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English final

Assuage-to make less severe, to ease

Morbid-relating to or caused by disease, gruesome 


Judicious- exhibiting sound judgment

Auspicious- favorable, successful

Quell- to put down forcibly

Inquisitive- overly curious eager to learn

Ingenuous- straightforward candid

Evasion- the act of avoiding 

Propensity- an inclination

Haughty- proud and vain to the point of arrogance

The man was Haughty since he earned so much money he loss touch of reality

Prerogative- an exclusive right

The photos she sent me were Prerogative because she was undressed

Resilient- recovering quickly from misfortune or illness

My grandma had a Resilient recovery from the flu

Succinct- concise

Futile- useless 

He was Futile to the company because he did nothing all day

Affluent- wealthy

Glean- to collect bit by bit

Subtlety- something that is not obvious

Caliber- degree of worth

Furtive- marked by sneakiness

Spurious- lacking authenticity

English final

Assuage-to make less severe, to ease

Morbid-relating to or caused by disease, gruesome 


Judicious- exhibiting sound judgment

Auspicious- favorable, successful

Quell- to put down forcibly

Inquisitive- overly curious eager to learn

Ingenuous- straightforward candid

Evasion- the act of avoiding 

Propensity- an inclination

Haughty- proud and vain to the point of arrogance

The man was Haughty since he earned so much money he loss touch of reality

Prerogative- an exclusive right

The photos she sent me were Prerogative because she was undressed

Resilient- recovering quickly from misfortune or illness

My grandma had a Resilient recovery from the flu

Succinct- concise

Futile- useless 

He was Futile to the company because he did nothing all day

Affluent- wealthy

Glean- to collect bit by bit

Subtlety- something that is not obvious

Caliber- degree of worth

Furtive- marked by sneakiness

Spurious- lacking authenticity