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Gender and crime - Glean recording aims - Glean recording lesson







  • 2013 England and Wales ¾ of convictions were male and 95% of prisoners were male.

  • Men are 60x more likely to be convicted for sexual crimes than woman

  • Men are 20x more likely to be convicted of burglaries.

  • the number of women in prison increased by 100% in 1990

Official statistics are collected by the police and government and because of this, there is a political agenda so they may alter their results to suit it. Policing is also based upon their agenda so not all crimes committed are reported creating a dark figure of crime so it’s argued statistics are invalid.

Anne Campbell - She completed a self-reported study in which she asked girls to read through a list of deviant acts to tick and choose the ones they have done. She found that instead of the acts being 5:1 male to female it was 1:2 deviant acts committed by women. She discovered that females were indeed committing more crimes than males. However, Campbell in her study, failed to mention she removed trivial offences (petty crimes) which would have made the ratio 5:1 again. Sociologists also argue that not every crime she would label is deviant, that others would agree it is deviant too. (vice versa).

Stephen Box -

  • He argues the number of male-to-female offences may be underestimated by official statistics. But for serious offences it is accurate.

Biological approaches:

  • Lombrosso

  • Pollack

Lombrosso -

Pollack -

Sociological Approaches:


  • Parsons



Gender and crime - Glean recording aims - Glean recording lesson







  • 2013 England and Wales ¾ of convictions were male and 95% of prisoners were male.

  • Men are 60x more likely to be convicted for sexual crimes than woman

  • Men are 20x more likely to be convicted of burglaries.

  • the number of women in prison increased by 100% in 1990

Official statistics are collected by the police and government and because of this, there is a political agenda so they may alter their results to suit it. Policing is also based upon their agenda so not all crimes committed are reported creating a dark figure of crime so it’s argued statistics are invalid.

Anne Campbell - She completed a self-reported study in which she asked girls to read through a list of deviant acts to tick and choose the ones they have done. She found that instead of the acts being 5:1 male to female it was 1:2 deviant acts committed by women. She discovered that females were indeed committing more crimes than males. However, Campbell in her study, failed to mention she removed trivial offences (petty crimes) which would have made the ratio 5:1 again. Sociologists also argue that not every crime she would label is deviant, that others would agree it is deviant too. (vice versa).

Stephen Box -

  • He argues the number of male-to-female offences may be underestimated by official statistics. But for serious offences it is accurate.

Biological approaches:

  • Lombrosso

  • Pollack

Lombrosso -

Pollack -

Sociological Approaches:


  • Parsons
