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E-commerce: Online Marketing

Lesson 8: Marketing Online


  • Purpose - Here you define goals, write a marketing plan, and a strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.

    • Key Question: Does the business vision inspire and motivate?

  • Research - It’s lengthy but shouldn’t be skipped. It covers much about customers—their wants, needs, segmentation, targeting, as well as information on the competition.

    • Key Question: Do you know why customers buy and if they are profitable?

  • Analyze - It includes analysis of the distribution channels, pricing, data on the competition, market trends, and insights from the customers themselves, all for new opportunities for growth of the business.

    • Key Question: How do I use pricing and solutions to maximize opportunity and create new value to customers?

  • Implement - This is about the application of processes and the methodology for better execution, return on investment (ROI), and sales.

    • Key Question: What social media tools are best to improve marketing and sales?

  • Strategize - the positioning statement that makes the business unique, the development of a marketing objective, a sales plan, and an overall strategy that covers customers, target market, competition, product, price, promotion, distribution, growth, and innovation.

    • Key Question: How can the brand be positioned to make it stand out from the others?

  • Execute and Evaluate - The evaluation is where you identify metrics that you can record, and, thus measure the success of your marketing.

    • Key Question: What’s the best way to measure and evaluate the plan?

Lesson 9: Tools of online marketing research

Social Networking and Bookmarking- Includes Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These services are used by professionals and companies to get to know their customers as well as for the customers to get to know the company.

Polling and Survey- WuFoo is used for making survey forms to embed on your blog. PollDaddy lets you ask a question that you can post on status update sites like Twitter. TwtPoll offers a similar service. Freedback and Google Docs let you make a form for your blog or website.

Blogs- Blogs are excellent in promoting a business, but too much selling can turn people off and annoy potential customers if your blog is like one big advertisement. Great content useful to readers is important.

Analysts and Analytics - There are services online that do research and surveys and publish the results online. Such sites include McKinsey, Forrester, Pew, and IDC. Analytics services, like Google Analytics, collect browsing information on the people who visit your site, which is good for location targeting.

Word bank

  • Brand awareness - marketing that allows levels and trends in consumer knowledge and awareness of a brand’s existence to be quantified.

  • Customer Engagement - engagement of customers with a company or a brand.

  • News Aggregator - website that collects syndicated news on the Internet.


  • Number and origin of visitors

  • Page views per visitor

  • Average duration of visits (length of the user’s visit)

  • Average page duration (viewing time per page)

  • Most popular pages

  • Access paths (sequence of pages from entry to exit)

  • Referring sites (other sites with links to the visited page)

How to get organic web traffic:

  1. A must for any e-commerce site is to use the keywords that are commonly typed in by people in searching for a particular business (product or service). If your business is selling bamboo wind chimes, then you can use keywords in the text like “bamboo,” and “wind chime.”

  2. User Friendliness - It must load quickly with all pages opening easily without any problems. The shoppers must be able to view product images and descriptions without any hitches, which means the pay buttons (PayPal and options) and links to such content must be clearly visible and work at all times.

  3. Content Updates - Fresh content also gives visitors a reason to browse around and see if they’ve missed anything since the last time they dropped by.

  4. Retention - The things that will make them loyal include a great experience, excellent customer service (which includes delivery), quality products, and competitive prices. It also helps if you include content in your blog that will keep customers coming back for more, such as news that you can regularly send to customers via opt-in subscriptions

Word Bank:

  • Backlink - incoming link to a website or web page from another website

  • Conversion Rate - the number of potential customers that convert or make a purchase.

  • Internet Traffic - the flow of data or information over the Internet

  • Organic Traffic - unpaid for or free traffic

  • Keywords - words typed into search engines to get to bring up websites that contain such words.

  • Search Engine Optimization - configuring a website to rank in search results of search engines.

  • Targeted audience - people who are already interested in a product or service offered

  • Web traffic - the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website

Lesson 10: Setting up the online business

E-commerce and the law

  1. Register the company name either with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

  2. Obtain the necessary fees and clearances from the local government units which administer the locale where the business is located.

  3. Purchase special books of account. These are for accounting purposes and will come in handy when dealing with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) at the end of the year.

  4. Apply for a Certificate of Registration (COR) and permanent Tax Identification Number (TIN) for your business at the BIR.

  5. Obtain the Authority to Print Receipts and Invoices from the BIR.

  6. Register your business with the Social Security System (SSS) and the Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund), if you have employees.

  7. Register with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) for your employee health benefit privileges.

  8. World Bank (WB)

  9. International Finance Corporation

Word Bank

  • Brick and mortar - describes the physical existence of a building such as a store.

