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Foundations of American Government

government: institution through which leaders exercise power to make and enforce laws affecting the people

nation: sizable group of people, united by bonds of race, language, customs/traditions, religion

state/country: political community, occupies a definite territory,organized gov., sovereignty

sovereignty: supreme power within its own power

evolutionary theory: head of family = head of state

force theory: state created by force

divine right theory: gods/God choose a ruler

social construct theory: people have a “contract” with the government

unitary: central/national gov. with all key powers

confederacy: a loose union of independent states

federal power: divided between national/state/local govs.

authoritarian/totalitarian: gov. controls all political/economic/social lives of its citizens

dictatorship: one person has control

oligarchy: small group has control

monarchy: king/queen/emperor rules

democracy: ruled by the people either directly or indirectly

Foundations of American Government

government: institution through which leaders exercise power to make and enforce laws affecting the people

nation: sizable group of people, united by bonds of race, language, customs/traditions, religion

state/country: political community, occupies a definite territory,organized gov., sovereignty

sovereignty: supreme power within its own power

evolutionary theory: head of family = head of state

force theory: state created by force

divine right theory: gods/God choose a ruler

social construct theory: people have a “contract” with the government

unitary: central/national gov. with all key powers

confederacy: a loose union of independent states

federal power: divided between national/state/local govs.

authoritarian/totalitarian: gov. controls all political/economic/social lives of its citizens

dictatorship: one person has control

oligarchy: small group has control

monarchy: king/queen/emperor rules

democracy: ruled by the people either directly or indirectly