APUSH Ch. 33-34 Test Review

  • know how Americans & other Allied nations responded to the rise of fascist dictators like Mussolini

    • neutrality/isolationism

  • know what Americans were trying to do during the Spanish Civil War between the loyalists & fascists there

    • America placed embargoes on Spain, essentially allowing fascist Franco to take over

    • Loyalist government, fascist overthrow

  • know what the Neutrality Acts of 35, 36, 37 did

  • know what the Munich Conference did

  • know what cash & carry Neutrality Act of 1939 did and how it changed the other acts

    • US could provide arms to European countries, as long as they paid in cash & used their own ships for transportation

      • essentially only for Britain & France, as their navies ruled the seas

  • know what the 1940 destroyers for bases deal did

  • know what the Reps & Dems agreed on in 1940 (presidential election)

    • foreign policy

    • FDR & Willkie both promised to stay out of war and to strengthen the nation’s defenses

  • know what the Lend-Lease Act actually meant/signaled

    • it was meant to keep the US out of war by keeping the war in Europe

    • it was in actuality an economic declaration of war, meaning a shooting declaration was not far off

    • it marked the abandonment of any pretense of neutrality

  • know what the Atlantic Charter was and what it included in its ideas

  • know what negotiations failed with Japan just prior to Pearl Harbor

  • know what America’s fundamental strategic plan was in WWII

  • know which group of people were treated relatively awfully in reference to their civil rights in the US during WWII

  • know what inflation & food shortages were kept in check by

  • know what the Fair Employment Practice Commission was designed to do

  • know why rural African-Americas moved north to work in industry

    • what invention accelerated this movement?

  • know what the battles of Baaton in the Philippines marked the beginning of

  • know where most of the difficult fighting in Europe for most of 193 occurred

  • know what the last ditch German offensive of the war was to try and stop Americans

  • know where/when the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan

    • know which one was dropped first and on what city
