1. Arch the curved structure which spans an opening
2. Barrel Vault a semi-circular structure made up of successive arches
3. Buttress projected support for a external wall
4. Chimera a monster of Greek invention with a lion’s head and body and a serpents tail
5. Cinerary Urn a vase for the ashes of a cremated person, also referred to as “funerary urn”
6. Concave bulges in
7. Convex bulges out
8. Divination the process of interpreting omens
9. Dome a circular, octagonal, elliptical or polygonal shape which is hemispherical curvature of a roof
10. Effigy the image of a dead person, usually a monument of remembrance
11. Etruscans a people who inhabited central Italy, between the Tiber and the Arno rivers during the 6th and 7th century BC. Their origin is unknown but their great mineral wealth contributed to great urban development.
12. Fibula a clasp or safety pin used to fasten a woman’s gown
13. Granulation the fusing of tiny metal balls to a metal surface for decoration
14. Groin Vault the intersection of two barrel vaults
15. Key-Stone the topmost wedge which locked the arch into place
16. Necropolis a city of the dead
17. Omen an occurrence believed to portend a future event, a foreshadowing of the future
18. Sarcophagus a large stone coffin usually decorated with sculpture and inscriptions
19. Triumphal Arch freestanding arch commemorating an important event such as a military victory or opening a new road
20. Tumulus a tomb in the form of a mound
21. Vault an arched ceiling made of stone, brick or concrete
22. Voussoirs wedge shaped blocks holding the curve of the arch