Two categories:
Atomic formulae: sentences with no logically relevant internal structure. They don't contain a connector.
Logical connectives: they serve to connect formulae in order to create new and more complex formulae. They correspond to logical operators.
Conjunction: and
Disjunction: or
Conditional: if... then...
Negation: not
The logical connectives represent logical idealizations of the corresponding words in English.
Logical operators are truth-functional.
A non-atomic sentence is called a logically compound sentence, it contains atomic sentences and logical operators.
Represented by & or ∧
Two atomic sentences connected by a conjunction are called conjuncts.
A single capital letter represents each conjunct.
It is traditional (and purely conventional) to pick a letter that has some relationship to the corresponding sentence.
(J & M)
They must be placed inside parenthesis.
Types of conjunctions:
Non-sentential conjunctions: paraphrase two sentences that are joined in order to recognize the conjunctions.
The cat nd the dog have been fed - The cat has been fed and the dog has been fed
Non-truth-functional conjunction: even if we paraphrase the two sentences, they don't make sense on their own, so the atomic sentence is the whole sentence.
Vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup make a great sundae - Vanilla ice cream makes a great sundae and chocolate syrup makes a great sundae.
Not-just-truth-functional conjunction: the symbolizations only capture part of the overall meaning of the sentence. If the order is changed, the meaning (but not the truth-value) changes.
The villain jumped on the train and the villain yelled - The villain yelled and the villain jumped on the train.
Conjuncts can be joined by other words than "and"
Mary likes dogs, whereas John likes cats - Mary likes dogs and John likes cats.
&-introduction: adding the ampersand to two conjuncts.
Represented by ∨
The two atomic sentences joined by a disjunction are called disjuncts.
Types of disjunctions
Non-sentential disjunction: paraphrase two sentences that are joined in order to recognize the disjunts.
Either John or Mary laughed - Either John laughed, or Mary laughed.
Disjunction is always truth-functional: the paraphrase does have the same meaning as the original sentence, even though the original sentence is obviously false.
Ambiguity of disjunction: there can be an inclusive (one but not both) or an exclusive (true if only one of them is, false if both are true) interpretation.
Disjunctions will only use "or", and sometimes "either... or..."
"If... then..."
Represented by →
Connects two sentential clauses to form a conditional sentence.
The "if" clause is called the antecedent, the "then" clause is called the consequent.
→-elimination or modus ponens
If we know that a conditional is true, and its antecedent is as well, then we can infer the truth of the consequent.
Represented by ~ or ¬
Negation is a unary connective, as it only connects one formula, while the other connectives are binary.
Types of negation:
Non-sentential negations: the word "not" doesn't appear explicitly.
The cat is unhappy - The cat is not happy - It is not the case that the cat is happy
Non-truth-functional negatives: when we can't remove the prefix.
The cat is disturbed.
Main connective: the top-level structure of the sentence.
The main connective here is a disjunction.
The scope, or the influence, of the connector is contained within the parenthesis.
Scope of the conjunction: (F&G)
Scope of the disjunction: (D∨(F&G))
We paraphrase sentences to reformulate them.
If Bob gathers eggs, then either he won't feed the chickens or he won't feed the ducks.
Sometimes, a sentence will be ambiguous and it is impossible to tell what the structure should be.
It will rain and it will hail or it will snow.
Which can be ((R&H)vO) or (R&(HvO)).
The word unless can also be hard to interpret.
Basic symbols of sentential logic
The capital letters we use to symbolize atomic sentences, called atomic formulae or occasionally sentential letters: A, B, C, and so on (possibly with numeric subscripts).
The symbols for the logical connectives: &, ∨, →, and ¬.
The parentheses used to disambiguate the scope of the connectives: ( and ).
Expressions of sentential logic
Any finite sequence or string of basic symbols is an expression of sentential logic.
We can use variables to range over expressions and not mistake them for sentential letters.
Formulae (rules) of sentential logic
Every atomic formula φ is a formula of sentential logic.
If φ is a formula of sentential logic, then so is ¬φ.
If φ and ψ are formulae of sentential logic, then so are each of the following:
An expression φ of sentential logic is a formula only if it can be constructed by finitely many applications of the first three rules.
A parse tree graphically represents the internal structure of an expression of sentential logic.
It helps to test whether or not the expression is well-formed.
Steps to construct a parse tree
Write down the entire expression. It must only contain basic symbols.
Identify the general form of the expresion.
A sentential letter
A negation symbol followed by a subexpression
A conjunction (φ&ψ).
A disjunction (φ∨ψ).
A conditional (φ→ψ).
Find the top-level structure.
Ignore everything inside the embedded parenthesis
((P∨Q)&¬(R→S)) can be seen as (()&¬()).
If it appears to have multiple top-level structures, it is not well-formed.
Create a branch for each subexpression.
Continue until each branch ends in a sentential letter.
Subformula: a formula ψ is a subformula of a formula φ if and only if ψ appears (as a node) in the parse tree of φ.
A convention governs a practice of doing something in one particular way, if that practice could have been done another way and still achieve its implicit goal.
For example, & represents a conjunction, but it could have been ∧
Procedure for reinserting omittes parenthesis
1First, insert parentheses around every occurrence of & and its two conjuncts, starting with the rightmost & and ending with the leftmost,
Next, insert parentheses in the same fashion for each ∨ and its two disjuncts, from rightmost occurrence first, to the leftmost occurrence last,
Finally, insert parentheses for each →, and its antecedent and consequent, from rightmost occurrence first, to the leftmost occurrence last.
Parentheses are never inserted around negations
You should never break up existing pairs of parentheses.
The building blocks of the language are atomic formulae and logical connectives. Atomic formulae or sentential letters are capital letters used to represent logically simple sentences.
The logical connectives, conjunction, disjunction, the conditional, and negation, serve to join sentences together to create logically compound formulae.
Conjunction is the connective that corresponds to the word ‘and’.
Disjunction is the connective that corresponds to the word ‘or’.
The conditional is the connective that corresponds to the phrase ‘if...then...’.
Negation is the connective that corresponds to the word ‘not’.
More complicated sentences and combinations of connectives are considered.
The formal rules that define the syntax of sentential logic are presented.
The notion of a parse tree is introduced, and a procedure for constructing a parse tree is provided that allow us to decide (in finitely many steps) whether or not an expression is a formula.
Syntactic conventions, including choices of symbols and omission of parentheses, are discussed.
Basic symbols of sentential logic
Expressions of sentential logic
Formulae of sentential logic
Parse tree construction rules
Procedure for reinserting omitted parenthesis
atomic formulae | logical connectives | conjunction | disjunction | conditional |
negation | logical operators | idealizations | compound | truth-functional |
semantics | meaning | truth-values | compound sentence | compound formula |
symbolize | translate | conjuncts | disjuncts | inclusive |
exclusive | conditional | antecedent | consequent | unary |
binary | main connective | scope | ambiguous | basic symbols |
formula | expression | well-formed formula | formula | variables |
inductive | semantics | parse tree | subformula |