Local raster operations
Changing the values of individual raster cells.
Zonal statistics
Calculates statistics on values of a raster within the zones of another dataset.
Map algebra
Combining map layers using mathematical or statistical operations (aka raster map overlay)
Neighborhood raster operations
Spatial filtering: can be used to improve the quality or appearance of raster grids by reducing “noise” or enhancing features.
Low pass/frequency filtering: used to smooth out local details and emphasize general trends. High pass/frequency filtering: used to enhance edges and extreme values.
In 2 dimensions. Slope represents the Y differences divided by the X differences between two points. “Rise over run”. In 3 dimensions, it is calculated using a raster cell’s “neighborhood” aka the 8 raster cells surrounding it. Unit can be percent or degrees.
The direction that slope faces. Unit is angle in degrees.
Digital Elevation Model. A type of raster data representation of Earth’s surface that provides elevation information.
Hill shading
Drawing shadows on a map to stimulate sunlight over terrain; creates a 3 dimensional effect.
Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs)
A TIN is a type of GIS data that defines geographic spaces as a set of contiguous triangles of different sizes. Can be created directly from sample points, and points can be irregularly distributed. 3 dimensional data (usually elevation) in vector format.
Spatial interpolation
The process of using points with known values to estimate values at other points. Predicting unknown values using a sample of known values.
Nearest-neighbor interpolation
Assuming that an unknown point shares the values of its nearest control point.
Thiessen polygons
Aka Voronoi Diagrams. Each polygon only contains one point. Any location within the polygon is closer to that point than points in any other polygon.
Inverse distance weighting
Assumes that the value of a variable at an unsampled point is influenced more by nearby known points than by distant ones.
Mode: Most common value in dataset
Median: Middle values of an ordered dataset.
Mean: Sum of all values divided by the total number of values in the dataset.
Standard deviation
Shows how much the data varies around the mean
Statistical distributions
Used to model the spatial and temporal variability of geographic phenomena.
Centroid/mean center
Measure of the center of a geographic distribution. AKA center of mass or balance point.
Median center
Another measure of central tendency. Minimizes the distance to all other features.
Standard distance
Measures how features are concentrated or dispersed around the mean center.
How to calculate the mean center
The mean center is the mean X and Y coordinate of all the points in a study area.
Spatial Pattern; Random: Neither clustered nor dispersed
Spatial Pattern; Clustered: Points are concentrated in groups
Spatial Pattern; Dispersed: Points are scattered across the distribution and tend to not be
located nearby each other.
Average nearest neighbor analysis
Describe the overall distribution of a set of points.
Spatial autocorrelation
Measures spatial dependency of geographic data. Shows how similar neighboring features are to each other.
Tobler’s First Law of Geography
“Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things”
Moran’s I test
Measures overall spatial autocorrelation in a GIS dataset. -1, 0, +1.
Nodes: Represent points or locations in a GIS network, such as intersections, stations, or service points.
Edges: Represent the connections or paths between nodes, such as roads, rivers, or utility lines
Shortest path analysis
Edge weights: cost of traversing network segments. Distance, time, or other values. To calculate shortest path first create a weights matrix with costs for all edge segments.
The process of finding a geographic location from an address or text. Address matching: plotting the street addresses as points on a map.
Visual hierarchy
Organizes the content of a map to visually communicate order and importances
Visual cues that create visual hierarchy
Size, position, figure-ground, color. Allows you to obtain the most important information quickly.
Visual variables
Size, shape, color, shade, pattern.
Figures: objects that stand out from the background; where your eyes “settles”. Ground: everything else.
Color perception
The human brain perceives shades and color differently depending on context and the use of color/shading. Choice of color is important.
Colorblind-safe color schemes
Typically impaired with reds and greens.
Critical map reading
Don’t take maps at face value. Use your cartographic knowledge. Understand, who is the author? Who is the intended audience? What choices did the author make and why?
Ethical implications of geospatial technology
We leave an electronic “trail” of personal data. Credit cards, social media. Potential for misuse.
GIS code of ethics
Obligations to Society
Obligations to Employers and Funders
Obligations to Colleagues and the Profession
Obligations to Individuals in Society