12ENC Genres

Blogs Online platforms for personal or professional writing.

Diaries Personal records of daily events and thoughts.

Essays Structured written arguments on specific topics.

Reviews Critical evaluations of products, services, or performances.

Investigative Journalism In-depth reporting uncovering hidden information.

Advertisements Promotional content aimed at persuading consumers.

Brochures Informative documents promoting products or services.

Leaflets Single-page flyers providing information or advertising.

Articles Written works published in magazines or newspapers.

Narrative Storytelling format presenting events in sequence.

Editorials Opinion pieces reflecting the publication's viewpoint.

News Stories Reports on current events and developments.

Discursive Writing that explores multiple viewpoints on a topic.

Biographies Detailed accounts of individuals' lives.

Memoirs Personal accounts reflecting on specific life experiences.

Travel Writing Descriptive accounts of journeys and destinations.

Descriptive Writing Vividly detailing scenes, characters, or events.

Scripted Speech Pre-written dialogue for performances or presentations.

Voiceover Narration added to video or audio content.

Neologisms Newly coined words or expressions.

Imperatives Commands or requests in language.

Syntactic Parallelism Repetition of structure in sentences for effect.

Rhetorical Questions Questions posed for effect, not requiring answers.

Loaded Language Emotionally charged words to influence opinions.

Inverted Pyramid Structure News writing style prioritizing the most important information.
