Untitled Flashcards Set

World War 1

CH 22 CH 22

  • Selective Service Act: national draft, recruited millions of pepople to military to form the American Expeditionary Force. Recruited diverse force and women to work in hospital or office jobs

  • Trench warfare: brutal and bad conditions, high casualty rates, destructive form used machine guns and artillerary, soldiers often feel physically and mentally stressed, dedcreased war morale bc soldiers thought war would last forever. more advanced weapons increased demand for artillerary

  • Chemical weapons: deadly, used poisonous gas, could attack enemy without direct combat, widespread casualties

  • Airplanes: pivotal, used for fighting bombing and observing/locating enemies

  • Navy: modern warfare, new battleships more advanced and used electrical powered egines, wireless telegraphs and advanced navigational aid

  • Submarines: espcially Germany, sinking of ships was common and used diesel engines which were more compact and effective than steam engines

  • Liberty Bonds: one way the US funded WW1, collected loans from public and excess profit from large corporations/businesses, loaned money to citizens who purchased the bonds

  • Graduated income taxes: one way of funding the war, new taxes like graduated income and inheritance taxes

  • War Industries Board: established for central management of resources, claimed to distribute scarce resources to the corporations that needed them the most, coordinate production/distribution of supplies. Corrupted and functioned for own profit, exemted supporters from antitrust laws and helped larger corporations grow.

  • Western Federation of Miners: miners striked because of poor working conditions, national guard called in to mediate the strike but ended up joining employers to destroy the strikers instead.

  • Great Migration: mass migration of african americans from rural south to the urban north, wanted to leave the south because of souther racism and poverty, wanted to move to north for employment opportunities in factories and form cultural communities with more autonomy/freedom

  • Women’s Peace party: adovted pacificity and against war involvement, maternal opposition because morally right to support peace

  • Women’s Bureau: for womens rights and protected women workforce

  • Red Cross: women war effort, working in medicine and hospital for troops

  • CPI (Committee on Public intervention): spread mass propoganda, pro-war literature, posters, art, magazines, believed social unity was important, displayed germans as savages

  • Espionage Act: banned anti war sentiments, penalties for belittling war efforts/ sabotaging war effort, banned seditious material and illegal to interfere w war effort

  • Wilson’s 14 points: wilson’s ideal vision: governing international conduct like free trade, freedom of seas, open convenance (no private treaties), progressive ideas

    Self determination : believed cultural groups should be able to establish own societieis and governments

    League of Nations: urged creation, foster diplomatic relations, discuss global policies and resolve controversies peacefully

  • Treaty of Versailles: germany in charge of huge casualties, weakened economy and territory greatly, paid billions

  • Postwar Recession: gross natinoal product decrease, unemployment increase, businesses went bankrupt, price and inflation increase, wage decreasing, no jub security, strikes

  • Boston Police Strike: because of wage cuts and layoffs, national guard called to intervene and entirely replaced the police force with a new one

  • Steelworkers Strike: strike fro 8 hr workday and recognition of unions but put down by national guard and received harshly by the public

  • Chicago Race Riots: Blacks rioted in white neighborhoods bc demands not met, white responded with more violence in black, shot and killed, blacks fight back (different from past)

  • Black Nationalism: marcus gravey advocated blacks must take pride in own culture and heritage, refuse white assimilation, opened their own shops and businesses, roagnized parades and rallies, supported back to africa movement

  • Red Scare: mass hysteria about communism in america, paranoia about threat of communism, antiradicalism newspapers and politics, associated all instability with communism and attacked socialist groups

  • Palmer Raids: americans tried to uncover hidden weapons, arrested suspected communists and spread mass hysteria

  • Sacco and Vanzetti: 2 italian mimmigrants accused of murder with insufficient evidence, accused because of radicalist political beliefs and the fact that they are immigrants, relfects nativism

  • American Civil liberty Union (ACLU): established to preserve civil liberty and protect constitutional rights

  • 19th ammendment: granted women suffrage rights

  • Cable Act: gave women citizenship based on husbands status

CH 23

  • Commercial aviation: powered by radial engine, pressurized cabins, increased commercial transport, deliver mail

  • Diesel electric engine: powered trains, faster, more efficient

  • Trade Associations: stabilize economy through cooperation instead of consolidation, created natinoal organizations and encouraged cooperation in production and marketing, seen largely in centralized industries

  • Wealth Maldistribution: business owners gain large profit while many working class men earn little

  • Welfare Capitalism: tried to avoid labor unrest and trade unions, ford shortened the work week increased wages and gave waid vacations. US steel improved safety and sanitation efforts and gave pension

