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Vocabulary 1-21

Homogeneity-the quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind.

Epigram-a remark expressing an idea in a clever way.

Exultation- a feeling of triumphant elation or jubilation; rejoicing

Coherence- The quality of being logical or consistent

Bootlegger- A person who sells or distributes goods illegally.

Tumult- A loud or confused noise, especially made by a large mass of people

Abortive- Failing to produce the intended result.

Caterwaul- Make a howling noise

Vehemently- In an intense manner or with great feeling

Levity- Treating something that's serious with a lacking manner/humor

Fractiousness- The quality of being easily upset or annoyed

Incessantly- Without interruption, constantly

Flappers- Fashionable women who are free and live an outgoing lifestyle.

Disintegrate- Break up into very small pieces or ash.

Cat- Four legged furry thing

Rajah - an Indian king or prince

Julep - a sweet flavored drink made from a sugar syrup, sometimes containing alcohol or medication

Melodious - pleasant sounding

Acquaintance- a person’s knowledge or experience with something

Bleared - to make dim or to blurr

Impetuously - marked by impulsive vehemence or passion

Cataracts - a large waterfall

Punctilious- showing great attention to detail

Solemn- formal and dignified

Armistice - a agreement by opposing sides to stop fighting

Dilatory- slow to act

Peremptory - insisting of immediate attention or obedience

Triumphantly- in a way that shows great happiness at a victory

Jauntiness - quality of being happy

Innumerable-too many to be counted

Omnibus- a bus

Vitality- The state of being strong and active.

Inquiry- The act of asking for information

Glaring- Staring fiercely or fixedly

Ineffable- too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.

Aquaplane - A water vehicle that is sliding uncontrollably in the water

Florid-having a red or flushed complexion.

Cornice- An ornamental molding around a room

Oblivion- The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening

Perspire- To sweat from physical exertion or stress

Gaudy- To be extremely bright or showy to be tasteless.

Follies- Foolishness or lack of self sense.

Sumptuous- Splendid and expensive looking

Erroneous- To be wrong, or incorrect

Surmise- To suppose that something may be true

Individualistically- In a way that relates to a particular person or group

Inexplicable- Unable to be explained or accounted for

Prodigality- To spend money foolishly or wastefully

Tactlessly- In a way that is likely to annoy or upset people

Demoniac- Like a demon

Debut- A person's first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role.

Echolalia- The meaningless repetition of words

Jovial- Cheerful and friendly

He smiled in a jovial condensation

Ramification- A consequence of an action or events.

Rakish- Having or displaying a dashing appearance

Penitentiary- A prison for people convicted or serious crimes

Complacency- A feeling of satisfaction with oneself.

Ammonia- A gas with suffocating odor

Hubris- Excessive pride or self confidence

Bloodcurdling- Causing terror or horror

Ominous- giving the impression that something bad unpleasant is going to happen.

Banshee- Female irish spirit that senses death in a house.

Grisly- Gruesome and bloody

Apparition- a ghost or ghostlike image of a person

Macabre- disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury.

Wendigo- Person who turned into a monster by partaking cannibal

Eerie-  Strange and Frightening

Cauldron- Large pot or kettle

Phantasm-  a figment of the imagination; an illusion or apparition.

Unearthly- Unnatural and mysterious in a disturbing way.

Hex- A magic spell or curse

Phantom- A ghostly apparition.

Poltergeist- A ghost or other supernatural being responsible for loud noises.

Somnambulatory- to walk while asleep

Obliging- Willing to do a service or kindness

Stormily- In a stormy or violent manner

Postern-A back or side entrance

Discreet- Careful and circumspect in ones speech or action

Reveries-Pleasantly lost in ones thought or daydream

Clamorous- Making a loud and confused noise

Notoriety- The state of being famous for something bad or doing a bad deed.

Veranda- A roofed platform along the outside of the house.

Grotesque- Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

Sporadic- Occurring whenever or not punctual

Redolent- Strongly reminiscent or suggestive

Scrutiny- A critical observation or examination

Perturbed- feeling anxiety or concern


Scanty-Small or insufficient amount

Hitherto-Until now, until the point of discussion

Ceaselessly-Continuously,without end

Sparse-Thinly dispersed or scattered

Infinite-Having no limitless or boundaries in time or space

Shrewd-Having or showing sharp powers of judgement

Deft-Neatly skillful, quick in one's movements

Extemporizing-Produce something without preparation

Morality-Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong, good and bad behavior

