Lectuer 12

LECTURE 12- Study guide.  

What is Research? 

  • Lessons from Gladwell’s Blink: Even when Objectivity is proclaimed, gender bias occurred. Judgments were made based on a masucians gender- assumptions were made about what capable of  

  • What are other examples from the course re-gender bias in research? Think of the Paul Borca example of brain size- airbags as example. 

  • What is research “Discoviering or uncovering new knolwledge “How is it different. 



Bias In Research  

  • How are stereotypes and gender reflected in traditional research  

  • How are racial basies reflected in traditional Research.  

  • What are the human consequence of conducting biased research  

  • Define androcentrism  

  • How has sexist language been applied to research  

  • Western Centrism- when Ideas, theories, etc are precivied from Western European perspective.  

  • Why was there need for feminist or gender-focused rersach and analysis? 

  • What is missing and over looked (women and airbags, the normative person five foot 10, man, not using women/children 

  • Eurocentrism—> view of only European, and western notions.  

  • TLDR- huge consequences for people of color, women, and children.  

    Qualitative and Quantative Research   

  • Idenfitify the Key differences between qualitative and quantitative  

  • What are the benefits and defiences of each  

  • What is postionality  

  • What is standpoint epistemology  

  • What is reflectivity  

  • What is your understanding of the title of LT Smith book Decolonizing mythology  

  • What are key ethical considerations when conducting an interview  

  • What are the different type of interviews (semi-structured, strutted) 

  • Describe the variation and versality of interviewing. Explain why it is an effective method or not.  

  • Explict consent for interviews.  

How would you define Feminist Research  

  • What is a feminist approach to Research  

  • Interseconality be applied to research  

  • Challenges the historical record 

  • Ciara do  

  • How do gender data gaps affect our lives  

  • Is its about women? Or does it embody everyone e 

  • Invisibility within research and interseconality lens 


Key words/concepts  

  • Power  

  • The product of meaning  

  • The writing and international of the historical record  

  • Difference  

  • Privilege  

  • Inequality  

  • Bias 

  • Stereotypes 

  • Sexism  

  • Hetoernoamrivity  

  • Hegemony  

Alternate forms of knowledge production and liberty research  

  • Zine: allows women, gender minorities and other marginalized people to creative self-expression to be in control of the narrative 

  • Memories: how do they serve as an import tool fo knowledge production and identity formation? What is protected when certai parts of history shared> why is forgetting  

  • Counter memory  

  • Why is remembering political  


Participatory Action Research  

  • What is participatory action research? What the values of participatory action research? Why is it used? Why is it considered a liberatriry partatice
