LECTURE 12- Study guide.
What is Research?
Lessons from Gladwell’s Blink: Even when Objectivity is proclaimed, gender bias occurred. Judgments were made based on a masucians gender- assumptions were made about what capable of
What are other examples from the course re-gender bias in research? Think of the Paul Borca example of brain size- airbags as example.
What is research “Discoviering or uncovering new knolwledge “How is it different.
Bias In Research
How are stereotypes and gender reflected in traditional research
How are racial basies reflected in traditional Research.
What are the human consequence of conducting biased research
Define androcentrism
How has sexist language been applied to research
Western Centrism- when Ideas, theories, etc are precivied from Western European perspective.
Why was there need for feminist or gender-focused rersach and analysis?
What is missing and over looked (women and airbags, the normative person five foot 10, man, not using women/children
Eurocentrism—> view of only European, and western notions.
TLDR- huge consequences for people of color, women, and children.
Qualitative and Quantative Research
Idenfitify the Key differences between qualitative and quantitative
What are the benefits and defiences of each
What is postionality
What is standpoint epistemology
What is reflectivity
What is your understanding of the title of LT Smith book Decolonizing mythology
What are key ethical considerations when conducting an interview
What are the different type of interviews (semi-structured, strutted)
Describe the variation and versality of interviewing. Explain why it is an effective method or not.
Explict consent for interviews.
How would you define Feminist Research
What is a feminist approach to Research
Interseconality be applied to research
Challenges the historical record
Ciara do
How do gender data gaps affect our lives
Is its about women? Or does it embody everyone e
Invisibility within research and interseconality lens
Key words/concepts
The product of meaning
The writing and international of the historical record
Alternate forms of knowledge production and liberty research
Zine: allows women, gender minorities and other marginalized people to creative self-expression to be in control of the narrative
Memories: how do they serve as an import tool fo knowledge production and identity formation? What is protected when certai parts of history shared> why is forgetting
Counter memory
Why is remembering political
Participatory Action Research
What is participatory action research? What the values of participatory action research? Why is it used? Why is it considered a liberatriry partatice