Vigilant-Keeping careful watch

pillory-wooden frame that has a hole for a head and arms

Scourge-To whip someone as punishment


Dwelt- To live at a specific place

Machinations-A plot or scheme

Provision-provide or supplying something for use

Artillery-Large guns used in war

plash-A sound of liquid when splashing

Cullion-Mean or base fellow

Foregone-Inevitably determined in advance

Dam-The female parent of an animal

Bauble-Small and showy trinkets


Coffer- A strong chest or box

Garrulous-excessively talkative

Supercilious-In Showing arrogant superiority

Eccentric-Unconventional or strange behavior

Disembodied-Separated from or existing without the body

Cataclysmic-Relating to a natural or violent event

Feign-To pretend

Narcissistic-To be full of oneself with appearance

Reciprocal-Concerning each of two or more persons or things


Incredulous-Unwilling or unable to believe

Diminish-To make or become less

Vacuous-Lacking ideas or intelligence, stupid

Prideful-Having an excessively high opinion of one's self

Consensus-A general agreement

Ignominy-Public shame or disgrace

Contumely-Insulting language or treatment

Tribunal-A court of justice

transgression-An act that goes against the law

Prate-To chatter

Inquity-Immoral or grossly unfair behavior

frailty-to be weak

Scaffold-Raised platform

Froward-a person who is difficult to deal with

Mew-To shut up or lock away

Discomfit-To make someone uneasy or embarrassed

Dotard-An old person

Parle-To talk

Vile-Extremely unpleasant

Henceforth-From this, or that time on

Wondrous-Invoking the feeling of wonder


Patrimony-Inherited form a male ancestor

Gamut-Complete range of something

Knavery-A roguish act

Gall-Bold behavior

Rudiment-The basic principles of a subject

Quaff-To drink


Modesties-Self Restraint

Thralled-Enslaved person


Prerogative-A privilege specific to a certain class

Austerity-Severity of manner or attitude

Fustian-Coarse Cloth


Countenance-Admit as acceptable or possible

Bemoiled- Muddied

Wench-A girl or young woman (derogatory) ppl of lower socioeconomic status

Rail-To scold harshly

Dictum-An authoritative declaration or statement

Jostle-To make one’s way by pushing or shoving

Lacerate-To cut or tear

Resilient-Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficulty

Scornful-A feeling of depression

Ponderous-Slow because of great weight

Sauntered-To walk in a slow manner

Dishevelment-A state in which everything is out of order

Disparity-Difference in level or treatment especially one that is seen as unfair

Commiserate-Feel or express sympathy or compassion

Pacify-To quell the anger of

Ail-To be unwell

Fracas-Loud ruckus or noise

Ostentatiously-In a showy way to impress


Sodden- Saturated with liquid especially water

Quell-To put an end to something

Menial-Not requiring much skill and lacking prestige

Eloquent-Fluent speaking or writing

Atrocity-An act of cruelty

Wade-Walk with effort through water or another liquid.

Languished-Lose or lack vitality

Homage- Special honor or respect shown publicaly

Spectacle-A visually striking display

Cowed-Cause someone to submit due to intimidation

Blunder-A stupid mistake

Rile-To make someone mad or annoyed

Temporized-To stall for time

Mien-In a dignified manner or conduct

Finite-Having limits or bounds

Lulled-To calm or send to sleep

Feeble- Weak

Staunch-Loyal and committed in attitude

Sprawled-To lie in an awkward way


Scimitar-A short sword with a curved blade

Dudgeon-A feeling of offense and deep resentment

Ornery-Bad tempered

Percale-Closely woven fine cloth

Brabble-To argue stubbornly about something

Senile-Having or showing the cognitive weakness of old age

Loath-Reluctant and unwilling

Vied-To compete for superiority

Budding-Showing signs of promise in a career or field

Pittance-A small amount of something

Disdainful-Showing contempt or lack of respect

Pugnacious-Eager or quick to argue

Consolate-To make feel better about something

Peruse-To read something in a thoughtful way

Dilated-To make or become wider or larger

Gumption-Spirited initiative or resourcefulness

Ardent-Enthusiastic or passionate

Atrocious-Horrifyingly wicked

Stolid-Dependable, showing little emotion

Temerity-Excessive confidence

Nuance-A subtle difference in meaning

Pullet-A young chicken

Dissolution-The action or process of dissolving

Testy-Easily irritated

Abate-To become less intense

Pestilence-A fatal epidemic disease

Proffer-Present for acceptance or rejection

Fodder-Food for livestock

Indiscriminate-To do at random without judgment

Orator-A public speaker

Meriny-A skin complexion color (browned egg white

Delirium-A disturbed state of mind

Extremity-The furthest point or limit of something

Scoundrel-A dishonest or unprincipled person

Inaudible-Impossible to hear

Plethora-A large or excessive amount of something


Cherubim-Religious angel babies

Vocabulary 1-21

Homogeneity-the quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind.

