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AP Psych Unit test 1

Correlation - the relationship between two variable

  • -1, and 1 both are greater

  • When over -1 and 1 there is no correlation, 0 is the weakest

  • Negative is wording effect

  • You want a large group, with a small standard deviation

    Ethics - moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

  1. Approval

  2. Informed consent

  3. Depriving information

  4. Moderate discomfort

  5. Privacy

    Experiment - Shows the cause and effect

    • Quasi-experiment - An experiment that doesn’t rely on random assignment

    • Double-blind experiment - when neither the person conducting the experiment nor the people being experimented on know which group has placedo or the real deal.

      Survey - A self-reporting questionnaire

    • Pros - You can get information, very quickly

    • Cons - Wording effect (asking leasing questions to get an answer)

      ==Theory ==- An integrated set of principles

      ==Random assignment ==- eliminates the confounding variables

      illusory correlations - when we see an association between two variables when they aren't actually associated.


AP Psych Unit test 1

Correlation - the relationship between two variable

  • -1, and 1 both are greater

  • When over -1 and 1 there is no correlation, 0 is the weakest

  • Negative is wording effect

  • You want a large group, with a small standard deviation

    Ethics - moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

  1. Approval

  2. Informed consent

  3. Depriving information

  4. Moderate discomfort

  5. Privacy

    Experiment - Shows the cause and effect

    • Quasi-experiment - An experiment that doesn’t rely on random assignment

    • Double-blind experiment - when neither the person conducting the experiment nor the people being experimented on know which group has placedo or the real deal.

      Survey - A self-reporting questionnaire

    • Pros - You can get information, very quickly

    • Cons - Wording effect (asking leasing questions to get an answer)

      ==Theory ==- An integrated set of principles

      ==Random assignment ==- eliminates the confounding variables

      illusory correlations - when we see an association between two variables when they aren't actually associated.