  • Pink Collar jobs: women in workforce given low pay, services such as sales celrk telephone operator secreatries. labor organizations not interested in them because not industrial

  • A Phillip Randolph: brotherhood of sleeping car porters, union led by african americans who won high wages and low hours

  • Issei and Nisei: japanese immigrants formed small business as truck farmers to escape unskilled labor, became big economic success → califronia laws limited ability to purchase land

  • The American Plan: anti union policies, protected idea of the open shop (no workers can be required to join a union), led to campaign for union busting, government assistance provided, supreme court deemed picketing/protesting illegal, court had right to stop strikers → union membership fell

  • Tractors: used internal combustion engine power instead of steam

  • Mechanized farming: hybrid corn was developed as a result of advancements in genetic research, chemical fertilizers and pesticides were developed, caused agricultural proudctivity to rise

  • Parity: farmers demand government relief and prcie support, government set adequate price for farmer goods to ensure farmers earn at least the production cost despite economy fluctuation

  • Mass circulation magazines: attracted broad national audience and made knowledge more available and accessible in efficient form

  • Consumer culture: emphasized personal fulfillment, wants over needs, abandoned traditional literal interpretations of the Bible, gradual devalue of religion

  • Sabbath Holiday: originally holiday for spiritual reflection, later became day for acitivites and entertainment

  • Sheppard Towner Act: provided federal funds for pregnancy and child healthcare programs, controversial because classified all women as mothers, discouraged birth control, introduced untrained outsiders into medical field

  • Harlem Renaissance: black artists/intellectuals formed african american culture, built pride in heritage, center of literature, poetry, art from america and african roots, demonstrated own cultural heritage

  • Prohibition: supported by middle class progressives, alchohol produced organized crime and gang wars

  • 18th Ammendment: banned sale and consumption of alchohol, later repealed

  • National Origins Act of 1924: strengthened 1921 law which restricted annual immigraiton to 3% of the natinolaity already in the US, reudced it to 2% and banned immigration from east asia entirely

  • The New Klan: nativism inspired rebirth of the KKK, birth of a nation inspired and glorified KKK wanted to intimidate african americans, after ww1 membership increased and expanded to new regions, targetted other groups too like irreligion drunkenness etc, defend traidiotnal values, boycotted afircan businesses and used threats and violence

  • Fundamentalists: largely consisted of rural population, believed in traditional faith, mad that sicence was being placed above traiditional beliefs, need to interpret bible literally

  • Scopes Monkey Trial: Scopes violated tennessee law and taught against bible in school, gained media attnetion, sparked conversation of science vs bible, ended political activism for fundamentalists

  • Democrats national convention: democratic party formed diverse coalition of interest groups (klans fundamentalists urban workers immigrants catholics) led to tensions, opposing opinions

  • Teapot Dome: Harry Daughtery (navy department officer) engaged in fraud and ocrruption, transferred oil reserves in teapot dome to navy dept so he coudl lease them to wealthy people secret and receive half a mil profit, convicted of bribery

  • Herbert Hoover’s Associationalism: progressive voluntary cooperation could lead to stability, government should create cooperative order, formed businessmen national organizations to stabilize industries and improve efficiency

Great Depression

Ch 24

  • Black Tuesday: stock prices fell after stock market boom, followed by temporary recoveries until all efforts failed, unstable

  • Red Cross: provided relief for those in poverty, saw increase in breadlines

  • Dust Bowl: farm income drastic decline, farmers lose land, great plains natural disaster caused by lack of rainfall and increase in heat, decade of fertile farms turn into deserrts

  • Malnutrtition & Homelessness: rose greatly, more deaths from stravation, live in makeshift shacks, keep moving in city via parks subways sewer ducts

  • Black shirts organization: post war white demand for jobs rose quickly, encouraged dismisal of african americans from their jobs to free up space for whites, called for it through intimidation and violence

  • Scottsboro Case: racism, 9 teens accused and arrested for causing disorder on freight train, accused of rape by white women w/o sufficient evidence, still sentenced

  • Japanese American citizens league: formed to advocate for laws protecting racial and ethnic minorities from discrimination, advocated use of assimilation to overcome obstacles

  • Farm Security Administration: resettled poor farmer families to more productive land provided emergency relief, and loaned money to help farmers

  • Radio: most families owned one even if they had no access to electricity, build community experience, gave rural areas access to important public events, shared experiences, common access to info

  • Studio system: ensured hollywood movies would avoid controversy, large movie company controlled actors and writers and directors

