know how Americans & other Allied nations responded to the rise of fascist dictators like Mussolini
know what Americans were trying to do during the Spanish Civil War between the loyalists & fascists there
America placed embargoes on Spain, essentially allowing fascist Franco to take over
Loyalist government, fascist overthrow
know what the Neutrality Acts of 35, 36, 37 did
know what the Munich Conference did
know what cash & carry Neutrality Act of 1939 did and how it changed the other acts
know what the 1940 destroyers for bases deal did
know what the Reps & Dems agreed on in 1940 (presidential election)
know what the Lend-Lease Act actually meant/signaled
it was meant to keep the US out of war by keeping the war in Europe
it was in actuality an economic declaration of war, meaning a shooting declaration was not far off
it marked the abandonment of any pretense of neutrality
know what the Atlantic Charter was and what it included in its ideas
know what negotiations failed with Japan just prior to Pearl Harbor
know what America’s fundamental strategic plan was in WWII
know which group of people were treated relatively awfully in reference to their civil rights in the US during WWII
know what inflation & food shortages were kept in check by
know what the Fair Employment Practice Commission was designed to do
know why rural African-Americas moved north to work in industry
know what the battles of Baaton in the Philippines marked the beginning of
know where most of the difficult fighting in Europe for most of 193 occurred
know what the last ditch German offensive of the war was to try and stop Americans
know where/when the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan