Inheritance- A way to create a relationship amongst classes.
Inheritance Hierarchy- A way to determine how information travels amongst the classes. Ex: The subclasses inherit characteristics of the parent class.
The parent class is referred to as the superclass, and the classes that inherit from it are referred to as subclasses of the superclass.
The parent class is the most general form of the objects that will be instantiated in the program.
All the other classes in the program will lie lower in the hierarchy, but they will be more specific compared to the parent class.
Let’s think of inheritance using an example, it’s the easiest way to explain this concept.
Ex: Say you want to buy something, and you decide to buy a snack. Then you wonder which type of snack should I get. You narrow it down to potato chips and cookies. However, there are 2 types of potato chips(Classic, and BBQ), and 2 types of Cookies(Chocolate Chip, and Macadamia Nut.)
In the example above each of the different snack items is divided up into their own specific categories, and is like a hierarchy because one thing follows the other.
Note: On the AP Exam there is at least 1 free-response question and many multiple-choice questions that focus on the design and implementation of inheritance relationships.
Important!!- Classes inherit variables and methods from their superclasses!
In some instances, a class may not have more than one direct superclass.
This is referred to as multiple inheritance which ISN’T allowed in Java.
Overridden- When a new version of the code takes over from the old version.
Polymorphism- When many classes are related to each other by inheritance. Inheritance lets us inherit attributes and methods from another class. Polymorphism uses those methods to perform different tasks.
Ex: Let’s look at a class that will be used to represent a rectangle with the concepts we just learned.