  • American communist party: criticized US capitalism, closely supervised by soviet union

  • Hoover Program: supported voluntary cooperation where employers provide better wages and hours and do not layoff or cut production, caused economic condition to worsen more, wanted to increase govt spending and support public works programs but nowheere near enough funding

  • Agricultural Marketing Act: help farmers maintain prices via Farm board which provided loans to marketing cooperatives, bought suprpluses to raise prices

  • Smoot Hawley Tariff: attempt to protect US from international competition by raising taxes on imported goods but had little benefit on economy

  • Bonus Army: marched to washington to pressure congress to pay promised bonus to ww1 veterans, showed growing violence and radicalism, demanded payments, third cavalry stopped the march

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  • Fireside chats: FDR used radio to explain programs and plans via broadcast series

  • Bank Holiday: closed banks for 4 days to consider legislations, emergency banking act was conservative approach and protected large banks, established treasury department that inspected all banks before reopened, increase public trust

  • 21 ammendment: repealed porhibition

  • AAA (agricultural adjustment act: reduced crop production to end surplus and raise prices, government would pay subsidies until parity was ahcieved for leaving some land idle → prices up and more stable

  • Rural Electrification Administration: assist poor farmers, made electric power more accesssible to farmers

  • Farm Securtiy Administration: loans to farmers to move to better lands for soil cultivation, moved to more productive land

  • TVA Tenessee Valley AUthority: authorized to complete a dam and generate/sell the electricity from it to the public, comprehensive redevelopment of tenessee valley region, stopped flooding and started reforestation program, improved water treansportation

  • Glass Steagall Act: gave govt authority to curb bank ireessponsible speculation, esbtablished wall btwn commercial and investment banking

  • Civil Works Administration (CWA): work relief, put ppl to work on temporary porjects like road school park construction

  • CCC Civilian Conservation Corps: large scale, provided employment to jobless men, created camps in parks and forests, semimilitary environment projects like tree planting and park building, segregated by race

  • Townsend PLan: provided all retired people above 60 yo with govt pension, encouraged retired people to free up jobs for young people, funded the economy

  • Huey Long Share Our Wealth Society: conventional progressive accomplishments, build schools roads hospitals and distributed free textbooks, worked on wealth redistribution and used tax system to confiscate wealthy surplus

  • Holding Company Act: break up utility holding companies

  • Wagner Act: compelled employers to recognize and bargain w unions, led to significant increase in unino member ship

  • Industrial unionism: organize unions by industry regardless of functions, workers increased their power as a whole

  • Sit down strike: general motors refused to work or leave to prevent strikebreakers, ignored court orders and local police

  • Memorial Day massacre: steel workers failed strike

  • Social Security Act: established district programs, porvided elderly assistance, pension system for all workers, payroll tax allow for income on retirement

  • WPA Work Progress ADministration: work relief, much larger scale, bigger budget, renovated pubic buildings like office schools etc, worked on airports roads bridges, employed more people

  • National youth administration: provided work and scholarship assistance for high school and college students

  • Court Packing Plan: FDR added 6 new justices to supreme court whose beliefs aligned with his, enraged conservatives, fdr claimed courts need more manpower bc overworked

  • Roosevelt recession: unwise reduction in spending → economic boom collapsed

  • Fair labor standards act: esrablished official national min wage and 40 hour work week, strict child labor laws, largely exlcuded women and minority workers

  • Black Cabinet: appointed black people to 2nd level positions, began political alliances and ran infromal networks who consulted with eo

  • Indian reorganization act: restored indian nations right to own land, led to tribal lands increasing and native agr income rising

  • Frances Perkins: sec of labor 1st female cab member

World War 2

Ch 26

  • Washington conference of 1921: conference between US Britain and Japan to prevent costly naval armaments race, produced the five power pact, nine power pact, and four power pact, all of which placed limits on naval armaments

    • Nine power pact: continutaion of open door policy

  • Kellogg Briand Pact: multilateral treaty that ended effort to protect peace by outlawing war as a national policy, however, no enforcement method, but provided a moral force

  • Dawes Plan: In order to help Europe repay debts, US provided bank loands to Germany to help with reparation payments, reduced payments from Britain and France, Britain and France used payments from Germany to repay the US, led to circular loans

    • circular loans: troubling pattern that barely solved economic problems

  • Fordney McCumber Act: Republican Congress placed high tariff barriers, made it difficult for Europeans to earn money to repay US loans

  • Yankee Imperalism: idea of US expansion beyond its borders (ie Latin America)

  • Nazi Party: Belief in racial superiority of German people, anti semitism, militarism, threatened European and world peace

