venus of willendorf - From Paleolithiic times and shows women beauty and fertility. Only valuable thing they could carry.
how ziggurats and pyramids are related - Ziggurat: Mesopotamian step pyramids for worship of gods. Temple: tomb for pharohs. Pyramids are like an evolution of ziggurats.
how collesuem and pantheon are related - Coliseum: place of bloody games for excitement and fun in Roman Empire. Pantheon: place of worship to gods in Greece and to please gods. No similarities
Parthenon - Religious building specificaly for Athena and worship for Ancient Greeks.
kritios boy - Sculture that is switch from Archiac to Classical period due to use of kouros to naturalism
Terra Cotta soldiers - Statues at Emporer Qin shi huang’s tomb using kouros.
discus thrower- Important Classical Greek sculpture through idealism showing the Olympics
sophocles and his main theory- sophocles was the one of the main writers of greek tragedies and wrote Oedipus Rex. He believed that fate must come and people are blind to the truth.
Minarets- the tower from which the faithful are called to prayer five times each day by a muezzin
how buddhism spread and why it was different in various regions- South Asia: King Ashoka converted while ruling in the Mauryan Empire. People became more accepting of Buddhists, stopped killing them, and some converted to follow their king. East Asia: Buddhists left India to China during the Han dynasty where they settled and spread Buddhism.
differences between mali and delhi sultanate- The Delhi Sultanate was also known for its cultural and artistic achievements, including the development of a distinctive style of Islamic architecture/arts, their geographic location, as Mali was located in West Africa and the Delhi Sultanate was located in India and Mali being a centralized monarchy and the Delhi Sultanate being an authoritarian state. Finally, they had different economic systems, with Mali being based on trade and agriculture and the Delhi Sultanate being based on military conquest and taxation.
the contribution of mali- mali was an empire originated by the Nile river in Africa that was islamic and their main contribution was the gold territory. They expanded its territory, influence, and culture with the help of gold.
Laozi- founder of daoism
qin dynasty art- terra cotta soldiers at founders tomb
differences between gupta and mauryan - Mauryan was Buddhist and Gupta was Hindu
contribution of gupta - When Hinduism became a key religion of India
religious toleration in greek and rome compared to persia-
five pillars of islam - Charity, hajj, shahada, fasting, prayer
five pillars of ashoka- how did it spread - King Ashoka put up pillars to spread the word of Buddhist
significance of the giant stone heads(olmec)- they represented olmec rulers or commemorate their death
bantu migration significance- The Bantu people introduced crops, including bananas and yams, in new areas. They also introduced iron tools and helped people in the new areas to change from using stone tools. This shift led to an increase in food production.
what geographic things inhabited trade in post classical the answers were like mountains, currents to china, monsoons in india, and deserts- Deserts
Epithets-an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.
Apostrophe - punctuation mark of possession (‘)
Alhambra - Mosque in Spain
calligraphy in islamic art + significance
Hubris - Excessive sense of pride/self-confidence
main elements of Confucianism- 5 major relationships, respect your elders and parents, and humaness/golden rule
alexander the greats impact on persia and india- influenced through romanization and conquer of Achaemenid Empire while creating new cities and naming uit after himself
aLliteration - the same letter repeating
Parallelism - keeping the same structure in a poem like when it starts with the same phrase
Illusion- the writers creates imagery that misleads/misrepresents the audience
Hyperbole- exaggerated statement
Mood - evokes certain feelings or vibes through readers
Tone - attitude from a writer towards topics or audience.
Paradox- a sentence that has 2 contradicting statements that don't make sense and agree with each other
Socrates - First Greek philosopher who questioned everything. Plato and Aristotle used his ideas to continue making philosophies.
Oedipus Rex - Oracle came true and Oedipus married his mother and killed his father. Supported Sophocles theory of not being blinded to the truth, and fate is inevitable and nothing can happen to stop it, but if you are ignorant it will be tragic.
Qin dynasty and han dynasty differences - The Qin dynasty took rule after the warring states period and implemented Legalism to keep the empire together. The Han dynasty used Confusionism to respect your elder (filial piety) and your authoritarian figures.
West african kingdoms - Mali, Ghana, Songhai
Black death - Plague that broke out in Europe killing much of its population
Muse - inspiration for the writer
Nave - central area of a cathedral. Where people gather for sermon
Oracle bones- used in china to write and keep historical records