psy235 exam #2

  1. Autobiographical Reasoning: Ability to find meaningful conclusions of self from experience

  2. Big Five: Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience

  3. Ego: The “I”

  4. Identity: Involves exploring possible roles/goals and eventually committing to them

  5. Narrative Identity: Constantly changing story of self based on reflection to give life a purpose

  6. Redemptive Narratives: Life stories affirming that improvement is important

  7. Reflexivity: The “I” reflects on itself to create the “Me”

  8. Self as Autobiographical Author: Sense of self as a storyteller reflecting on past and predicting future

  9. Self as Motivated Agent: Sense of self as a force striving for goals

  10. Self as Social Actor: Sense of self whose behavior is based on traits/roles

  11. Social Reputation: Traits and social roles others attribute to you

  12. Age 5-to-7 Shift: Changes that occur in elementary years resulting in more intent towards goals

  13. Theory of Mind: Understanding others have their own desires and motivations

  14. Affective Forecasting: Predicting how we will feel after an event

  15. Automatic: A process with 1+ of the following: unintentional, uncontrollable, unconscious, efficient

  16. Availability Heuristic: Likelihood of an event is based on how easily it comes to mind

  17. Chameleon Effect: Tendency for individuals to nonconsciously mimic behavior of others during interactions

  18. Directional Goals: Motivation to reach a specific outcome

  19. Durability Bias: One overestimates how long they will feel an emotion

  20. Explicit Attitude: Conscious belief

  21. Heuristics: Mental shortcuts that reduce complex problem-solving

  22. Hot Cognition: Mental processes influences by feelings

  23. Impact Bias: One overestimates how intense they will feel an emotion

  24. Implicit Attitude: Nonconscious belief

  25. Mood-Congruent Memory: Tendency to recall memories with a mood similar to current mood

  26. Motivated Skepticism: One is skeptical of evidence because it goes against a directional goal

  27. Planning Fallacy: One underestimates how long a task will take

  28. Primed: A concept is more accessible cognitively through presentation of the concept

  29. Representativeness Heuristic: Likelihood of an object belonging to a category is based on matching the appearance to idea of the category

  30. Schema: Mental model for organizing information

  31. Social Cognition: Study of how people think about the social world
