
Overview of Study

  • This study examines the relationships among risk factors, cultural assets, and mental health outcomes in Latino adolescents.

  • It extends previous research using a longitudinal design assessing acculturation effects across internalizing, externalizing, and academic engagement outcomes.

  • Sample included 281 Latino adolescents and one parent from various regions in North Carolina and Arizona.

  • Major findings include relationships between U.S. cultural involvement, humiliation, aggression, and school bonding.

Acculturation Components

  • Acculturation: A process resulting from contact between at least two cultural groups; includes:

    • Culture of Origin Involvement (Enculturation): Involvement in one's native culture.

    • U.S. Cultural Involvement (Assimilation/Americanization): Involvement in the dominant U.S. culture.

  • Importance of cultural involvement:

    • Parental involvement in U.S. culture correlated negatively with adolescent social problems, aggression, and anxiety.

    • Adolescents involved in their culture of origin show increased self-esteem and decreased hopelessness.

Mental Health Outcomes Linked with Acculturation

  • Negative Health Behaviors: Latino adolescents exhibit higher levels of risky behaviors compared to non-Hispanic peers.

    • Data from the CDC (YRBSS) shows higher rates of aggression and hopelessness among Latino youth.

  • Externalizing Behaviors:

    • Higher U.S. cultural involvement is linked to increased delinquency and aggression among Latino adolescents.

    • Prior studies confirm that adolescent, but not parent, acculturation affects behavior patterns.

    • Aggression and problem behaviors are more prevalent in higher acculturated groups.

  • Internalizing Problems and Self-esteem:

    • Lower acculturation and language barriers are associated with anxiety and self-directed violence.

    • Positive relationships between culture of origin involvement and self-esteem reported across multiple studies.

Educational Concerns

  • Low educational attainment is a significant concern for Latino youths:

    • Disparities noted among different Latino subgroups (e.g., Mexicans have lower educational attainment).

    • Bilingual youth show improved academic success and fewer behavioral issues.

    • Bicultural youth (fluent in both English and their native language) tend to have lower dropout rates than their peers.

Cultural Contributions to Mental Health

  • Links between culture of origin involvement and positive self-esteem.

  • Empirical evidence shows positive relationships between ethnic identity and psychological well-being across various ethnic groups.

  • Cultura assets should be nurtured to enhance adolescent outcomes and guard against risks.

Findings and Implications of Current Study

  • Length of time in the U.S. affects mental health positively (school bonding) and negatively (humiliation and aggression).

  • Adolescents displaying higher engagement in their culture of origin see improvements in self-esteem and reduced aggression.

  • Recommendations include:

    • Developing dual immersion programing that promotes cultural origins among U.S.-born adolescents.

    • Encouragement of parent cultural involvement linked with decreases in aggression and anxiety.

  • Highlighting importance of bicultural skills training programs to foster better adaptation and integration in immigrant families.
