
An evaluation(judgment) that a person makes about an object, person, group , event or issue that is lasting and consistent.

  • help us make decisions, make sense of our relationships

  • help us interperate new information

  • avoid un

Tri-component model

  • emotional reaction towards subject, person event or issue

  • can be positive. negative or neutral


  • how attitude is expressed through actions or the way we act in response towards subject, person , event or issue


  • thoughts and beliefs

  • developed through experience, culture

For attitude to exist, all three components must be present and consistent.

When behaviour in attitude can be inconsistent at time

  • Social context→ ,overpower the affective and cognitive parts of brain

  • perceived control over behaviour → a belief of individual that they are free or not free to perform behaviour linked to attitude

  • strength of attitude→ how strong individual upholds attitude

Most likely for attitude and behaviour to be consistent

  • strong emotional component

  • accessibility of attitude →one that comes to mind, reaction towards attitude object is immediate
