1.2 Political Parties
| ***Political Parties*** |
| Features & Functions |
| Funding |
| Major Parties |
| Minor Parties |
| Multi-Party System |
| Success/Failure Factors |
AR Questions
What are the three features of political parties?
What are their functions?
How effectively do parties fulfil their functions?
How much is the basic rate of pay for an MP 1st April 2023?
What is short money and Cranborne money?
How is Labour funded with an example?
What are Conservatives dependent on for party funding?
How has traditional sources of funding affected the major parties?
What controversies exist around funding?
Should state funding be provided?
Are large donations democratic? Ethical?
What led to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000?
What did PPER enact?
What was Cash for Peerages?
What was the 2007 Phillips Report? Was it politically viable?
How have Labour and Tories taken funding shots at each other?
What is the history of British Conservatism?
What were Thatcherâs key policies?
What were Thatcherâs successes and failures?
What were the key events under John Major?
What ideology was the Major administration?
How Thatcherite is the Conservative Party in recent times (Cameron onwards)?
When was Labour established?
What was Clause 4?
When did Old Labour end?
Why did New Labour have to come about?
What were the 5 key features of New Labour with examples?
Why did Labour splinter after Brownâs government? What were the two leaders of the factions?
Why did Ed Miliband win the party leadership contest in 2010?
What was the bedroom tax implemented under the Coalition?
What was Milibandâs position on the austerity program?
Why did Miliband fail to garner popular support?
Why did Corbyn win the leadership contest if he had so few allies within the PLP?
Who challenged Corbyn in 2016?
What key economic policies were in Corbynâs 2017 manifesto?
Key law and order policy?
key foreign policy?
Why did liberals lose support after WW1?
How does FPTP affect them disproportionately?
What was Charles Kennedy's Lib Dem party like?
Who were orange book liberals?
What aspects of the Coalition actively hurt the Lib Dem prospects post 2015?
How many seats did they win in 2015?