Understanding Variables in Programming

Definition of Val

  • Val: A keyword used to declare a variable in programming.

    • Essential for defining variables; without it, you cannot declare a variable.

    • Syntax: val <variable_name>.

    • Example: val myNum.

Variable Names

  • Each variable name must be unique; no two variables can share the same name within the same scope.

  • Variable names can be any string that follows naming conventions.

    • Examples: myNum, num, number, nO.

Data Types

  • Importance of data types in programming.

    • Common data types include:

      • Boolean: Represents true or false.

      • Integer: Represents whole numbers without decimals.

      • Double: Represents numbers with decimals and also accepts whole numbers as inputs.

Declaring Variables

  • To declare a variable, use:

    • val <variable_name> : <data_type> = <value>.

    • Example: val myNum: Int = 1000.

    • Important Note: The value assigned to a val variable is static; it cannot be changed once set.

Static vs. Dynamic Variables

  • Static: Once defined, the variable cannot change its value. For example, val myNum: Int = 1000.

  • Dynamic variables can change; they are not declared with val.

Understanding Data Types: Int and Double

  • Integer (Int):

    • Accepts only whole numbers.

    • Example: val myNum: Int = 100.

  • Double:

    • Accepts decimal values as well as whole numbers.

    • Example: val myNum: Double = 100.0.

    • Note: Using a double for variables that will never have decimal values is considered bad practice, as it indicates confusion regarding data type requirements.

Proper Coding Practices

  • Always choose a variable type based on the expected user input.

    • Example: For age, use an integer instead of a double, as age cannot be a decimal.

    • For lengths that can have decimal values, a double is appropriate.

Additional Data Types

  • Char: Represents a single character (e.g., 'a').

    • Syntax: val myGrade: Char = 'A'.

  • String: Can hold a sequence of characters including letters, spaces, and special symbols.

    • Syntax: val myName: String = "Bob".

Summary of Declaring Variables

  • The order of declaration is always:

    1. val

    2. <variable_name>

    3. <data_type>

    4. = followed by the assigned value.

  • Example of String declaration:

    • val myName: String = "Bob".

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the function of val for variable declaration and the importance of using correct data types based on expected data.

  • Following good coding practices prevents errors and improves the readability and maintainability of the code.
