Unit 9: Human Development 11/01/2023 Preventative over reactive Wholistic Developmental theories
Nature vs Nurture
Continuity vs discontinuity
Ramp vs staircase
Smooth/gradual, kids are little adults, continuous growth
Discrete stages and phases, qualitatively different child vs adult
Chrysalis vs butterfly distinctly discontinuous
Qualitative phase-like shift about who you have to care about
May explain as discontinuous but be continuous
May see stashes but at a molecular level it is gradual and linked, realized at specific milestones
Ecological Model
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Cannot statistically test it but isn’t very disputed
What influences a child
Child level factors-Innermost ring is nature (sex at birth, intelligence, health)
Micro system-regular direct contact with children (constant influence-parents, teachers, friends) influence through modelling, rewards, and more
Mesosystem-direct interaction between people and themselves (relationship between Mom & Dad, between coach and teacher, between friends, etc.)
Exosystem-indirect influences (people you don’t talk to in class but are still there, atmosphere of neighbourhood can impact you even if you don’t know everyone)
Macrosystem-religion, geographical identity, ethnicity (racialized or marginalized), music
Chronosystem-macro level stuff specific to a historical time period (era of smartphones, airplane travel, COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Depression)
Could include an evolution of health like sleep, nutrition
Didn’t account for influencing outwards
Psychosexual developmental
Sigmund Freud
How we resolve unconscious desires
Achieve pleasure and satisfaction
Lawrence Kohlberg
How we decide what is right and wrong
Heinz dilemma
Small, isolated village and had a spouse, pharmacist with cure and only option is to steal it to save your spouse or letting your spouse die
Physical development
Physiological understanding of development
Motor development (CNS to PNS)
Ability to move and coordination
Growth patterns
Cephalocaudal-head to tail-head biggest eventually legs get bigger
Proximodistal-vital organs and outward (arms last)
Differentiation-specialization-stem cells, human eyes (light sensors, cornea, lens, etc), grasping (flapper, sock puppet, pincher)
Jean Piaget
“Mommy blogger”
Recognize patterns
Thoughts and understanding
Problem solving
Perspective taking
Mental understanding
Emotional bonds with others
Mary Ainsworth
Relationships (secure, avoidant, anxious)
Psychosocial development
Erik Erikson
Social bonds, less emotional
Unconscious conflict
Step-like pathway
Trust or not, married or single
Can go back down the stairs
Prenatal development
Physical standpoint
Zygote-2 weeks
Not yet connected to parents bloodstream-can still get drunk because not attached to bloodstream
Embryo-2.5 months
Dangerous stuff happens ie. Miscarriage
Specialization occurs
Most sensitive to toxins and chemicals
Fetus-6 months
No further specialization
Growth and maturation
Can harm the offspring
Disease (HIV, syphillis, rubella, Zika (microencphaly), STDs, etc.), drugs (cocaine, alcohol, heroin, nicotine, aspirin, anti-depressants), toxic chemicals (household cleaners, sun, lead, mercury (fish), pesticides)
Trimesters are parent-centred
Infancy (0-3 years)
7.5lbs +/- 1.25 lbs
Normal distribution
~68% of population (1SD)
~95% of population (2SD)
<5lbs, could not be fully developed/not stable on its own/not enough fat for temp regulation, genetic atypicality linked to disorder
10lbs, risk of infantile diabetes, pituitary gland issues
Brain maturation
Reflexes, cough/sneeze
Body proportions
Sleep and rest
Newborn reflexes
Babinski-stroke the bottom of the foot (spread toes)
Moro-startle (arms out and arch back, balance and inner ear)
Rooting-touch cheek (turn head towards the side, allows to find nipple)
Sucking-hard to drink from nipple or baby bottle
Motor development
Lift head-1 month
Lift chest-2 months
Reach-3 months (intent/coordination)
Sit with support-4 months (abdominal and back muscles)
Hold objects-5 months (flapper/sock puppet)
Sit alone-6 months (requires longer legs, not just muscles)
Crawl-7-9 months (knee scooting, butt scooting)
Stand with help-8-11 months
Walk-12 months
Hop/stairs/walk backwards-2 years+
Oral (0-2 years)
Pleasure and comfort through mouth
If insufficient could bite nails, smoke, chew gum
Anal (2-3 years)
Control and shame
Anxious about making mistakes and tense up physically
Trust vs mistrust (0-1 years)
Meeting needs and learn to trust people
Autonomy vs doubt (2-3 years)
Dress themselves, feed themselves, independence
Helicoptering leads to doubt and micromanaging
Harry Harlow
Comfort and security?
Drink and cuddle turned out normal
Most time spent with cuddle mom debunking Freud
Stimulations of nervous system through skin to skin causes chemical response
Infancy (cont.)