  • FDR’s Bombshell Message: surprising, declaring that America would not be participating in international efforts to stabilize currencies during the Great Depression, believed US need to prioritize domestic economy recovery first

  • World Economic Conference: organized to stabilize currency rates, but did not reach an agreement

  • Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act: authorized the negotiation of treaties to lower tariffs, led to american exports increasing by over 40%, aiming to stimulate international trade during the Great Depression

  • Good Neighbor policy: aimed at improving relations with Latin American countries by pledging non-intervention in their domestic affairs, would not intervene in military but use economic instead

  • Neutrality Acts: prevent US from foreign conflicts, included mandatory arms embargos (prohibited sale of arms to warring nations)

  • Cash and Carry Policy: established by 1937 neutraity act, belligerents can only buy nonmilitary goods, must pay in cash and carry the goods on their own vessels

  • Munich Conference: Hitler, France, and Britain met to agree on German annexation of Czechoslovakia under the condition taht Hitler promises to expand no further, but appeasement fails because Hitler violets agreement and invades Poland, WW2 begins

  • Burke Wadworth Act: US first peacetime military draft before war, drafted a year before war intervention

  • Fight for Freedom Committee: urged immediate declaration of war, interventionists

  • America First Committee: against American intervention in war effort

  • Lend Lease Agreement: Because britain was bankrupt and no longer able to meet cash and carry requirements, US allowed the government to sell or lend armaments to any nation vital to US defense without immediate payment, drew the US closer to allies

  • Atlantic Charter: Britain and US vague common principles, statement of war aims that called for destruction of tyranny

  • Tripartite Pact: japan loose defensive alliance with germany and italy

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  • Midway Island battle: US suffered great loss but clear victory against Japan, US navy overpowered 4 japan aircrafts, regained central Pacific control

  • Battle of Guadacanal: US offensive attack, heavy losses on both sides, Japan forced to abandon island, shifted initiative to US

  • Concentration camps: systematic murder, public pressure for allies to rescue jews but american government constantly resisted

  • US AntiSeminitism: prevented Jews from entering US, ignored and rejected refugees, justified action by saying it would have little effect

  • Federal Spending: road to economic recovery, decreased unemployment and industrial sluggishness, pumped money back into economy, increased gross national product, personal income increased

  • Little Steel Formula: placed 15% limit on wartime wage increase

  • No Strike Pledge: unions agreed to not stop productino during wartime to ensure that wartime production would not be stopped

  • Widlcat Strikes: strikes unauthorized by union leadership

  • War Labor Disputes Act/Smith Connally Act: ensured wartime production by requiring unions to give 30day notice before strike, gave president power to seize war plants, result of strikes like united mine workers

  • Office of Price Administration: enforced provisions on prices wages salary and rent, public resentment over their control, blackmarketing was beyond OPA control

  • Revenue Act of 1942- increased income tax, one way to help national debt

  • Payroll deductions system: help repay nation debt

  • War Production Board: suger agency with broad economic power, but failed to reach as much authority as WW1 war industries board bc unable to control military purchases

  • National Defense Research Committee: increased US funds for research

  • Centrimetric Radar: used short wavelength and narrow beams, more efficient and effective, detected enemy from farther distance, smaller size but greater power, better suited for plane and submarine

  • Gee Navigation System: electric pulses to help plot exact location, doubled accuracy of night bombing raids

  • Engima Machine: German code system that constantly changed, Bombe US deciphered it, high speed and constant flow of information

  • Fair Employment Practices Commission: established to investigate war industry discrimination, rare symbolic Afircan American victory of rights

  • Congress of racial equality: Mobilized resistance to discrimination, defiant spirit and publicized victories

  • Code talkers: native americans working in military communications via radios and telephone, national unity, communicate in native language so enemy cannot understand

  • Braceros: mexican contract laborers, temporarily admitted to US to work because of labor shortage on pacific coast

  • Zoot Suit Riots: racism against mexicans wearing zoot suits, LA riot, police took little action against whites, led to law prohibiting zoot suits

  • Rosie the Riveter: stymbolized new important of female workforce, joined unions and reduced prejudice, war led to dramatic female mployment increase

  • Japanese internment camps: relocated japanese americans to prison like conditions, uncomfrotable, tried to assimilate them and americanize them

  • Korematsu vs US supreme crt case: allowed/legalized relocation for military neccessity (vague definition)

  • Manhattan Project: race to create the atomic bomb between Nazi and US Brit, US government poured 2 mil into the project, discovered radio activitiy and made the trinity bomb (first atomic explosion)
