clamare - shout Future

doceo, docēre - teach Presentcano, canere - sing Imperfect Audio, audire - hear Futureadiuvo, adiuvare - help Present Augeo, augēre - increase Imperfect ludo, ludere -play Future Punio, punire - punish PresentHabeo, habēre - have, hold Future Muto, mutare- change Imperfect

Vocab 10 List

NOUNS ADJECTIVES raeda, raedae F carriage paratus, parata, paratum ready equus, equi M. horse alius, alia, aliud other, another cista, cistae F trunk, chest baculum, baculi N. stick ADVERBS liberi, liberorum M children interea meanwhile cras tomorrow

VERBS ubi? Where? habeo, habēre, habui, habitus have, hold iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus throw iubeo, iubēre, iussi, iussus order do, dare, dedi, datus give sto, stare, steti, staturus stand

VOCAB 2nd/3rd Declension NEUTERS

S Pl Praemium, praemii N reward Endings: -um -a Baculum, baculi N stick -i -orum Plaustrum, plaustri N cart, wagon -o -is Signum, signi N sign -um -a Vehiculum, vehiculi N vehicle -o -is Auxilium, auxilii N help -um -a Bellum, belli N war Periculum, periculi N danger Silentium, silentii N silence Aedificium, aedificii N building

3rd Declension Neuters Vocab

Iter, itineris N journey, road Nomen, nominis N name Onus, oneris N load, burden Tempus, temporis N time Caput, capitis N head Flumen, fluminis N river Corpus, corporis N body Vulnus, vulneris N wound Ver, veris N spring (the season) Murmur, murmuris N rumble, murmur

Vocabulary 11:

vilicus, vilici M. overseerporta, portae F. gate ira, irae F anger area, areae F threshing floor, open space

plenus, -a, -um full

quamquam although

absum, abesse, afui, afuturus be away, be absent impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditus hinder, get in the way adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus be present effugio, effugere, effugi, effugiturus run away verbero, verberare, verberavi, verberatus beat, hit

Possum, posse, potui to be able

Vocab 12 :

fossa, fossae F ditch bellum, belli N. war canis, canis M/F dog signum, signi N. sign tunica, tunicae F tunic auxilium, auxilii N. help

convoco, convocare, convocavi, convocatus- call together rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus - ask invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus- find traho, trahere, traxi, tractus- drag, pull

Cum + abl. with Quocum? with whom? Unde? From where? Ubi? Where? Quando? When? Quomodo? How?

Derivatives: Traction - grip or pull “The car lost traction on the ice.” Interrogative - a question word Auxiliary - helping/ assisting/ back-up “auxiliary engine” Convocation - assembly literally - a “calling together”


Civis, civis M/F - citizen rusticus, rustici M - peasant Pars, partis F - part iter, itineris N - journey Vehiculum, vehiculi N - vehicle pes, pedis M - foot

Clarus, a, um - Famous, distinguished

Vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus - avoid Quiesco, quiescere, quievi, quieturus - rest, be quiet Cave! Cavete! - watch out for…! Beware of … !

A or ab + abl. Case - from, away from

Ferociter - fiercely

BOOK Formatting

  1. The Accusative case is the direct object. pg 9 10

  2. The Accusative case is also used after certain prepositions. pg 11 12

  3. The Ablative case shows means or 13 14

  4. Cum + the Ablative shows accompaniment.15 16

  5. The Ablative Case is also used with certain prepositions.17 18

  6. extra credit vocative