Epigram-a remark expressing an idea in a clever way.

Exultation- a feeling of triumphant elation or jubilation; rejoicing

Coherence- The quality of being logical or consistent

Bootlegger- A person who sells or distributes goods illegally.

Tumult- A loud or confused noise, especially made by a large mass of people

Abortive- Failing to produce the intended result.

Caterwaul- Make a howling noise

Vehemently- In an intense manner or with great feeling

Levity- Treating something that's serious with a lacking manner/humor

Fractiousness- The quality of being easily upset or annoyed

Incessantly- Without interruption, constantly

Flappers- Fashionable women who are free and live an outgoing lifestyle.

Disintegrate- Break up into very small pieces or ash.

Cat- Four legged furry thing

Rajah - an Indian king or prince

Julep - a sweet flavored drink made from a sugar syrup, sometimes containing alcohol or medication

Melodious - pleasant sounding

Acquaintance- a person’s knowledge or experience with something

Bleared - to make dim or to blurr

Impetuously - marked by impulsive vehemence or passion

Cataracts - a large waterfall

Punctilious- showing great attention to detail

Solemn- formal and dignified

Armistice - a agreement by opposing sides to stop fighting

Dilatory- slow to act

Peremptory - insisting of immediate attention or obedience

Triumphantly- in a way that shows great happiness at a victory

Jauntiness - quality of being happy

Innumerable-too many to be counted

Omnibus- a bus

Vitality- The state of being strong and active.

Inquiry- The act of asking for information

Glaring- Staring fiercely or fixedly

Ineffable- too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.

Aquaplane - A water vehicle that is sliding uncontrollably in the water

Florid-having a red or flushed complexion.

Cornice- An ornamental molding around a room

Oblivion- The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening

Perspire- To sweat from physical exertion or stress

Gaudy- To be extremely bright or showy to be tasteless.

Follies- Foolishness or lack of self sense.

Sumptuous- Splendid and expensive looking

Erroneous- To be wrong, or incorrect

Surmise- To suppose that something may be true

Individualistically- In a way that relates to a particular person or group

Inexplicable- Unable to be explained or accounted for

Prodigality- To spend money foolishly or wastefully

Tactlessly- In a way that is likely to annoy or upset people

Demoniac- Like a demon

Debut- A person's first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role.

Echolalia- The meaningless repetition of words

Jovial- Cheerful and friendly

He smiled in a jovial condensation

Ramification- A consequence of an action or events.

Rakish- Having or displaying a dashing appearance

Penitentiary- A prison for people convicted or serious crimes

Complacency- A feeling of satisfaction with oneself.

Ammonia- A gas with suffocating odor

Hubris- Excessive pride or self confidence

Bloodcurdling- Causing terror or horror

Ominous- giving the impression that something bad unpleasant is going to happen.

Banshee- Female irish spirit that senses death in a house.

Grisly- Gruesome and bloody

Apparition- a ghost or ghostlike image of a person

Macabre- disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury.

Wendigo- Person who turned into a monster by partaking cannibal

Eerie-  Strange and Frightening

Cauldron- Large pot or kettle

Phantasm-  a figment of the imagination; an illusion or apparition.

Unearthly- Unnatural and mysterious in a disturbing way.

Hex- A magic spell or curse

Phantom- A ghostly apparition.

Poltergeist- A ghost or other supernatural being responsible for loud noises.

Somnambulatory- to walk while asleep

Obliging- Willing to do a service or kindness

Stormily- In a stormy or violent manner

Postern-A back or side entrance

Discreet- Careful and circumspect in ones speech or action

Reveries-Pleasantly lost in ones thought or daydream

Clamorous- Making a loud and confused noise

Notoriety- The state of being famous for something bad or doing a bad deed.

Veranda- A roofed platform along the outside of the house.

Grotesque- Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

Sporadic- Occurring whenever or not punctual

Redolent- Strongly reminiscent or suggestive

Scrutiny- A critical observation or examination

Perturbed- feeling anxiety or concern


Scanty-Small or insufficient amount

Hitherto-Until now, until the point of discussion

Ceaselessly-Continuously,without end

Sparse-Thinly dispersed or scattered

Infinite-Having no limitless or boundaries in time or space

Shrewd-Having or showing sharp powers of judgement

Deft-Neatly skillful, quick in one's movements

Extemporizing-Produce something without preparation

Morality-Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong, good and bad behavior

