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Week 7: Post-colonialism

→Post-colonialism as the lasting impact of the age of empires and colonies:
- Political consequences
- Economic consequences
- Environmental consequences
→Post-colonialism as a set of theories about knowledge and power
→Post-colonialism as a form of politics and resistance

Cultural consequences:
The ‘Black Atlantic’ as Paul Gilroy writes. New culture emerging from different countries and societies that are connected to the wider world such as the ‘Black Atlantic’ as Paul Gilroy writes it i.e: R&B, Soul music etc.

A: Geographies of knowledge and Edwards Said’s orientalism
Knowledge as -’positioned’ - a call to ‘re-centre’ or ‘de-centre’ our world views.
Dipesh Chakrabarty: Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial thought and historical difference such as de-centralising the idea of progress occurring or centering around Europe


A central theme in postcolonial studies in the need to allow marginalised and oppressed people to have their voice. The term subaltern in this context sometimes just refer to groups that have been marginalized.


Week 7: Post-colonialism

→Post-colonialism as the lasting impact of the age of empires and colonies:
- Political consequences
- Economic consequences
- Environmental consequences
→Post-colonialism as a set of theories about knowledge and power
→Post-colonialism as a form of politics and resistance

Cultural consequences:
The ‘Black Atlantic’ as Paul Gilroy writes. New culture emerging from different countries and societies that are connected to the wider world such as the ‘Black Atlantic’ as Paul Gilroy writes it i.e: R&B, Soul music etc.

A: Geographies of knowledge and Edwards Said’s orientalism
Knowledge as -’positioned’ - a call to ‘re-centre’ or ‘de-centre’ our world views.
Dipesh Chakrabarty: Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial thought and historical difference such as de-centralising the idea of progress occurring or centering around Europe


A central theme in postcolonial studies in the need to allow marginalised and oppressed people to have their voice. The term subaltern in this context sometimes just refer to groups that have been marginalized.