Strange Situation
Step 1: Care giver and infant enter research lab
Step 2: Infant is given time and space to explore toys
Step 3: Stranger enters the research lab, infant is watched for response
Step 4: First separation, caregiver leaves the room, stranger attempts to comfort, infant’s response is observed
Step 5: First reunion, caregiver enter room, infant’s response is observed, stranger leaves room
Step 6: second situation, caregiver leave room, infant’s response is observed
Step 7: stranger enters, stranger attempts to comfort
Step 8: second reunion, caregiver enters room, infant response is observed
Attachment types
Secure: separation=upset, reunion=comforted
Avoidant: indifferent
Can be normal and adaptive response
Anxious: separation=distressed, reunion=hostile
Doesn’t show one of the three patterns
Red flag-doesn’t know what to expect
Unpredictable relationship, can be a sign of abuse and neglect
Could be a sign of developmental issue
Sensorimotor stage-responses
Exploring the environment
Cause and effect
Ex. Kick crib=mobile moves—motor=sensation
Cannot spoil an infant with attention
Less than 4 months will attempt to imitate individual
9-12 months do so voluntarily
Object permanence
Less than 6 months don’t have it
Ex. tracking ball behind object, look longer if wrong colour ball comes out
Have a sense of physics
Early Childhood (Ages 3-6)
Pre-conventional stages 1/2
“I don’t want to get in trouble/I want to get rewarded”
Avoiding punishments/towards rewards
Psychosexual (Ages 3-7)
Social somparisons
Oedipus (ie. Freud had a thing for his Mom)
Penis envy (ie. Girls find out men have penises and think they’re missing something)
Psychosocial (ages 3-6)
Initiative vs guilt
Can you invite yourself to play
Pre-operational stage
Symbolism • 2=two things, two fingers
Drawn flower is a symbol for a flower
Can understand and read maps
Think everyone sees what they see
Hide behind hands since they cant see you
Centred thinking
Sort by suit/number
Volume (focus on height and think you’re making more liquid)
Number (can count, but feel like there’s more, length over quantity)
Length (only ending to see if longer, vary based on reading left to right or right to left)
Late Childhood (Ages 7-11, grades 1-5, roughly)
Conventional stages 3/4
“I want to fit in with others/I want to follow the rules”
Be good to spouse/people don’t steal
Religious rules/family rules/Canadian laws
Would steal because you made a vow
Parent-child attachment influences
Teacher-child relationships
Influences default-type relationship you will form with others
Industriousness vs inferiority (Ages 7-11)
Sense of self which can be good or bad
Industriousness, gold stars, do good on tests
Inferiority- ADHD, learning disability, teacher or classmates label as bad
Follow their labels
Teachers told they have good classes, did well, told they were a problem, did bad
Concrete operational stage
Math operations
Can do without manipulatives
Logic problems
Tower of Hanoi
Adolescence (Ages 12-18)
Growth spurt
Menarche (~11.5 year)
Semenarche (~13.5 years)
Secondary sex characteristics
Genital stage (11 years+)
Can feel guilty about sex or be turned on by “dirty talk” because it feels dirty
Identity vs confusion
Different extracurricular, think about future, group of friends (cliques)
If do not find identity, get confused
Formal operational
Abstract reasoning
Advanced math that you cannot draw
Hypothetical thinking
“If, then” statements which don’t make sense
If you hit a glass with a feather it will break, what will happen if you hit a glass with a feather
If you could have a 3rd eye where would it be
Deductive reasoning
Solving problems without trial and error
Looking at previous attempts
Adolescent egocentrism
Imaginary audience
“everyone is looking at me”
They’re not going to have the bad stuff happen to them, it happens to other people
Gonna be a rockstar
Gonna win the contest
Emerging adulthood (Ages 18-25ish)
Post-conventional stages 5/6
“I owe it to them/I know it is the right thing”
Cognitive peak
Brain development
Pathways matured
At 25 you plateau your level of idiocracy
Psychosocial (18-30ish)
Intimacy vs isolation
Forefront of their mind
Romantic relationship
Fear of commitment
Transfers to romantic relationship from other relationships, unless traumatic event
One reliable support person regardless of relationship (even a pet), can flip to secure attachment
Break up over long distance relationships, convince them to stay, constant mistrust, jealous and possessive
Song examples
Ill be watching you-the police—-jealous/anxious insecure
“Im in a relationship with all my bitches yuh” avoidant attachments
You’re still the one
Barney the dinosaur
20/01/2023 Middle Adulthood (35-60)
Generativity vs stagnation
Preoccupied with carreers or work
Meaningful impact
Could be volunteering
Helping next generation
Dead end job that doesn’t matter
Attachment styles as parents
Securely attached person becomes securely attached parent
Firm but flexible
Brick wall parent-rules are rules, have to follow them
Avoidant person
Ghost parent-absentee
Avoidant person
Helicopter/steamroller parents-ensure safety no matter what
Jellyfish parents-no backbone
Marriage & divorce
Attachment style may predict divorce and separation
Elder hood (60+)
Oxytocin goes down so stop crying about people as much
Don’t put up with any shit
Menopause/puberty at the same time is fighting central
Testosterone drops
Integrity vs despair
Look back and be satisfied with your life
Face death’s door with integrity=satisfied life
Things you didn’t do=despair