Biblical Worldview- Unit 4 Study Guide

Unit 4 Study Guide

Chapter 10

  1. What is the primary difference between covenantal and dispensational theology? Is history a progression or are there distinctions between how God has worked through the year? (TF) 

    1. Covenantal Theology looks at history through the covenants throughout the Bible in progression from one to another and completing in the covenant of grace. (Notably, the church represents a completion of God’s promises to Israel.) 

    2. Dispensationalism looks at history through God’s numerous covenants and promises and understands God’s work in each period as distinct from the others 

  2. What is a dispensation? (MC) 

    1. A period of time in which God worked toward humanity in a distinct way 

  3. What is a covenant? (MC) 

    1. A covenant is a mutual agreement including promises, obligations, and commitments between two parties in a relationship. 

  4. Be able to put each of the seven dispensations in order: 

    1. Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Promise, Law, Grace, Kingdom

  5. What is the protoevangelium? (MC) 

    1. The Protoevangelium in Genesis 3:15 is the first mention of the gospel in the Bible

  6. What does the Noahic Covenant include? (MC) 

    1. After the flood, God makes a covenant with Noah, with his seed with all the creatures on the Earth, and with the earth itself. God reaffirms that fallen man still bears His image and is still to carry out the Creation Mandate. God implements human government as a restraint on sin. God promises to not further curse the earth, to preserve regular seasons, and to never again destroy the earth with a flood

  7. What does the Abrahamic Covenant include? (MC) 

    1. God promises to make Abraham’s family into a “great nation”. He also promises to give Abraham a land where this nation will live and thrive. He promises to bless all the families of the earth through Abraham and his seed. The promised seed of the woman would come from Abraham

  8. What does the Mosaic Covenant include? (MC) 

    1. The Mosaic covenant clarifies the Abrahamic Covenant by telling more about the land promise (specifically the land of Canaan) and the universal blessing promise (Israel will spread God’s blessing to other nations by serving as a nation of priests

  9. What does the Davidic Covenant include? (MC) 

    1. God reiterates His promise of land and God promises that David’s dynasty will last forever. The promise to Abraham of universal blessing will be, specifically, David’s seed. The man will rule over the entire world and his rule will enforce justice that will be a blessing to all nations. 

  10. How can God make sinful people His people? (TF) 

    1. God can’t make sinful people his people unless he first fixes the “sinful” part.

  11. How did Jesus fulfill both the promise of Eve’s seed and the promise that David’s descendant would be the Son of God? (SA) 

    1. As a man, Jesus fulfills the seed promise of Gen. 3:15. He is a real-life descendant of Eve. As God’s own Son, He fulfills the promise that David’s great descendant would also be the Son of God.

  12. Know this statement:

    1.  Only by Christ atoning for humanity’s sin could anyone be a part of God’s Kingdom – there could be no kingdom without the cross. (TF)

  13. Did God choose to destroy His original creation (and then make something else) or make His original creation new again? (TF) 

    1. God made his original creation new again

  14. Know this statement: 

    1. Jesus did not simply come back to life. He was restored to the same body He had lived in previously. (TF)

  15. Essay: If the earth will be burned up and remade, why does it matter whether we take care of it now? 

    1. God’s command to have dominion and subdue the earth is still in place. Future renewal does not negate current stewardship. God hasn’t abandoned any aspect of human life, and neither should we. We should seek to live for Redemption in all areas of life. Our duty is to figure out how to do this well. God gave us good things, so we should respect and honor Him by taking care of what He has graciously given us. 

Chapter 11

  1. Essay: In what way is God’s kingdom already here? In what way is it not yet here? 

    1. God’s kingdom is already here in salvation, it is not yet here when it comes to judgment. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection demonstrate the arrival of God’s kingdom. Those who have salvation through Christ are already apart of God’s kingdom. However, God’s kingdom is not yet physically here on earth. It is also not here yet because God wants to give unbelievers more time to trust in Christ. 

