17.3: Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record- represents the history of life on earth recorded in the remains for traces of organisms
to be a fossil it must be a least 10,000 years old
mammoths are found in ice in siberia
many organisms are encased in amber
Petrification- the living material is replaced with minerals, happens to skeletal parts and wood
The earth’s strata (layers) are used to piece together the story of life
Before the use of fossils catastopshis c ould not explain the successive changes that link organisms in groups
a group of fossils (Archareopterx) are the intermediate between birds and reptiles
Eustrophteron- an amphibious fish
Seymouria- reptile like amphibian
the fossils allow palentolgistss to find the order in which vertebrates (backboned animals) evolves from fish to amphibians, etc.
George Gaylord Simpson estimated that 99.9% of all species will eventually become extinct
Phyletc gradualism
evolutionary chang is slow
it is applicable to the evolutionaly r history of Equus
Gould, Niles Eldredge and Steven stanley proposed another model, the punuta ted equaliburim
uses organisms called “living fossils’ because of their resemblance to an fossil ancestor
cynobracteria has not changed for over 3 billion years
biograpchicla evidence
Darwin saw that south america lacked rabbits although the environment was suited for them
he concluded that they must have evolved somewhere else and could not have made it to South America
Geographical isolation allowed speciation
Anatomical evidence
vertabrate forlime used for flight
birds and bats
all vertebrates contain the same sets of bones organized in different grades
they were a common ancestor and are homooglus structures
the opposite analogous structures serve the same purpose but they are not constructed similarly; no common ancestor
vestigal structure are feacutes that are not needed anymore
Almost all living organism use the same basic molecules including dna
vertabreas and antrhopods have similar base sequences