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Exam Study Guide: Science

Basic Stuff

Key Definitions

  • Weight- a measurement; the pull of gravity on an object

  • Mass- the measurement of the amount of atoms in an object

  • Volume- The amount of space an object takes up

  • Density- the measure of the amount of matter in a defined amount of space

  • Unit- A fixed amount of something; centimeter of distance for an example


WEIGHT                     vs                       MASS

  • The pull of gravity on an object

  • Less reliable of a measurement

    • Weight changes depending on location 

  • Amount of atoms in an object

  • More reliable of a measurement

    • Mass is consistent due to the atoms in an object never changing 

SI- International System of Units

  • 1960 establish date

  • Used for trade by all but three countries

  • Units for SI

    • Mass- Gram

    • Length- Meter

    • Liquid- Leiter

    • Weight- Newton


  • A measurement of how much space an object occupies

  • Units

    • Liquid Units

      • Leiter

      • Pint

      • Quart

      • Cup

    • Solid Units

      • Cm

      • M

      • Ft

      • Yd

      • Mi

    • V of a solid= l x W x H

  • Metric system (Stair case)

    • Base Units- meter, gram, liter 

All About Matter

Key vocab 

  • Mass of atoms- this depends on the # of protons and neutrons in the nucleus

  • Mass #- the # of protons and neutrons in 1 atom

  • AVG atomic mass- avg mass of all the isotopes of one element found in nature

  • Isotopes- atoms of the same element that have different number of neutron

  • Matter- anything that takes up space and has mass

  • Physical properties- any characteristic of a matter that can be observed without changing the composition of the matter

  • Chemical properties- a characteristic of a substance that can’t be observed without altering the chemical composition 

  • Chemical change- the change of one substance to another; these changes cannot be reversed

  • Physical change- a change in the physical properties of a substance

  • Law of conservation of mass and matter- the mass of all the substances before a chem or physical change  has to equal the mass of the substance after the change


Necessary Formulas and useful thingies

  • How to calculate the AVG atomic mass

    • EX: B-10  is 20%->  B-10 x .2 = 2u

    •         B-11 is 80% ->   B-11 x .8 = 8.8u 

      • Add them together = 10.8u

  • How to get neutrons

    • N= Protons- mass #

      • Use relative atomic mass for the mass number

  • How to get the Mass #

    • Add together the protons and neutrons in the nucleus 


  • Solids

    • The atoms are vibrating and touching

    • F of A is strong between the atoms

    • Definite volume and shape

  • Liquids

    • Atoms are sliding past each other

    • F of A is not as strong but still there

    • Definite volume, no definite shape

  • Gasses

    • Atoms are loose and going bonkers

    • No F of A

    • No definite shape or volume

  • Plasma

    • When electrons are stripped from the atom

    • Really hot or cold

    • Dense or wispy

Atomic _____

     Atomic number             vs        AVG atomic mass   vs       Atomic mass

  • The number of protons and electrons in an atom

  • The avg of all the isotopes of an atom

  • The # of protons and neutrons in the nucleus


 Temperature scales

  Farenheight               Celcius                        Kelvin

Water Boils




Avg human temp




Room temp




Water freezes



Absolute 0



Physical Property- any characteristics of a matter that can be observed without altering the composition of the matter

  • Physical Change- a change in a physical property

    • EX: bending, change of state, breaking, dissolving

  • Changing states is a physical change cause the chemical formula of the substance does not change

  • Chemical Property- a characteristic of a substance that can’t be observed without altering the chemical composition

    • Substance changes identity (NEW CHEM. FORMULA)

  • Chemical change- change of one substance to another

    • New substance is created

      • Looks/behaves differently

    • Chemical changes cannot be reversed

  • Law of conservation of mass/matter- the mass of all the substances before a chemical or physical change = the mass of the substances AFTER the change

    • Matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical or physical change


  • Substance- matter that has the same composition and properties throughout

    • Compound- 2 or more elements chemically combined in a different ratio that forms a new substance

      • EX:

        • Water

        • Carbon Dioxide

        • Copper II Sulfate

        • Salt

        • Hydrogen Peroxide

    • Element- (ex) Cu Si Fe Na

    • A substance can only be made out of one element or compound

  • Mixture- matter made up out of 2 or more substance that are not chemically combined

    • Mixtures do not always contain the same amounts or %’s of the different substances

      • Homogeneous- A mixture that is evenly spread out

        • Gatorade

        • Coffee

        • Yogurt

        • Blood

        • Air

        • Apple sauce

      • Heterogeneous- a mixture where substances are unevenly spread out

        • Can show layers

        • Cake w/ Frosting

        • Pizza

        • Sand

        • Chicken noodle soup



Ion- An atom that has an electrical charge because it stole or gave away electrons


How the Periodic Table is organized

  • By increasing atomic #

  • For the most part, by increase in atomic mass

  • Groups of elements

    • Group 1 Alkali Metals

    • Group 11 Precious Metals

    • Group 8 Noble gasses

  • Metals on the left, Nonmetals on the right

  • Where the electrons are located in the atom

  • ↑ Groups/ Families

  • → Periods

  • Same characteristics

Special Element Notes

  • Metals

    • 2-12

    • Solids (Except for Hg/H)

    • High melting point

    • Good conductors of heat and electricity

  • Metalloids

    • Staircase/ Red dot

    • Has properties of metals and non metals

  • Non Metals

    • Everything else

    • Gasses

    • Brittle solids

    • Low melting point

    • Poor conductors of electricity and heat

  • Specific groups with characteristics

    • Noble gasses

      • “Snobby Elements”

      • Dont react or combine with other elements

      • Gasses

      • Easily change into plasma with electricity

    • Lanthanide series

      • Elements atomic number #58-71

      • Soft metals 

      • Rare on earth

      • All natural elements (One man made)

    • Actinide series

      • Elements #90-103 

      • Radioactive elements

      • Most man made elements (Three man made)

    • Halogens

      • Unstable elements

    • Precious metals

      • Ag, Au, Cu

      • All hold some sort of economic value

              Neutral Atom       VS  Stable Atom

  • An atom that has the same # of protons and electrons

  • Stable Atoms have a full outer electron shell or 8 outside ones 


  • Subscripts show how many atoms there are in one compound

  • Valence E’s Determine how readily an atom is willing to jump into a chemical bond

    • Alkali want to give (+#)

    • Halogens want to steal (-#)

  • 2 or more different elements chemically bonded to form a new substance


  • Pooling

    • Between metals

    • Sharing of all electrons

    • When atoms hold valence electrons so loosely they are able to flow between atoms

    • C=C

  • Covalent bonds

    • Between non metals

    • Sharing with 2 or less atoms

  • Polar Molecules

    • Molecule with slight uneven charge

    • Uneven sharing of electrons

  • Molecules

    • Atoms of the same or different elements chemically combined by sharing electrons

    • Covalent bonds

  • Binary Compounds

    • Name of first elements

      • Remember roman numeral

    • Root of second element + “-ide”

    • Copper II Sulfide

  • Ionic binary compounds

    • Symbol for positive first and then the negative


  • Covalent binary compounds

    • Always add prefix for the second element

    • -ide for ending

    • If more than one element for the first one, add prefix

    • EX: Sulfur Dioxide

  • Finding oxidation numbers

    • Positive or negative numbers assigned to an IONIC chemical reaction

    • THE TRICKY 5

      • Pb II or Pb IV

      • Hg I or Hg II

      • Fe II or Fe III

      • Sn II or Sn IV

    • The number of electrons an atom must steal in order to become stable



  • Physics - the study of how the universe works 

  • Motion- a change in position for an object 

    • Factors determining motion

      • Reference point

      • Distance- how far the object travels

      • Time- how long to travel distance

      • Direction of motion

  • Speed- describes how quickly an object is going

    • V= D/T

  • Velocity-  speed and direction

    • EX: 12 cm/year north

  Constant Speed   vs   Average Speed

  • This speed doesn't vary

  • Stays the exact same

  • EX: Earth's spin

  • Distance/ time it took to travel

  • Not constant

Good Luck!