  • Startup - a new business


E-commerce: Online Marketing

Lesson 8: Marketing Online


  • Purpose - Here you define goals, write a marketing plan, and a strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.

    • Key Question: Does the business vision inspire and motivate?

  • Research - It’s lengthy but shouldn’t be skipped. It covers much about customers—their wants, needs, segmentation, targeting, as well as information on the competition.

    • Key Question: Do you know why customers buy and if they are profitable?

  • Analyze - It includes analysis of the distribution channels, pricing, data on the competition, market trends, and insights from the customers themselves, all for new opportunities for growth of the business.

    • Key Question: How do I use pricing and solutions to maximize opportunity and create new value to customers?

  • Implement - This is about the application of processes and the methodology for better execution, return on investment (ROI), and sales.

    • Key Question: What social media tools are best to improve marketing and sales?

  • Strategize - the positioning statement that makes the business unique, the development of a marketing objective, a sales plan, and an overall strategy that covers customers, target market, competition, product, price, promotion, distribution, growth, and innovation.

    • Key Question: How can the brand be positioned to make it stand out from the others?

  • Execute and Evaluate - The evaluation is where you identify metrics that you can record, and, thus measure the success of your marketing.

    • Key Question: What’s the best way to measure and evaluate the plan?

Lesson 9: Tools of online marketing research

Social Networking and Bookmarking- Includes Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These services are used by professionals and companies to get to know their customers as well as for the customers to get to know the company.

Polling and Survey- WuFoo is used for making survey forms to embed on your blog. PollDaddy lets you ask a question that you can post on status update sites like Twitter. TwtPoll offers a similar service. Freedback and Google Docs let you make a form for your blog or website.

Blogs- Blogs are excellent in promoting a business, but too much selling can turn people off and annoy potential customers if your blog is like one big advertisement. Great content useful to readers is important.

Analysts and Analytics - There are services online that do research and surveys and publish the results online. Such sites include McKinsey, Forrester, Pew, and IDC. Analytics services, like Google Analytics, collect browsing information on the people who visit your site, which is good for location targeting.

Word bank

  • Brand awareness - marketing that allows levels and trends in consumer knowledge and awareness of a brand’s existence to be quantified.

  • Customer Engagement - engagement of customers with a company or a brand.

  • News Aggregator - website that collects syndicated news on the Internet.


  • Number and origin of visitors

  • Page views per visitor

  • Average duration of visits (length of the user’s visit)

  • Average page duration (viewing time per page)

  • Most popular pages

  • Access paths (sequence of pages from entry to exit)

  • Referring sites (other sites with links to the visited page)

How to get organic web traffic:

  1. A must for any e-commerce site is to use the keywords that are commonly typed in by people in searching for a particular business (product or service). If your business is selling bamboo wind chimes, then you can use keywords in the text like “bamboo,” and “wind chime.”

  2. User Friendliness - It must load quickly with all pages opening easily without any problems. The shoppers must be able to view product images and descriptions without any hitches, which means the pay buttons (PayPal and options) and links to such content must be clearly visible and work at all times.

  3. Content Updates - Fresh content also gives visitors a reason to browse around and see if they’ve missed anything since the last time they dropped by.

  4. Retention - The things that will make them loyal include a great experience, excellent customer service (which includes delivery), quality products, and competitive prices. It also helps if you include content in your blog that will keep customers coming back for more, such as news that you can regularly send to customers via opt-in subscriptions

Word Bank:

  • Backlink - incoming link to a website or web page from another website

  • Conversion Rate - the number of potential customers that convert or make a purchase.

  • Internet Traffic - the flow of data or information over the Internet

  • Organic Traffic - unpaid for or free traffic

  • Keywords - words typed into search engines to get to bring up websites that contain such words.

  • Search Engine Optimization - configuring a website to rank in search results of search engines.

  • Targeted audience - people who are already interested in a product or service offered

  • Web traffic - the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website

Lesson 10: Setting up the online business

E-commerce and the law

  1. Register the company name either with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

  2. Obtain the necessary fees and clearances from the local government units which administer the locale where the business is located.

  3. Purchase special books of account. These are for accounting purposes and will come in handy when dealing with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) at the end of the year.

  4. Apply for a Certificate of Registration (COR) and permanent Tax Identification Number (TIN) for your business at the BIR.

  5. Obtain the Authority to Print Receipts and Invoices from the BIR.

  6. Register your business with the Social Security System (SSS) and the Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund), if you have employees.

  7. Register with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) for your employee health benefit privileges.

  8. World Bank (WB)

  9. International Finance Corporation

Word Bank

  • Brick and mortar - describes the physical existence of a building such as a store.

  • Startup - a new business