Vigilant-Keeping careful watch

pillory-wooden frame that has a hole for a head and arms

Scourge-To whip someone as punishment


Dwelt- To live at a specific place

Machinations-A plot or scheme

Provision-provide or supplying something for use

Artillery-Large guns used in war

plash-A sound of liquid when splashing

Cullion-Mean or base fellow

Foregone-Inevitably determined in advance

Dam-The female parent of an animal

Bauble-Small and showy trinkets


Coffer- A strong chest or box

Garrulous-excessively talkative

Supercilious-In Showing arrogant superiority

Eccentric-Unconventional or strange behavior

Disembodied-Separated from or existing without the body

Cataclysmic-Relating to a natural or violent event

Feign-To pretend

Narcissistic-To be full of oneself with appearance

Reciprocal-Concerning each of two or more persons or things


Incredulous-Unwilling or unable to believe

Diminish-To make or become less

Vacuous-Lacking ideas or intelligence, stupid

Prideful-Having an excessively high opinion of one's self

Consensus-A general agreement

Ignominy-Public shame or disgrace

Contumely-Insulting language or treatment

Tribunal-A court of justice

transgression-An act that goes against the law

Prate-To chatter

Inquity-Immoral or grossly unfair behavior

frailty-to be weak

Scaffold-Raised platform

Froward-a person who is difficult to deal with

Mew-To shut up or lock away

Discomfit-To make someone uneasy or embarrassed

Dotard-An old person

Parle-To talk

Vile-Extremely unpleasant

Henceforth-From this, or that time on

Wondrous-Invoking the feeling of wonder


Patrimony-Inherited form a male ancestor

Gamut-Complete range of something

Knavery-A roguish act

Gall-Bold behavior

Rudiment-The basic principles of a subject

Quaff-To drink


Modesties-Self Restraint

Thralled-Enslaved person


Prerogative-A privilege specific to a certain class

Austerity-Severity of manner or attitude

Fustian-Coarse Cloth


Countenance-Admit as acceptable or possible

Bemoiled- Muddied

Wench-A girl or young woman (derogatory) ppl of lower socioeconomic status

Rail-To scold harshly

Dictum-An authoritative declaration or statement

Jostle-To make one’s way by pushing or shoving

Lacerate-To cut or tear

Resilient-Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficulty

Scornful-A feeling of depression

Ponderous-Slow because of great weight

Sauntered-To walk in a slow manner

Dishevelment-A state in which everything is out of order

Disparity-Difference in level or treatment especially one that is seen as unfair

Commiserate-Feel or express sympathy or compassion

Pacify-To quell the anger of

Ail-To be unwell

Fracas-Loud ruckus or noise

Ostentatiously-In a showy way to impress


Sodden- Saturated with liquid especially water

Quell-To put an end to something

Menial-Not requiring much skill and lacking prestige

Eloquent-Fluent speaking or writing

Atrocity-An act of cruelty

Wade-Walk with effort through water or another liquid.

Languished-Lose or lack vitality

Homage- Special honor or respect shown publicaly

Spectacle-A visually striking display

Cowed-Cause someone to submit due to intimidation

Blunder-A stupid mistake

Rile-To make someone mad or annoyed

Temporized-To stall for time

Mien-In a dignified manner or conduct

Finite-Having limits or bounds

Lulled-To calm or send to sleep

Feeble- Weak

Staunch-Loyal and committed in attitude

Sprawled-To lie in an awkward way


Scimitar-A short sword with a curved blade

Dudgeon-A feeling of offense and deep resentment

Ornery-Bad tempered

Percale-Closely woven fine cloth

Brabble-To argue stubbornly about something

Senile-Having or showing the cognitive weakness of old age

Loath-Reluctant and unwilling

Vied-To compete for superiority

Budding-Showing signs of promise in a career or field

Pittance-A small amount of something

Disdainful-Showing contempt or lack of respect

Pugnacious-Eager or quick to argue

Consolate-To make feel better about something

Peruse-To read something in a thoughtful way

Dilated-To make or become wider or larger

Gumption-Spirited initiative or resourcefulness

Ardent-Enthusiastic or passionate

Atrocious-Horrifyingly wicked

Stolid-Dependable, showing little emotion

Temerity-Excessive confidence

Nuance-A subtle difference in meaning

Pullet-A young chicken

Dissolution-The action or process of dissolving

Testy-Easily irritated

Abate-To become less intense

Pestilence-A fatal epidemic disease

Proffer-Present for acceptance or rejection

Fodder-Food for livestock

Indiscriminate-To do at random without judgment

Orator-A public speaker

Meriny-A skin complexion color (browned egg white

Delirium-A disturbed state of mind

Extremity-The furthest point or limit of something

Scoundrel-A dishonest or unprincipled person

Inaudible-Impossible to hear

Plethora-A large or excessive amount of something


Cherubim-Religious angel babies