Exam Study Guide: Science

Basic Stuff

Key Definitions

  • Weight- a measurement; the pull of gravity on an object

  • Mass- the measurement of the amount of atoms in an object

  • Volume- The amount of space an object takes up

  • Density- the measure of the amount of matter in a defined amount of space

  • Unit- A fixed amount of something; centimeter of distance for an example


WEIGHT                     vs                       MASS

  • The pull of gravity on an object

  • Less reliable of a measurement

    • Weight changes depending on location 

  • Amount of atoms in an object

  • More reliable of a measurement

    • Mass is consistent due to the atoms in an object never changing 

SI- International System of Units

  • 1960 establish date

  • Used for trade by all but three countries

  • Units for SI

    • Mass- Gram

    • Length- Meter

    • Liquid- Leiter

    • Weight- Newton


  • A measurement of how much space an object occupies

  • Units

    • Liquid Units

      • Leiter

      • Pint

      • Quart

      • Cup

    • Solid Units

      • Cm

      • M

      • Ft

      • Yd

      • Mi

    • V of a solid= l x W x H

  • Metric system (Stair case)

    • Base Units- meter, gram, liter 

All About Matter

Key vocab 

  • Mass of atoms- this depends on the # of protons and neutrons in the nucleus

  • Mass #- the # of protons and neutrons in 1 atom

  • AVG atomic mass- avg mass of all the isotopes of one element found in nature

  • Isotopes- atoms of the same element that have different number of neutron

  • Matter- anything that takes up space and has mass

  • Physical properties- any characteristic of a matter that can be observed without changing the composition of the matter

  • Chemical properties- a characteristic of a substance that can’t be observed without altering the chemical composition 

  • Chemical change- the change of one substance to another; these changes cannot be reversed

  • Physical change- a change in the physical properties of a substance

  • Law of conservation of mass and matter- the mass of all the substances before a chem or physical change  has to equal the mass of the substance after the change


Necessary Formulas and useful thingies

  • How to calculate the AVG atomic mass

    • EX: B-10  is 20%->  B-10 x .2 = 2u

    •         B-11 is 80% ->   B-11 x .8 = 8.8u 

      • Add them together = 10.8u

  • How to get neutrons

    • N= Protons- mass #

      • Use relative atomic mass for the mass number

  • How to get the Mass #

    • Add together the protons and neutrons in the nucleus 


  • Solids

    • The atoms are vibrating and touching

    • F of A is strong between the atoms

    • Definite volume and shape

  • Liquids

    • Atoms are sliding past each other

    • F of A is not as strong but still there

    • Definite volume, no definite shape

  • Gasses

    • Atoms are loose and going bonkers

    • No F of A

    • No definite shape or volume

  • Plasma

    • When electrons are stripped from the atom

    • Really hot or cold

    • Dense or wispy

Atomic _____

     Atomic number             vs        AVG atomic mass   vs       Atomic mass

  • The number of protons and electrons in an atom

  • The avg of all the isotopes of an atom

  • The # of protons and neutrons in the nucleus


 Temperature scales

  Farenheight               Celcius                        Kelvin

Water Boils




Avg human temp




Room temp




Water freezes



Absolute 0



Physical Property- any characteristics of a matter that can be observed without altering the composition of the matter

  • Physical Change- a change in a physical property

    • EX: bending, change of state, breaking, dissolving

  • Changing states is a physical change cause the chemical formula of the substance does not change

  • Chemical Property- a characteristic of a substance that can’t be observed without altering the chemical composition

    • Substance changes identity (NEW CHEM. FORMULA)

  • Chemical change- change of one substance to another

    • New substance is created

      • Looks/behaves differently

    • Chemical changes cannot be reversed

  • Law of conservation of mass/matter- the mass of all the substances before a chemical or physical change = the mass of the substances AFTER the change

    • Matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical or physical change


  • Substance- matter that has the same composition and properties throughout

    • Compound- 2 or more elements chemically combined in a different ratio that forms a new substance

      • EX:

        • Water

        • Carbon Dioxide

        • Copper II Sulfate

        • Salt

        • Hydrogen Peroxide

    • Element- (ex) Cu Si Fe Na

    • A substance can only be made out of one element or compound

  • Mixture- matter made up out of 2 or more substance that are not chemically combined

    • Mixtures do not always contain the same amounts or %’s of the different substances

      • Homogeneous- A mixture that is evenly spread out

        • Gatorade

        • Coffee

        • Yogurt

        • Blood

        • Air

        • Apple sauce

      • Heterogeneous- a mixture where substances are unevenly spread out

        • Can show layers

        • Cake w/ Frosting

        • Pizza

        • Sand

        • Chicken noodle soup



Ion- An atom that has an electrical charge because it stole or gave away electrons


How the Periodic Table is organized

  • By increasing atomic #

  • For the most part, by increase in atomic mass

  • Groups of elements

    • Group 1 Alkali Metals

    • Group 11 Precious Metals

    • Group 8 Noble gasses

  • Metals on the left, Nonmetals on the right

  • Where the electrons are located in the atom

  • ↑ Groups/ Families

  • → Periods

  • Same characteristics

Special Element Notes

  • Metals

    • 2-12

    • Solids (Except for Hg/H)

    • High melting point

    • Good conductors of heat and electricity

  • Metalloids

    • Staircase/ Red dot

    • Has properties of metals and non metals

  • Non Metals

    • Everything else

    • Gasses

    • Brittle solids

    • Low melting point

    • Poor conductors of electricity and heat

  • Specific groups with characteristics

    • Noble gasses

      • “Snobby Elements”

      • Dont react or combine with other elements

      • Gasses

      • Easily change into plasma with electricity

    • Lanthanide series

      • Elements atomic number #58-71

      • Soft metals 

      • Rare on earth

      • All natural elements (One man made)

    • Actinide series

      • Elements #90-103 

      • Radioactive elements

      • Most man made elements (Three man made)

    • Halogens

      • Unstable elements

    • Precious metals

      • Ag, Au, Cu

      • All hold some sort of economic value

              Neutral Atom       VS  Stable Atom

  • An atom that has the same # of protons and electrons

  • Stable Atoms have a full outer electron shell or 8 outside ones 


  • Subscripts show how many atoms there are in one compound

  • Valence E’s Determine how readily an atom is willing to jump into a chemical bond

    • Alkali want to give (+#)

    • Halogens want to steal (-#)

  • 2 or more different elements chemically bonded to form a new substance


  • Pooling

    • Between metals

    • Sharing of all electrons

    • When atoms hold valence electrons so loosely they are able to flow between atoms

    • C=C

  • Covalent bonds

    • Between non metals

    • Sharing with 2 or less atoms

  • Polar Molecules

    • Molecule with slight uneven charge

    • Uneven sharing of electrons

  • Molecules

    • Atoms of the same or different elements chemically combined by sharing electrons

    • Covalent bonds

  • Binary Compounds

    • Name of first elements

      • Remember roman numeral

    • Root of second element + “-ide”

    • Copper II Sulfide

  • Ionic binary compounds

    • Symbol for positive first and then the negative


  • Covalent binary compounds

    • Always add prefix for the second element

    • -ide for ending

    • If more than one element for the first one, add prefix

    • EX: Sulfur Dioxide

  • Finding oxidation numbers

    • Positive or negative numbers assigned to an IONIC chemical reaction

    • THE TRICKY 5

      • Pb II or Pb IV

      • Hg I or Hg II

      • Fe II or Fe III

      • Sn II or Sn IV

    • The number of electrons an atom must steal in order to become stable



  • Physics - the study of how the universe works 

  • Motion- a change in position for an object 

    • Factors determining motion

      • Reference point

      • Distance- how far the object travels

      • Time- how long to travel distance

      • Direction of motion

  • Speed- describes how quickly an object is going

    • V= D/T

  • Velocity-  speed and direction

    • EX: 12 cm/year north

  Constant Speed   vs   Average Speed

  • This speed doesn't vary

  • Stays the exact same

  • EX: Earth's spin

  • Distance/ time it took to travel

  • Not constant

Good Luck!