  2. How would you respond to someone who said you could have all of the promises of the kingdom if you only manifest it by having enough faith? (SA)

    1. I would tell them that God does not rely on your faith or anyone else’s to manifest the promises of His kingdom, because then He would not be God. If Christ wanted all the promises of the kingdom to be brought into fulfillment now, then there would be no need for Him to have a second return. I would also tell them that promoting this false belief could potentially turn people away from God. For example, you could tell someone that their father died of cancer because they did not have enough faith to manifest him being healed. 

  3. How would you respond to someone who said you could bring the physical kingdom of God to the earth if only you can make a nation Christian? (SA)

    1. I would tell them that Christ did not try to overthrow the government when He lived to bring about the physical kingdom of God. I would also tell them that we should promote moral and biblical values in society, however that does not mean that God’s kingdom will come through government coercion or cultural domination. I would also advise them to look at the example of Israel back in the Old Testament, they were God’s chosen nation, yet they failed a multitude of times to maintain the laws that God set up for them. If God’s chosen people failed to follow Christian laws, then we should not expect any other nation to maintain and follow Christian values perfectly. 

  4. Why should Christians expect suffering if we’re living in the gap between the Already and Not Yet? (TF)

    1.  Suffering is a natural result of our fallen world today. If Christ suffered and got ridiculed, then we should not expect to have an easy life as Christians.

  5. Know this statement: 

    1.  Gospel witness is never less than verbal, but this witness also includes how we live. (TF)

Chapter 12: 

  1. Which covenant gives us the church? (TF)

    1. The New Covenant give us the church

  2. What is the local church? (MC)

    1. The local church is an individual gathering of believers in one specific location 

  3. What is the universal church? (MC)

    1. The universal church is the entire body with Christ as its head

  4. Is the church the same thing as the kingdom of God? (TF)

    1. No; False

  5. What two words sum up the mission of the church? (FB)

    1. Making Disciples

  6. DOUBLE POINTS ESSAY: What are the seven ways the church fulfills its mission to make disciples?

    1. The first way is through evangelism. In the church, evangelism is necessary and has to happen. Jesus commanded us to make it happen all over the world. This particular mission stands in primacy, because without it, none of the other aspects can happen. The second mission is baptism. Christ commands new Christians to take the first step of discipleship by being baptized. Baptism also symbolizes that a new believer is now united to the body of Christ. Teaching is a key component of disciple-making which is the primary mission of the church. In order to be like Christ, Christians must know what Scripture teaches and they must also teach each other. Another important aspect is fellowship. Fellowship involves a unity in Christ whereby we meet, serve, and live life together towards a common goal. God wants us to have fellowship and relationships with other believers. The Lord’s Supper is a very important aspect as well. Jesus commands that his followers observe the Lord’s Supper in remembrance and proclamation of His sacrifice. Second to last, prayer is another aspect. Christians should be thanking God in their prayers and praying for the salvation of others. It is also crucial for a Christian to have a personal prayer life. For church purposes, Christians should pray for more opportunities to tell the gospel. The last aspect is church discipline, the main goal of church discipline is to bring the restoration of a believer and the purity of the church. 

  1. Evangelism 

  2. Baptism

  3. Teaching

  4. Fellowship 

  5. The Lord’s Supper 

  6. Prayer

  7. Church Discipline

  1. What does the Greek word for baptism mean? (MC)

    1. Baptizo=”to immerse, dip, plunge”

  2. Does Baptism save you from your sins? (TF)

    1. False; No

  3. What does the Greek word for fellowship mean? (MC)

    1. Having all thing in common 

  4. What are the steps of church discipline? (SA)

  • If an issue can’t be resolved additional church members are involved to resolve a dispute

  • If the issue continues, then it is brought to the entire church body

  • If the individual refuses to listen to the church body, then they are cast out and treated as an unbeliever

  1. What is a “legitimate job?” (TF)

    1. A legitimate job is one that flows out of the Creation Mandate

  2. Why is gambling a problem for Christians to partake in? (SA)

    1. The act of gambling promotes laziness and gets past work. Using chance as a means to get out of work goes against biblical principles. Gambling can also have the potential to be an addiction and take more priority than God. 
